Desenvolvimento de um sinal em Português Brasileiro para mensuração in situ das próteses auditivas
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Introdução: A maioria das formulas prescritivas tem como foco principal a amplificacao da fala. No entanto, os procedimentos convencionais utilizados para verificacao das proteses auditivas fazem uso de sons artificiais como tons puros ou ruidos, na expectativa de que tais medidas representem o desempenho da protese auditiva na amplificacao da fala. Boas praticas recomendam o uso de sinais de fala ou de varredura de fala para verificacao do ganho e/ou saida da protese auditiva. Holube et al. (2010), desenvolveram o International Speech Test Signal (ISTS) para utilizacao em equipamentos de verificacao a partir de gravacoes em seis linguas diferentes. Apesar de o sinal ISTS corresponder aos padroes normativos estabelecidos pelo IEC 60118-15, sua principal caracteristica de ininteligibilidade nao permite a interacao clinico/paciente no que se refere a avaliacao subjetiva da inteligibilidade da fala amplificada. Estimulos inteligiveis de fala atualmente disponiveis sao apenas em Ingles, o que cria uma barreira linguistica quando a verificacao e realizada em uma populacao que nao a de lingua inglesa. Objetivo: Desenvolver um sinal em Portugues Brasileiro eletroacusticamente similar ao International Speech Test Signal (ISTS) para avaliacao de proteses auditivas em equipamentos com microfone-sonda. Metodos: Um texto contendo frases declarativas simples em Portugues Brasileiro foi gravado por um falante do genero feminino nativo da lingua Portuguesa utilizando-se equipamentos e procedimentos de padrao internacional. O sinal nao amplificado foi ajustado ao espectro de fala do International Long Term Average Speech Spectra (ILTASS) e comparado ao ISTS. Para verificacao do sinal amplificado em Portugues a gravacao inicial foi dividida em tres segmentos curtos de aproximadamente 15 segundos cada. As medicoes das quatro versoes do sinal amplificado (gravacao completa mais tres trechos de 15 segundos cada) foram realizadas por meio de um sistema comercial para verificacao de proteses auditivas atraves da utilizacao da caixa-teste do equipamento com duas proteses auditivas diferentes programadas para perdas de audicao de grau moderado, moderadamente severo e severo em tres niveis de entrada. Resultados: O espectro do sinal nao amplificado em Portugues e de seus segmentos apresentaram diferenca media ≤ a 0.5 dB em comparacao ao ISTS. A verificacao do sinal amplificado completo em Portugues e segmentos apresentaram diferenca media de ate 0.9 dB, com diferenca de ate 2dB por audiograma e area dinamica analoga ao ISTS diferindo em ate 3.1dB. Conclusoes: O sinal de fala em Portugues Brasileiro desenvolvido neste estudo fornece uma avaliacao eletroacustica da protese auditiva similar a obtida por meio do sinal padrao ISTS
Introduction: The majority of prescriptive formulae aims to amplify speech sounds. However, hearing aid gain is typically measured by using standardized nonspeech signals, e.g., speechweighted broadband noise, or modulated noise. Recommended practice is to verify the gain and/or output of hearing aids with speech or speechshaped signals. Holube et al. (2010) developed the International Speech Test Signal (ISTS) for use in real ear measurement systems from recordings of six different languages. Although the ISTS matches the normative standards established by IEC 6011815 its main feature of unintelligibility does not allow interaction clinician / patient regarding the subjective assessment of aided speech intelligibility. Intelligible speech signals are currently available only in English, which creates a language barrier when the test is performed in nonEnglish speakers’ .Objective: This study has the purpose of developing a speech test signal in Brazilian Portuguese that is electroacoustically similar to the International Speech Test Signal (ISTS) for use in real ear verification systems. Methods: A Brazilian Portuguese speech passage was recorded using standardized equipment and procedures for one female talker and compared to ISTS. The passage consisted of simple, declarative sentences making a total of 148 words. The recordings of a Brazilian Portuguese passage were adjusted to the ILTASS and compared to the International Speech Test Signal (ISTS). Aided recordings were made at three test levels, for three audiograms for the Brazilian Portuguese passage and the ISTS. Results: The unaided test signals were spectrally matched to within 0.5 dB. Aided evaluation revealed that the Brazilian Portuguese passage produced aided spectra that were within 1 dB on average, within about 2 dB per audiogram, and within about 3 dB per frequency for 95% of fittings. Conclusion: the Brazilian Portuguese passage developed in this study provides similar electroacoustic hearing aid evaluations to those expected from the standard ISTS passage.
Introduction: The majority of prescriptive formulae aims to amplify speech sounds. However, hearing aid gain is typically measured by using standardized nonspeech signals, e.g., speechweighted broadband noise, or modulated noise. Recommended practice is to verify the gain and/or output of hearing aids with speech or speechshaped signals. Holube et al. (2010) developed the International Speech Test Signal (ISTS) for use in real ear measurement systems from recordings of six different languages. Although the ISTS matches the normative standards established by IEC 6011815 its main feature of unintelligibility does not allow interaction clinician / patient regarding the subjective assessment of aided speech intelligibility. Intelligible speech signals are currently available only in English, which creates a language barrier when the test is performed in nonEnglish speakers’ .Objective: This study has the purpose of developing a speech test signal in Brazilian Portuguese that is electroacoustically similar to the International Speech Test Signal (ISTS) for use in real ear verification systems. Methods: A Brazilian Portuguese speech passage was recorded using standardized equipment and procedures for one female talker and compared to ISTS. The passage consisted of simple, declarative sentences making a total of 148 words. The recordings of a Brazilian Portuguese passage were adjusted to the ILTASS and compared to the International Speech Test Signal (ISTS). Aided recordings were made at three test levels, for three audiograms for the Brazilian Portuguese passage and the ISTS. Results: The unaided test signals were spectrally matched to within 0.5 dB. Aided evaluation revealed that the Brazilian Portuguese passage produced aided spectra that were within 1 dB on average, within about 2 dB per audiogram, and within about 3 dB per frequency for 95% of fittings. Conclusion: the Brazilian Portuguese passage developed in this study provides similar electroacoustic hearing aid evaluations to those expected from the standard ISTS passage.
GAROLLA, Luciana Paula. Desenvolvimento de um sinal em Português Brasileiro para mensuração in situ das próteses auditivas.2013. 68f. Tese (Doutorado em Distúrbios da Comunicação Humana) – Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2013.