Quantificação dos pigmentos através da biomassa microfitobentônica ao longo do arco praial de Santos, SP
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As praias arenosas são ambientes costeiros de grande importância ecológica devido à sua riqueza em biodiversidade, principalmente na flora, composta por microrganismos microscópicos. Parte desses microrganismos formam comunidades bentônicas conhecidas como microfitobentos que desempenham um papel crucial na ciclagem de nutrientes e na produtividade primária em ambientes estuarinos e costeiros. Ao estudar a distribuição espacial da produtividade primária do microfitobentos ao longo da Praia de Santos e em um ponto de referência no estuário de Santos, foram observados padrões similares. Não foram registradas diferenças significativas nas concentrações de clorofila a, clorofila b e clorofila c ao longo da praia de Santos, mas foram encontradas concentrações significativamente maiores de carotenoides em comparação com outros pigmentos. Além disso, foram observados valores significativamente maiores na região do estuário. O Ponto 6 de Santos apresentou um aumento na concentração de carotenoides em comparação com os Pontos 2 e 3. De maneira geral, apesar do intenso nível de urbanização na área, isto não parece alterar as concentrações dos pigmentos fotossintetizantes ao longo do espaço e tempos avaliados neste presente estudo. Além disso, devido às suas aplicações biotecnológicas e interesse econômico, os carotenoides encontrados no microfitobentos da Praia de Santos e estuário, tornam a região atrativa para novos estudos focados na avaliação do potencial bioprodutivo destes compostos.
Sandy beaches are coastal environments of great ecological importance due to their richness in biodiversity, mainly in the flora, which is composed by microscopic microorganisms. Some of these microorganisms form benthic communities known as microphytobenthos, which play a crucial role in nutrient cycling and primary productivity in estuarine and coastal environments. By studying the spatial distribution of microphytobenthos primary productivity along Santos Beach and a reference point in the Santos estuary, similar patterns were observed. There were no significant differences in the concentrations of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and chlorophyll c along the Santos Beach, but significantly higher concentrations of carotenoids were found compared to other pigments. Additionally, significantly higher values were observed in the estuarine region. Point 6 in Santos showed an increase in carotenoid concentration compared to Points 2 and 3. Overall, even with a high level of coastal urbanization, the photosynthetic pigment concentrations remained constant over the evaluated range of space and time. Due to their biotechnological applications and economic interest, the carotenoids found in the microphytobenthos of Santos Beach and the estuary, make the region attractive to new studies focused on the analysis of the bioproductive potential of this compound.
Sandy beaches are coastal environments of great ecological importance due to their richness in biodiversity, mainly in the flora, which is composed by microscopic microorganisms. Some of these microorganisms form benthic communities known as microphytobenthos, which play a crucial role in nutrient cycling and primary productivity in estuarine and coastal environments. By studying the spatial distribution of microphytobenthos primary productivity along Santos Beach and a reference point in the Santos estuary, similar patterns were observed. There were no significant differences in the concentrations of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and chlorophyll c along the Santos Beach, but significantly higher concentrations of carotenoids were found compared to other pigments. Additionally, significantly higher values were observed in the estuarine region. Point 6 in Santos showed an increase in carotenoid concentration compared to Points 2 and 3. Overall, even with a high level of coastal urbanization, the photosynthetic pigment concentrations remained constant over the evaluated range of space and time. Due to their biotechnological applications and economic interest, the carotenoids found in the microphytobenthos of Santos Beach and the estuary, make the region attractive to new studies focused on the analysis of the bioproductive potential of this compound.
MATOS, Pamela Marcelo de. Quantificação dos pigmentos através da biomassa microfitobentônica ao longo do arco praial de Santos, SP. 2023. 24 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Bacharelado Interdisciplinar em Ciência e Tecnologia do Mar) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto do Mar, Santos, 2023.