Avaliação da expressão genica ativada pelo gene GM-CSF em linhagens celulares de fibroblasto, mioblasto, macrófago e endotelial
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A lesão muscular ocorre frequentemente entre os esportistas e a principal responsável pelo abandono de suas atividades. A reparação do tecido muscular lesado e um processo complexo e lento, que em muitos casos, a reparação tecidual e incompleta devido a fibrose exacerbada. O GM-CSF e um fator liotrópico hematopoiético responsável pela proliferação e diferenciação de granulocitos e monocitos, e mobilizacao de celulas-tronco da medula ossea. Diversos grupos demonstraram que o GM-CSF possui acao arteriogenica e vasculogenica em modelo murino de isquemia de membros e foi demonstrado que o uso deste fator levou a diminuicao de fibrose. Com base destas observacoes, foi proposto que o GM-CSF atue como o principal fator no processo reparativo do tecido muscular lesado. Para validar esta hipótese, o principal objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as alterações de expressão genica das células que compõem o tecido muscular esquelético pós-transfecção do gene GM-CSF. Para isso, as linhagens celulares C2C12 (mioblasto), NIH3T3 (fibroblasto), Raw 264.7 (macrofago) e tEnd (celula endotelial) foram transfectadas por eletroporação ao ou nucleofecção com o vetor uP-mGM-CSF, que expressa GM-CSF murino, e nos tempos 8, 24, 48 e 72 horas o RNA total foi obtido para análise de transcrição por PCR array, o qual foi customizado para conter genes pertencentes a angiogenese, miogenese e fibrogenese e alguns fatores relevantes foram analisados por ELISA ou Western blotting. O conjunto de resultados obtidos com as quatro linhagens celulares mostra que o GM-CSF possui acao direta em macrofagos, como era esperado, mas também em células de origem não hematopoieticas. A principal prova disso e a expressão das duas subunidades do receptor do GM-CSF, e a alteração do perfil de genes analisados ao longo de 72 horas pos-transfecção. Estes resultados também sugerem que os três processos fundamentais para o reparo de musculo esquelético lesionado, angiogenese, miogenese e fibrogenese, são regulados pelo GM-CSF. Sendo assim, estes resultados corroboram com a proposta do nosso grupo de que o GM-CSF e um fator essencial na reparação do musculo esquelético.
Muscle damage occurs frequently among athletes and is mainly responsible for the abandonment of their activities. The repair of damaged muscle tissue is a complex and slow process that in many cases the tissue repair is incomplete due to exacerbated fibrosis. GM-CSF is a pleiotropic hematopoietic factor responsible for proliferation and differentiation of granulocytes and monocytes, and stem cell mobilization from bone marrow. Several groups showed that GM-CSF has atherogenic action and vasculogenic in a murine model of limb ischemia and it was shown that the use of this factor resulted in the decrease of fibrosis. Based on these observations, it was proposed that GM-CSF acts as the main factor in the repair process of damaged muscle tissue. To validate this hypothesis, the aim of this study was to evaluate changes in gene expression of the cells that compose the skeletal muscle tissue post-transfection with the GM-CSF gene. For this, the cell lines C2C12 (myoblast), NIH3T3 (fibroblast), Raw 264.7 (macrophage) and tEnd (endothelial cells) were transfected by electroporation or with the nucleofecção uP-mGM-CSF vector that expresses murine GM-CSF, and at times 8, 24, 48 and 72 hours total RNA was obtained for analysis of transcription PCR array, which has been customized to contain genes belonging angiogenesis, myogenesis and fibrogenesis and some relevant factors were assayed by ELISA or Western blotting. The set of results obtained from the four cell lines shows that GM-CSF has direct action on macrophages, as expected, but also in cells of non-hematopoietic origin. The main proof is the expression of the two subunits of the GM-CSF receptor, and alteration of the genes analyzed over 72 hours post-transfection profile. These results also suggest that the three fundamental processes for repair of injured skeletal muscle, angiogenesis, fibrogenesis and myogenesis are regulated by GM-CSF. Thus, these results support the proposal of our group that GM-CSF is an essential factor in the repair of skeletal muscle.
Muscle damage occurs frequently among athletes and is mainly responsible for the abandonment of their activities. The repair of damaged muscle tissue is a complex and slow process that in many cases the tissue repair is incomplete due to exacerbated fibrosis. GM-CSF is a pleiotropic hematopoietic factor responsible for proliferation and differentiation of granulocytes and monocytes, and stem cell mobilization from bone marrow. Several groups showed that GM-CSF has atherogenic action and vasculogenic in a murine model of limb ischemia and it was shown that the use of this factor resulted in the decrease of fibrosis. Based on these observations, it was proposed that GM-CSF acts as the main factor in the repair process of damaged muscle tissue. To validate this hypothesis, the aim of this study was to evaluate changes in gene expression of the cells that compose the skeletal muscle tissue post-transfection with the GM-CSF gene. For this, the cell lines C2C12 (myoblast), NIH3T3 (fibroblast), Raw 264.7 (macrophage) and tEnd (endothelial cells) were transfected by electroporation or with the nucleofecção uP-mGM-CSF vector that expresses murine GM-CSF, and at times 8, 24, 48 and 72 hours total RNA was obtained for analysis of transcription PCR array, which has been customized to contain genes belonging angiogenesis, myogenesis and fibrogenesis and some relevant factors were assayed by ELISA or Western blotting. The set of results obtained from the four cell lines shows that GM-CSF has direct action on macrophages, as expected, but also in cells of non-hematopoietic origin. The main proof is the expression of the two subunits of the GM-CSF receptor, and alteration of the genes analyzed over 72 hours post-transfection profile. These results also suggest that the three fundamental processes for repair of injured skeletal muscle, angiogenesis, fibrogenesis and myogenesis are regulated by GM-CSF. Thus, these results support the proposal of our group that GM-CSF is an essential factor in the repair of skeletal muscle.
São Paulo: [s.n.], 2014. 107 p.