Desenvolvimento de um periférico para substituir o mouse e teclado convencional para pessoa com deficiência de membro superior
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O uso de dispositivos de tecnologia da informação pode ser desafiador para as
pessoas que possuem limitações motoras. Periféricos de navegação em
computadores desktop, como mouse e teclado, são essenciais para o exercício de
atividades relacionadas com trabalho, educação e entretenimento. A dificuldade
motora da maioria das pessoas com deficiência de membro superior torna o uso de
periféricos de informática algo árduo ou impossível. No mercado existem produtos
desenvolvidos com o intuito de ajudar nessa adaptação, porém por muitas vezes eles
não são acessíveis, seja pelo alto preço ou impossibilidade de personalização para
pessoas com um determinado nível de deficiência. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi
projetar e construir um dispositivo que atue como mouse e teclado para
computadores, visando a utilização por pessoas com deficiência em membros
superiores. A metodologia Human Centered Design foi utilizada desde a definição do
problema com base em experimentação e revisão bibliográfica, no desenvolvimento
e prototipação. A maioria das partes do protótipo foram construídas por manufatura
aditiva. O hardware utilizado é formado por um microcontrolador digital e dois módulos
de joystick, que por meio de combinações de posições, enviam um sinal
correspondente ao comando desejado para o computador. Os ciclos de prototipagem
foram realizados aspirando a atender um público com limitação em membros
superiores, com foco em grandes grupos musculares na sua utilização, e
possibilidade de adaptação mecânica e em software. O protótipo passou por testes
de bancada, após os quais adaptou-se o protótipo para uma melhor experiência de
utilização, por mudanças no design e no software. Constatou-se a funcionalidade
básica do protótipo, possibilitando navegação, porém entende-se que há necessidade
de maior desenvolvimento a fim de uma utilização plena para o público alvo. Esperase
que o dispositivo possibilite e otimize o uso de computadores desktop para pessoas
com limitações em membros superiores tendo ainda o potencial para uso em
atividades de reabilitação de membros superiores.
The use of information technology devices can be challenging for people who have motor limitations. Navigation peripherals on desktop computers, such as a mouse and keyboard, are essential for carrying out work, education, and entertainment activities. The motor difficulties of most people with upper limb disabilities make the use of computer peripherals difficult or impossible. There are products on the market designed to help with this adaptation, but they are often not accessible, either because of the high price or the impossibility of customization for people with a certain level of disability. The objective of this research was to design and build a device that acts as a mouse and keyboard for computers, aiming to be used by people with disabilities in the upper limbs. The Human Centered Design methodology was used from the definition of the problem based on experimentation and literature review, in the development and prototyping. Most parts of the prototype were built by additive manufacturing. The hardware used is formed by a digital microcontroller and two joystick modules, which, through combinations of positions, send a signal corresponding to the desired command to the computer. The prototyping cycles were carried out to serve an audience with limitations in upper limbs, focusing on large muscle groups in their use, and the possibility of mechanical and software adaptation. The prototype underwent bench tests, after which the prototype was adapted for a better user experience, through changes in design and software. The basic functionality of the prototype was verified, allowing navigation, but it is understood that there is a need for further development to fully use it for the target audience. The device is expected to enable and optimize the use of desktop computers for people with upper limb limitations. The developed device also has potential for use in upper limb rehabilitation activities.
The use of information technology devices can be challenging for people who have motor limitations. Navigation peripherals on desktop computers, such as a mouse and keyboard, are essential for carrying out work, education, and entertainment activities. The motor difficulties of most people with upper limb disabilities make the use of computer peripherals difficult or impossible. There are products on the market designed to help with this adaptation, but they are often not accessible, either because of the high price or the impossibility of customization for people with a certain level of disability. The objective of this research was to design and build a device that acts as a mouse and keyboard for computers, aiming to be used by people with disabilities in the upper limbs. The Human Centered Design methodology was used from the definition of the problem based on experimentation and literature review, in the development and prototyping. Most parts of the prototype were built by additive manufacturing. The hardware used is formed by a digital microcontroller and two joystick modules, which, through combinations of positions, send a signal corresponding to the desired command to the computer. The prototyping cycles were carried out to serve an audience with limitations in upper limbs, focusing on large muscle groups in their use, and the possibility of mechanical and software adaptation. The prototype underwent bench tests, after which the prototype was adapted for a better user experience, through changes in design and software. The basic functionality of the prototype was verified, allowing navigation, but it is understood that there is a need for further development to fully use it for the target audience. The device is expected to enable and optimize the use of desktop computers for people with upper limb limitations. The developed device also has potential for use in upper limb rehabilitation activities.
FAZAN, L. DESENVOLVIMENTO DE UM PERIFÉRICO PARA SUBSTITUIR O MOUSE E TECLADO CONVENCIONAL PARA PESSOA COM DEFICIÊNCIA DE MEMBRO SUPERIOR. Orientador: Maria Elizete Kunkel. 2022. 63 f. TCC (Graduação) - Curso de Engenharia de materiais, Instituto de Ciência a Tecnologia, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São José dos Campos, 2022.