Farmácia Universitária e formação generalista: uma primeira aproximação
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Junto ao movimento de reorganização da assistência à saúde no país se impõe a reprofissionalização do farmacêutico, focada no paciente ao invés do medicamento. A Farmácia Universitária (FU) neste sentido se coloca como cenário estratégico de formação profissional, referendada pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais (DCN). Neste contexto se inscreve a proposta de “proceder ao diagnóstico da instalação da Farmácia Universitária na cidade de São Paulo e ABC”. Envolvendo abordagem quanti-qualitativa o estudo comportou três movimentos: o mapeamento regional da implantação do estágio em Farmácia Universitária – a partir de contato telefônico; a identificação do olhar dos coordenadores de curso sobre a formação generalista; – lançando mão de entrevistas; e, finalmente o olhar dos supervisores de estágio sobre a implantação e concretização da Farmácia Universitária, também a partir de entrevistas. Foram identificadas dezenove faculdades de Farmácia, das quais cinco (26,3%) contavam com Farmácias Universitárias. Tal resultado sinaliza para um processo ainda incipiente de instalação das FU. A adesão à formação generalista está, formalmente, incorporada nas instituições onde foi referida a presença das FU, concebida como contraposição à tradicional formação especializada na graduação. Tendo por referência a aproximação ao paciente, os coordenadores, enfatizando o ensino pelo trabalho, que permite o desenvolvimento de competências elencadas nas DCN, referem a FU como cenário de aprendizagem. A exemplo dos coordenadores, os supervisores enfatizam a formação generalista como contraposição à formação especializante. Eles apontam para o papel das FU na reprofissionalização do farmacêutico, na linha do aprendizado pelo trabalho, colocando o aluno em contato com a realidade concreta o que favorece a ressignificação de conhecimentos. Mantida a estrutura disciplinar, não se alcança rever a configuração do currículo. Nestas condições a FU se coloca como um adendo e não como um eixo ordenador da revisão do projeto pedagógico como um todo. Configurase, assim, o espaço de oportunidades a ser explorado que delineia a amplitude do desfio a ser enfrentado no cumprimento das DCN’s.
Since the eighties Brazil has witnessed the reorganization of its health assistance system. This movement has demanded the definition of new roles to the pharmacist, whose work must now be focused on the patient (rather than the medicine). Following policies defined by the Brazilian Ministry of Education, some universities started providing students with the possibility of attending university pharmacies as way of improving their formal training. This process was supposed to shift the traditional educational approach, based on the professional specialization to a new, more generalist one. Further investigating this experience was the main goal of this research, which has used both quantitative and qualitative methods. The whole process contained three stages: 1) the identification of universities that have adopted this pedagogical strategy (in São Paulo and Grande ABC areas); 2) the identification of the coordinators perspectives on the generalist approach (trough the use of interviews); and 3) the gathering of internship supervisors opinions on the implementation and functioning of the university pharmacies (also through interviews). The results show that, in a group of nineteen universities, only five developed university pharmacies, making clear that the pharmacist formal training is still based on a specialization approach; this tendency was observed even in the universities that have adopted university pharmacies. Despite it, both the groups of coordinators and of internship supervisors that were interviewed emphasized the relevance of a pedagogical approach based on the "learning through work" perspective and pointed the university pharmacy as a privileged space to develop important skills. Despite the acknowledgement of the university pharmacy as a relevant way of allowing students the direct contact with their professional day-to-day challenges, the research has revealed that it is still not having a preponderant role in the pharmacist training.
Since the eighties Brazil has witnessed the reorganization of its health assistance system. This movement has demanded the definition of new roles to the pharmacist, whose work must now be focused on the patient (rather than the medicine). Following policies defined by the Brazilian Ministry of Education, some universities started providing students with the possibility of attending university pharmacies as way of improving their formal training. This process was supposed to shift the traditional educational approach, based on the professional specialization to a new, more generalist one. Further investigating this experience was the main goal of this research, which has used both quantitative and qualitative methods. The whole process contained three stages: 1) the identification of universities that have adopted this pedagogical strategy (in São Paulo and Grande ABC areas); 2) the identification of the coordinators perspectives on the generalist approach (trough the use of interviews); and 3) the gathering of internship supervisors opinions on the implementation and functioning of the university pharmacies (also through interviews). The results show that, in a group of nineteen universities, only five developed university pharmacies, making clear that the pharmacist formal training is still based on a specialization approach; this tendency was observed even in the universities that have adopted university pharmacies. Despite it, both the groups of coordinators and of internship supervisors that were interviewed emphasized the relevance of a pedagogical approach based on the "learning through work" perspective and pointed the university pharmacy as a privileged space to develop important skills. Despite the acknowledgement of the university pharmacy as a relevant way of allowing students the direct contact with their professional day-to-day challenges, the research has revealed that it is still not having a preponderant role in the pharmacist training.
RIBEIRO, Ana Lucia Faria. Farmácia Universitária e formação generalista: uma primeira aproximação. 2009. 88 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências) - Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, 2009.