Percepção da Comunidade Acadêmica da Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Campus Baixada Santista sobre a degradação do ambiente marinho decorrente da presença de microplásticos
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O controle de microplásticos no ambiente marinho tem se mostrado um grande desafio, devido ao constante crescimento populacional e, consequentemente, aumento do consumo e da produção industrial. Estima-se que mais de um terço dos microplásticos primários, presentes nos oceanos, sejam provenientes do enxágue de Produtos de Cuidados Pessoais e da lavagem de Roupas Sintéticas. Os hábitos de consumo são responsáveis por gerar resíduos de polímeros sintéticos que são, diariamente, despejados em corpos hídricos, causando riscos aos ecossistemas marinhos e à saúde humana. Desta forma, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a percepção da comunidade acadêmica do Campus Baixada Santista da Universidade Federal de São Paulo – Unifesp, em relação à degradação do ambiente marinho pela presença de microplásticos pós-consumo, resultantes do enxágue de Produtos de Cuidados Pessoais e da lavagem de Roupas Sintéticas, em função de fatores socioeconômicos (escolaridade, categoria ocupacional, idade e renda familiar). O fator formação acadêmica/profissional não foi levado em consideração. Foi utilizado um questionário constituído por 15 perguntas divididas em 04 sessões: i) Perfil socioeconômico; ii) Microplásticos em Produtos de Cuidados Pessoais; iii) Microplásticos em Roupas Sintéticas e; iv) Microplásticos no ambiente marinho. A amostra foi composta de forma a englobar todas as categorias ocupacionais do campus Baixada Santista. O presente estudo contou com a colaboração de 26 docentes do Instituto Saúde e Sociedade (ISS) e 28 do Instituto do Mar (IMar), 167 discentes de graduação do ISS e 144 do IMar, 60 discentes de pós-graduação Strictu sensu (Mestrado e Doutorado), 44 discentes da Universidade Aberta a Pessoa Idosa (UAPI), 55 técnicos administrativos e 10 funcionários terceirizados, totalizando uma população de 534 indivíduos. Os resultados apontaram que os fatores socioeconômicos analisados influenciaram na percepção dos indivíduos que compõem a comunidade acadêmica do campus. No fator escolaridade, os entrevistados com Ensino Superior completo e Pós-Graduação, apresentaram mais conhecimento e domínio do assunto, bem como interesse em mudar os seus hábitos de consumo adquirindo PCPs e RS compostos de matérias-primas naturais. Em relação ao fator categoria ocupacional, os docentes do IMar apresentaram maior percepção em relação aos PCPs e RS, enquanto os docentes do ISS, demonstraram maior conhecimento em relação aos responsáveis pelos microplásticos no ambiente marinho e as formas de reduzir estes materiais neste ambiente, denotando ausência de transversalidade do conhecimento ente os dois institutos. No fator renda familiar os entrevistados com rendas altas, apresentaram um maior conhecimento e percepção em comparação aqueles com renda baixa. Demonstraram também interesse em mudar os hábitos de consumo e investir em produtos ambientalmente sustentáveis. Com relação ao fator idade, os participantes mais jovens demonstraram, maior percepção de conhecimentos em relação aos PCPs e RS, maior interesse e disponibilidade em mudar de hábitos. Concluimos que os quatro fatores foram determinantes, na amostra estudada, interferindo na percepção dos indivíduos em relação a degradação do ambiente marinho decorrente da presença de microplásticos pos-consumo provenientes do enxague de PCPs e da lavagem de RS. Devem, portanto, ser utilizados para estabelecer medidas mais efetivas de proteção ao meio ambiente marinho, visto que, são determinantes na questão da consciência, incentivo e conhecimento.
The control of microplastics in the marine environment has become a major challenge due to the constant population growth and, consequently, increased consumption and industrial production. It is estimated that more than one third of the primary microplastics in the oceans come from the rinsing of Personal Care Products and the washing of Synthetic Apparel. Consumption habits are responsible for generating synthetic polymer waste that is daily discharged into water bodies, causing risks to marine ecosystems and human health. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the perception of the academic community of the Baixada Santista Campus of the Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp, regarding the degradation of the marine environment by the presence of post-consumption microplastics, resulting from the rinsing of Personal Care Products and the washing of Synthetic Clothes, according to socioeconomic factors, education, occupational category, age and family income. A questionnaire consisting of 15 questions divided into 04 sessions was used: i) Socioeconomic profile; ii) Microplastics in Personal Care Products; iii) Microplastics in Synthetic Clothes and iv) Microplastics in the marine environment. The sample was composed to encompass all occupational categories of the Baixada Santista campus. The present study had the collaboration of 26 professors from the Instituto Saúde e Sociedade (ISS) and 28 from the Instituto do Mar (IMar), 167 undergraduate students from the ISS and 144 from the IMar, 60 graduate students (Master's and PhD), 44 students from the Universidade Aberta a Pessoa Idosa (UAPI), 55 administrative technicians and 10 outsourced employees, totaling a population of 534 individuals. The results pointed out that the socioeconomic factors (education, income, occupational category and age group) influenced the perception of the individuals who make up the academic community of the campus. The academic/professional training factor was not taken into account. The results showed that the socioeconomic factors analyzed influenced the perception of individuals who make up the academic community of the campus. In the education factor, respondents with complete Higher Education and Post-Graduation, showed more knowledge and mastery of the subject, as well as interest in changing their consumption habits by acquiring PCPs and RS composed of natural raw materials. Regarding the occupational category factor, IMar professors showed greater perception in relation to PCPs and RS, while ISS professors showed greater knowledge regarding those responsible for microplastics in the marine environment and the ways to reduce these materials in this environment, denoting lack of transversality of knowledge between the two institutes. In the family income factor, respondents with high incomes showed greater knowledge and perception compared to those with low incomes. They also showed interest in changing consumption habits and investing in environmentally sustainable products. Regarding the age factor, the younger participants showed a greater perception of knowledge in relation to PCPs and RS, greater interest and availability in changing habits. We conclude that the four factors were decisive, in the studied sample, interfering in the perception of individuals in relation to the degradation of the marine environment resulting from the presence of post-consumer microplastics from PCPs rinsing and RS washing. They should, therefore, be used to establish more effective measures to protect the marine environment, as they are crucial in terms of awareness, encouragement and knowledge
The control of microplastics in the marine environment has become a major challenge due to the constant population growth and, consequently, increased consumption and industrial production. It is estimated that more than one third of the primary microplastics in the oceans come from the rinsing of Personal Care Products and the washing of Synthetic Apparel. Consumption habits are responsible for generating synthetic polymer waste that is daily discharged into water bodies, causing risks to marine ecosystems and human health. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the perception of the academic community of the Baixada Santista Campus of the Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp, regarding the degradation of the marine environment by the presence of post-consumption microplastics, resulting from the rinsing of Personal Care Products and the washing of Synthetic Clothes, according to socioeconomic factors, education, occupational category, age and family income. A questionnaire consisting of 15 questions divided into 04 sessions was used: i) Socioeconomic profile; ii) Microplastics in Personal Care Products; iii) Microplastics in Synthetic Clothes and iv) Microplastics in the marine environment. The sample was composed to encompass all occupational categories of the Baixada Santista campus. The present study had the collaboration of 26 professors from the Instituto Saúde e Sociedade (ISS) and 28 from the Instituto do Mar (IMar), 167 undergraduate students from the ISS and 144 from the IMar, 60 graduate students (Master's and PhD), 44 students from the Universidade Aberta a Pessoa Idosa (UAPI), 55 administrative technicians and 10 outsourced employees, totaling a population of 534 individuals. The results pointed out that the socioeconomic factors (education, income, occupational category and age group) influenced the perception of the individuals who make up the academic community of the campus. The academic/professional training factor was not taken into account. The results showed that the socioeconomic factors analyzed influenced the perception of individuals who make up the academic community of the campus. In the education factor, respondents with complete Higher Education and Post-Graduation, showed more knowledge and mastery of the subject, as well as interest in changing their consumption habits by acquiring PCPs and RS composed of natural raw materials. Regarding the occupational category factor, IMar professors showed greater perception in relation to PCPs and RS, while ISS professors showed greater knowledge regarding those responsible for microplastics in the marine environment and the ways to reduce these materials in this environment, denoting lack of transversality of knowledge between the two institutes. In the family income factor, respondents with high incomes showed greater knowledge and perception compared to those with low incomes. They also showed interest in changing consumption habits and investing in environmentally sustainable products. Regarding the age factor, the younger participants showed a greater perception of knowledge in relation to PCPs and RS, greater interest and availability in changing habits. We conclude that the four factors were decisive, in the studied sample, interfering in the perception of individuals in relation to the degradation of the marine environment resulting from the presence of post-consumer microplastics from PCPs rinsing and RS washing. They should, therefore, be used to establish more effective measures to protect the marine environment, as they are crucial in terms of awareness, encouragement and knowledge
PAROLARI, Regina. Percepção da Comunidade Acadêmica da Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Campus Baixada Santista sobre a degradação do ambiente marinho decorrente da presença de microplásticos. 2022. 158 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Bioprodutos e Bioprocessos) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2022.