Proposta de Solução Logística para Mitigação das Contaminações Ambientais Decorrentes da Inadequação do Processo de Lavagem de Veículos no Pátio Regulador de Caminhões da Cidade de Guarujá/SP
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O trabalho no Pátio regulador do Guarujá tem como objetivo citar as causas das contaminações no solo geradas pela lavagem das caçambas dos caminhões que acontece de forma inadequada, ocorrendo o derramamento de contaminantes químicos como Fertilizantes (N, P, K) e Hidrocarbonetos como o Benzo(a)antraceno, bem como mencionar os prováveis impactos que podem causar na saúde das pessoas e no ecossistema da região. As contaminações ocorrem devido a ineficiência da administração na fiscalização e falta do plano logístico dos caminhões que frequentam o Pátio. Após realizada essa análise fundamentada em dissertações científicas e com base no material realizado nas visitas diagnósticas ao Pátio, junto ao material já existente coletado pelos órgãos públicos da cidade do Guarujá, uma proposta de trazer uma solução da logística dos veículos que frequentam o Pátio é apresentada, mencionando mudanças que poderiam ocorrer no local para poder aplicar um plano de melhoria no fluxo logístico dos caminhões com a aplicação de tecnologias no campo da ITS (Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte) com o uso do RFID (Identificador por Rádio Frequência) e OCR (Leitor de Caráter Óptico), tal como a explicação da aplicação da Teoria das Filas. Além de mencionar e contextualizar a importância e a metodologia de aplicação de um plano de PGRS (Programa de Gerenciamento de Resíduos Sólidos) na área de lavagem dos caminhões.
The project in the Regulatory Parking in Guarujá town has the first objective name the reasons that could cause the posible contaminations on the ground and explain the “vector” that is bringing up this issue, that is the improper method that the eployees of the Regulatory Parking are using to clean and wash the trucks buckets that carry inside themselves many kinds of chemical products like fertilizers as NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium) and hydrocarbons like Benzoanthracene, both substances and compounds that could contaminate the ground after some period spilling them in a high amount, besides the consequences on the ecosystem around, this issue can be really serious with a human contamination once the substances and compounds come inside to the human organism. The main reason that is allowing the products being in contact with the ground are the inefficient management and oversight of the place besides the missing of a logistical plan for the flow of the trucks inside the Parking. After dissert about the analysis of the contaminations, a solution proposal is introduced bringing some ideas to change the trucks flow and the oversight with the cleaning and washing inside the Parking. The are the mentions of some tools that could be used to fix this issue in the field of the ITS (Intelligent Teconologies Systems) just like RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) and OCR (Optical character recognition). Besides these tools, the dissert explain the foundation of the Queueing theory that is super important to understand and predict the trucks behavior and also your logistics in a SeaPort. Another tool is elucidate to mitigate the contaminations, a PGRS plan (Managemente Program of Solid Waste) that is important to manage the correct destiny of the waste removed of the trucks buckets.
The project in the Regulatory Parking in Guarujá town has the first objective name the reasons that could cause the posible contaminations on the ground and explain the “vector” that is bringing up this issue, that is the improper method that the eployees of the Regulatory Parking are using to clean and wash the trucks buckets that carry inside themselves many kinds of chemical products like fertilizers as NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium) and hydrocarbons like Benzoanthracene, both substances and compounds that could contaminate the ground after some period spilling them in a high amount, besides the consequences on the ecosystem around, this issue can be really serious with a human contamination once the substances and compounds come inside to the human organism. The main reason that is allowing the products being in contact with the ground are the inefficient management and oversight of the place besides the missing of a logistical plan for the flow of the trucks inside the Parking. After dissert about the analysis of the contaminations, a solution proposal is introduced bringing some ideas to change the trucks flow and the oversight with the cleaning and washing inside the Parking. The are the mentions of some tools that could be used to fix this issue in the field of the ITS (Intelligent Teconologies Systems) just like RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) and OCR (Optical character recognition). Besides these tools, the dissert explain the foundation of the Queueing theory that is super important to understand and predict the trucks behavior and also your logistics in a SeaPort. Another tool is elucidate to mitigate the contaminations, a PGRS plan (Managemente Program of Solid Waste) that is important to manage the correct destiny of the waste removed of the trucks buckets.
SOUZA, Gustavo Machado de. Proposta de Solução Logística para Mitigação das Contaminações Ambientais Decorrentes da Inadequação do Processo de Lavagem de Veículos no Pátio Regulador de Caminhões da Cidade de Guarujá/SP. 2022. 50 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Bacharelado Interdisciplinar em Ciência e Tecnologia do Mar) - Instituto do Mar, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2022.