O sofrimento psíquico de profissionais atuantes dos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial: uma revisão narrativa
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Este trabalho trata de uma análise do sofrimento psíquico de profissionais atuantes nos
Centros de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS). O objetivo é compreender e elucidar sobre o
sofrimento psíquico relacionado ao trabalho de profissionais atuantes nos CAPS. A
metodologia empregada foi a de revisão narrativa da literatura. As buscas foram realizadas
nas bases de dados da BVS e SciELO no período de 2015 a 2019. De um total de 405
documentos, ficaram ao final quatro artigos que foram lidos integralmente, porém apenas dois
foram analisados e selecionados para este estudo. Os artigos analisados indicaram as
vivências de prazer e de sofrimento mental em equipes de profissionais da área da saúde
mental relacionadas à sobrecarga de trabalho, à frustração entre o prescrito e o real, entre
outros. Também abordaram as estratégias de defesa individuais ou grupais implementadas
como uma tentativa de suavizar o desprazer e o sofrimento sentido pelos trabalhadores. A
precarização teve como função deteriorar as condições de trabalho, interligando as novas
morfologias do trabalho ao sofrimento psíquico.
This work is an analysis of the psychological suffering of professionals working in Centros de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS). The objective is to understand and elucidate the psychological suffering related to the work of professionals working in CAPS. The methodology used was a narrative literature review. The searches were carried out in BVS and SciELO databases from 2015 to 2019. Out of a total of 405 documents, four articles were ultimately read in full, but only two were analyzed and selected for this study. The articles analyzed indicated the experiences of pleasure and mental suffering in teams of mental health professionals related to work overload, frustration between what is prescribed and what is real, among others. They also addressed individual or group defense strategies implemented as an attempt to alleviate the displeasure and suffering felt by workers. Precariousness had the function of deteriorating working conditions, linking the new morphologies of work to psychological suffering.
This work is an analysis of the psychological suffering of professionals working in Centros de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS). The objective is to understand and elucidate the psychological suffering related to the work of professionals working in CAPS. The methodology used was a narrative literature review. The searches were carried out in BVS and SciELO databases from 2015 to 2019. Out of a total of 405 documents, four articles were ultimately read in full, but only two were analyzed and selected for this study. The articles analyzed indicated the experiences of pleasure and mental suffering in teams of mental health professionals related to work overload, frustration between what is prescribed and what is real, among others. They also addressed individual or group defense strategies implemented as an attempt to alleviate the displeasure and suffering felt by workers. Precariousness had the function of deteriorating working conditions, linking the new morphologies of work to psychological suffering.
COSTA, Mirelly Dantas da. O sofrimento psíquico de profissionais atuantes dos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial: uma revisão narrativa. 2023. 37 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Serviço Social) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Santos, 2023.