Instrumentos padronizados de avaliação do comportamento do recém-nascido no cuidado em unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal: revisão sistemática de literatura
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Introdução: ao ser internado em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal (UTIN) o recém-nascido (RN) inicia uma experiência que pode ser pouco acolhedora e que pode trazer riscos de desenvolvimento de alterações de ordem neurológica, comportamental ou socioemocional. É possível afirmar que intervenções que visem a humanização de cuidado nesse contexto possam ser redutores de estresses do RN, contudo observa-se a necessidade de instrumentos padronizados para avaliar o seu comportamento de modo a nortear o planejamento de intervenções na UTIN. Objetivo: identificar na literatura científica instrumentos de avaliação do comportamento do RN - entre zero e vinte e oito dias de vida - internado em UTIN, com vistas a obter informações relevantes para o cuidado nesse contexto. Metodologia: realizou-se uma revisão sistemática envolvendo artigos científicos completos e de acesso livre publicados no período de 2000 e 2022 nas bases de dados PubMed, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS-Saúde), BVS-PSI e PsycInfo. Os descritores foram combinados em pares e lógica booleana “AND”, sendo utilizados os seguintes descritores: "Neonatal Care Unit AND Psychology” [AND] “Neonatal behavior observation” [AND] “Child Development AND Neonatal” [AND] “Neonatal Psychology” [AND] “Neonatal scale” [AND] “Behavior scale AND neonatal” [AND] “Behavior assessment AND neonatal”. Resultados: após a seleção foram incluídos 39 artigos que abordavam 12 diferentes tipos de instrumentos. Os artigos foram analisados em três categorias: (1) Instrumentos específicos para avaliação da dor do RN no contexto da UTIN; (2) Escala de avaliação do comportamento frente à estimulação pelo toque; e (3) Instrumentos padronizados de avaliação do comportamento do RN na UTIN. Conclusão: a maior parte dos instrumentos encontrados é utilizada para avaliar a dor do RN após a submissão à algum procedimento, sendo este um achado importante e que precisa ser difundido na prática clínica, visto que são pouco utilizados neste contexto. Foram, ainda, encontrados instrumentos que observam o comportamento do RN e que avaliam como ele responde ao toque. Os instrumentos
encontrados são importantes para nortear o planejamento de ações preventivas e de promoção de cuidado. São necessários mais estudos a respeito da avaliação do comportamento do RN em UTIN, principalmente relacionados com a área da Psicologia.
Introduction: upon being admitted to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), the newborn (NB) begins an experience that can be unwelcoming and that can bring risks of developing neurological, behavioral or socio-emotional changes. It is possible to state that interventions aimed at the humanization of care in this context can be stress reducers for the NB, however, there is a need for standardized instruments to assess the behavior of the NB in order to guide the planning of interventions in NICU. Objective: to identify, in the scientific literature, instruments for assessing the behavior of newborns - between zero and twenty-eight days of life - admitted to a NICU, in order to obtain relevant information for care in this context. Methodology: an systematic literature review was carried out involving complete and open access scientific articles published between 2000 and 2022 in PubMed, Virtual Health Library (BVS-Health), BVS-PSI and PsycInfo databases. The descriptors were combined in pairs and boolean logic “AND”, using the following descriptors: “Neonatal Care Unit AND Psychology” [AND] “Neonatal behavior observation” [AND] “Child Development AND Neonatal” [AND] “Neonatal Psychology” [AND] “Neonatal scale” [AND] “Behavior scale AND neonatal” [AND] “Behavior assessment AND neonatal.” Results: After selection, 39 articles were included that addressed 12 different types of instruments. The articles were analyzed in three categories: (1) Specific instruments for assessing newborn pain in the NICU context; (2) Behavior assessment scale in response to touch stimulation; and (3) Standardized instruments for assessing NB behavior in the NICU. Conclusion: Most of the instruments found are used to assess newborn pain after undergoing a procedure, which is an important finding that needs to be disseminated in clinical practice, as they are little used in this context. Instruments were also found that observe the newborn's behavior and evaluate how it responds to touch. The instruments found are important to guide the planning of preventive and care promotion actions. More studies are needed regarding the assessment of NB behavior in the NICU, mainly related to the area of Psychology.
Introduction: upon being admitted to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), the newborn (NB) begins an experience that can be unwelcoming and that can bring risks of developing neurological, behavioral or socio-emotional changes. It is possible to state that interventions aimed at the humanization of care in this context can be stress reducers for the NB, however, there is a need for standardized instruments to assess the behavior of the NB in order to guide the planning of interventions in NICU. Objective: to identify, in the scientific literature, instruments for assessing the behavior of newborns - between zero and twenty-eight days of life - admitted to a NICU, in order to obtain relevant information for care in this context. Methodology: an systematic literature review was carried out involving complete and open access scientific articles published between 2000 and 2022 in PubMed, Virtual Health Library (BVS-Health), BVS-PSI and PsycInfo databases. The descriptors were combined in pairs and boolean logic “AND”, using the following descriptors: “Neonatal Care Unit AND Psychology” [AND] “Neonatal behavior observation” [AND] “Child Development AND Neonatal” [AND] “Neonatal Psychology” [AND] “Neonatal scale” [AND] “Behavior scale AND neonatal” [AND] “Behavior assessment AND neonatal.” Results: After selection, 39 articles were included that addressed 12 different types of instruments. The articles were analyzed in three categories: (1) Specific instruments for assessing newborn pain in the NICU context; (2) Behavior assessment scale in response to touch stimulation; and (3) Standardized instruments for assessing NB behavior in the NICU. Conclusion: Most of the instruments found are used to assess newborn pain after undergoing a procedure, which is an important finding that needs to be disseminated in clinical practice, as they are little used in this context. Instruments were also found that observe the newborn's behavior and evaluate how it responds to touch. The instruments found are important to guide the planning of preventive and care promotion actions. More studies are needed regarding the assessment of NB behavior in the NICU, mainly related to the area of Psychology.
CASTILHO, Luísa Volpato. Instrumentos padronizados de avaliação do comportamento do recém-nascido no cuidado em unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal: revisão sistemática de literatura.2023. 44 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Interdisciplinar em Ciências da Saúde) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Santos, 2023.