Estratégias de comunicação utilizadas nas redes sociais e sua efetividade: o caso Magazine Luiza
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Este trabalho tem como objetivo entender se as estratégias e formas de comunicações utilizadas no
Facebook pela empresa Magazine Luiza estão alinhadas com o seu público alvo, e está gerando o
engajamento online almejado. Para alcançar esse objetivo, o estudo demonstra a evolução da Internet
e seus impactos e enfatiza a importância das redes sociais como meio de comunicação entre
organização e seus consumidores. Ademais, para compreender as formas e estratégias de
comunicação, foram colhidos e analisados 1515 postagens da organização em um recorte temporal
de um ano. O banco de dados gerado foi analisado estatisticamente com o uso software SPSS, e após
a conclusão da análise, os resultados demonstraram que os consumidores da Magazine Luiza
interagem mais com curtidas para fotos, com comentários para postagens de textos e com
compartilhamentos para postagem de vídeos. Além disso, foi percebido que posts que contém
estratégias de uso de idosos, humanização, homem, mulher, avatares, afrodescendentes, celebridades,
congruência, produto antigo e empoderamento feminino alcançam maiores números de interações do
que quando essas estratégias não estão presentes.
This work aims to understand whether the strategies and forms of communication used on Facebook by the company Magazine Luiza are aligned with its target audience, and are generating the desired online engagement. To achieve this objective, the study demonstrates the evolution of the Internet and its impacts and emphasizes the importance of social networks as a means of communication between the organization and its consumers. Furthermore, in order to understand the forms and strategies of communication, 1515 posts from the organization were collected and analyzed over a period of one year. The generated database was statistically analyzed using SPSS software, and after the analysis was completed, the results showed that Magazine Luiza consumers interact more with likes for photos, with comments for text posts and with shares for video posts. In addition, it was noticed that posts that contain strategies for the use of the elderly, humanization, men, women, avatars, black people, celebrities, congruence, old product and female empowerment reach greater numbers of interactions than when these strategies are not present.
This work aims to understand whether the strategies and forms of communication used on Facebook by the company Magazine Luiza are aligned with its target audience, and are generating the desired online engagement. To achieve this objective, the study demonstrates the evolution of the Internet and its impacts and emphasizes the importance of social networks as a means of communication between the organization and its consumers. Furthermore, in order to understand the forms and strategies of communication, 1515 posts from the organization were collected and analyzed over a period of one year. The generated database was statistically analyzed using SPSS software, and after the analysis was completed, the results showed that Magazine Luiza consumers interact more with likes for photos, with comments for text posts and with shares for video posts. In addition, it was noticed that posts that contain strategies for the use of the elderly, humanization, men, women, avatars, black people, celebrities, congruence, old product and female empowerment reach greater numbers of interactions than when these strategies are not present.
SOUZA, Jade Ribeiro. Estratégias de comunicação utilizadas nas redes sociais e sua efetividade: o caso Magazine Luiza. 2022. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios, Osasco, 2022.