A cor da fome é preta, Carolina!
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O projeto de pesquisa intitulado A cor da fome é Preta. Carolina!, tem por objetivo compreender como a pandemia da Covid19 impactou a vida das mulheres chefes de família em busca de alimentos e quais respostas das políticas sociais.
Incorporando as narrativas de Carolina Maria de Jesus evidenciando como o Quarto de Despejo não acabou, perpassa até hoje sobre as discussões desde 1946 quando Josué de Castro explicitou no livro Geografia da Fome e as respostas que o Estado possibilitou para o enfrentamento do Nutricídio.
The research project entitled The Color of Hunger is Black, Carolina! studies how the Covid19 pandemic impacted the lives of women, heads of their families, that wait for acess to food and the responses from social policies. Incorporating the narratives of Carolina Maria de Jesus, showing how the book Eviction Room did not end, it permeates until today on the discussions since 1946 when Josué de Castro explained in the book Hungry's Geography and the answers that the State made possible to face "Nutricídio", Brazilian term that means degradation of the health of black people by food.
The research project entitled The Color of Hunger is Black, Carolina! studies how the Covid19 pandemic impacted the lives of women, heads of their families, that wait for acess to food and the responses from social policies. Incorporating the narratives of Carolina Maria de Jesus, showing how the book Eviction Room did not end, it permeates until today on the discussions since 1946 when Josué de Castro explained in the book Hungry's Geography and the answers that the State made possible to face "Nutricídio", Brazilian term that means degradation of the health of black people by food.
SANTIAGO, Bruna Karina. A cor da fome é preta, Carolina!. 2023. 32 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Serviço Social) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2023.