Análise do Estresse Oxidativo em indivíduos vegetarianos em comparação aos onívoros: uma revisão sistemática da literatura
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Considerado em tempos remotos como um possível hábito danoso à saúde humana, a dieta vegetariana se firmou ao longo da história como uma importante via de qualidade de vida e saúde em termos de prevenção e tratamento de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis. Inicialmente associada a características essencialmente espirituais nos adeptos dessa prática alimentar, houve expansão do vegetarianismo em indivíduos interessados no caráter ético dessa dieta assim como a constatação dos possíveis efeitos positivos na saúde humana. As doenças crônicas não transmissíveis possuem como base fundamental o processo inflamatório crônico de baixo grau que é correlacionado ao estresse oxidativo. Um dos principais influenciadores do estresse oxidativo é a dieta seguida pelos indivíduos. O objetivo principal dessa revisão sistemática foi avaliar o grau do estresse oxidativo em indivíduos vegetarianos em comparação aos onívoros, assim como potenciais benefícios do vegetarianismo em outros parâmetros antropométricos e metabólicos. Foi realizada revisão sistemática da literatura nas bases de dados Embase, Web of science e Pubmed, na qual após a aplicação da metodologia PICO e eliminação de duplicatas, foram selecionados seis estudos que entraram na análise qualitativa para fundamentação dessa revisão. Após a análise pormenorizada desses artigos, podemos inferir que a dieta vegetariana apresenta benefícios em comparação à dieta onívora em termos de estresse oxidativo, antropométrico e metabólico.
Considered in ancient times as a possible harmful habit to human health, the vegetarian diet has established itself throughout history as an important path to quality of life and health in terms of prevention and treatment of non-communicable chronic diseases. Initially associated with essentially spiritual characteristics in followers of this eating practice, there was an expansion of vegetarianism in individuals interested in the ethical nature of this diet, as well as the verification of possible positive effects on human health. Chronic non-communicable diseases are fundamentally based on the low-grade chronic inflammatory process that is closely related to oxidative stress. One of the main influences of oxidative stress is the diet followed by individuals. The main objective of this systematic review was to assess the degree of oxidative stress in vegetarians compared to omnivores, as well as potential benefits of vegetarianism in other anthropometric and metabolic health parameters. A systematic literature review was carried out in the Embase, Web of science and Pubmed databases, in which, after applying the PICO methodology and eliminating duplicates, six studies were selected that entered the qualitative analysis to support this review. After detailed analysis of these articles, we can infer that the vegetarian diet has benefits compared to the omnivorous diet in terms of oxidative, anthropometric and metabolic stress.
Considered in ancient times as a possible harmful habit to human health, the vegetarian diet has established itself throughout history as an important path to quality of life and health in terms of prevention and treatment of non-communicable chronic diseases. Initially associated with essentially spiritual characteristics in followers of this eating practice, there was an expansion of vegetarianism in individuals interested in the ethical nature of this diet, as well as the verification of possible positive effects on human health. Chronic non-communicable diseases are fundamentally based on the low-grade chronic inflammatory process that is closely related to oxidative stress. One of the main influences of oxidative stress is the diet followed by individuals. The main objective of this systematic review was to assess the degree of oxidative stress in vegetarians compared to omnivores, as well as potential benefits of vegetarianism in other anthropometric and metabolic health parameters. A systematic literature review was carried out in the Embase, Web of science and Pubmed databases, in which, after applying the PICO methodology and eliminating duplicates, six studies were selected that entered the qualitative analysis to support this review. After detailed analysis of these articles, we can infer that the vegetarian diet has benefits compared to the omnivorous diet in terms of oxidative, anthropometric and metabolic stress.
BUENO, Thiago. Análise do Estresse Oxidativo em indivíduos vegetarianos em comparação aos onívoros: uma revisão sistemática da literatura. 2021. 92 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Alimentos, Nutrição e Saúde) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2021.