Professores temporários da rede estadual de São Paulo: análise da política de pessoal da perspectiva orçamentária
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Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar a política de pessoal docente da rede de ensino de
educação básica do Estado de São Paulo - REE-SP, tendo como foco os professores
temporários que nela atuam. Pretendeu-se identificar as possíveis relações entre a política de
pessoal, no período de 2006 a 2013, e o orçamento destinado à função educação,
especificamente no que diz respeito à remuneração do professor e os tipos de contratação que
o vinculam à REE-SP. Nesse sentido, o estudo relaciona dados de número de professores,
tipos de contratação e de remuneração, além de dados orçamentários com o propósito de
identificar os motivos que levam à existência de um excessivo contingente de professores
temporários. A hipótese geral levantada é que o montante orçamentário destinado à função
educação, especificamente para pagamento de professor da educação básica, é insuficiente
para arcar com a contratação de um quadro de docentes efetivos que perfaça, pelo menos, um
contingente de 90% dos professores da rede. Em vista de tal insuficiência, o governo estadual
estabelece uma política de pessoal baseada na contratação de um considerável número de
professores não-efetivos por meio de contratos precários (estáveis e temporários), fazendo,
com isso, uma gestão racionalizada da folha de pagamento. A investigação tem como base o
estudo bibliográfico e documental e desenvolve análises quanti e qualitativas. Foram
analisadas folhas de pagamento da REE-SP, referente ao magistério, por meio do programa
estatístico SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), assim como foram analisados
dados orçamentários levantados junto ao Sistema de Informações sobre Orçamentos Públicos
em Educação - SIOPE e na Secretaria da Fazenda do Estado de São Paulo. O referencial
teórico para análise fundamenta-se nos estudos desenvolvidos por Robert Castel, em especial
os que tratam do conceito de precarização do trabalho, o que se mostrou fundamental para a
compreensão das contradições apresentadas pela realidade concreta. Por fim, foram
identificadas as transformações na concepção do Estado brasileiro, impostas pelo capitalismo
contemporâneo, por meio de uma lógica gerencial, e distante dos preceitos de uma coesão
social, fato que vem resultando na precarização de setor público, estandarte do pleno
emprego. No âmbito do Estado de São Paulo, especificamente quanto à política de pessoal
docente, vê-se o estabelecimento de formas precárias de contratação na REE-SP, a diminuição
dos gastos em educação e a manutenção de um excessivo número de docentes temporários, de
forma que uma gestão regulada da folha de pagamento impacte menos no gasto do Estado, em
detrimento dos direitos relativos ao trabalho –seguridade e proteção social.
This research aims at investigating the staffing policy for public education in the State of São Paulo-REE-SP, focusing on the temporary teachers. It was intended to identify the possible relationships between the staffing policy, in the period from 2006 to 2013, and the budget for the education function, specifically with regard to the remuneration of the teacher and the various types of employment that link them to the REE-SP. In this sense, the study lists the number of teachers, the types of recruitment and the remuneration, as well as the budgetary data, in order to identify the reasons that lead to the existence of an excessive number of temporary teachers. The General hypothesis is that the budget amount for the education function, specifically for payment of basic education teacher, is insufficient to cope with the hiring of a framework of effective teachers that reaches at least a contingent of 90 %. In view of such insufficiency, the State Government established a staffing policy based on the hiring of a considerable number of non-effective teachers through precarious contracts (named as temporary and stable), making a racionalized management of payroll. The investigation is based on bibliographic and documentary study and quantitative and qualitative analysis. Teacher’s payrolls were analyzed by the statistical program SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), as well as budget data, the last were collected at the Information System on public budgets in education-SIOPE and at the Secretaria da Fazenda do Estado de São Paulo. The theoretical framework for analysis was based on studies developed by Robert Castel, in particular those dealing with the concept of precarious work, which provided critical understanding of the contradictions presented by reality. Finally, changes were identified in the design of the Brazilian State, imposed by contemporary capitalism, through a management logic, and far from the precepts of social cohesion, resulting in insecurity of public sector, the so called standard of full employment. Within the State of São Paulo, specifically with regard to the staffing policy for hiring teachers, it was found the establishment of forms of precarious employment in REE-SP, reduction of expenses in education and the maintenance of an excessive number of temporary teachers, so that a racionalized management of payroll is impacting less on the State spending, to the detriment of the rights concerning work and security protection.
This research aims at investigating the staffing policy for public education in the State of São Paulo-REE-SP, focusing on the temporary teachers. It was intended to identify the possible relationships between the staffing policy, in the period from 2006 to 2013, and the budget for the education function, specifically with regard to the remuneration of the teacher and the various types of employment that link them to the REE-SP. In this sense, the study lists the number of teachers, the types of recruitment and the remuneration, as well as the budgetary data, in order to identify the reasons that lead to the existence of an excessive number of temporary teachers. The General hypothesis is that the budget amount for the education function, specifically for payment of basic education teacher, is insufficient to cope with the hiring of a framework of effective teachers that reaches at least a contingent of 90 %. In view of such insufficiency, the State Government established a staffing policy based on the hiring of a considerable number of non-effective teachers through precarious contracts (named as temporary and stable), making a racionalized management of payroll. The investigation is based on bibliographic and documentary study and quantitative and qualitative analysis. Teacher’s payrolls were analyzed by the statistical program SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), as well as budget data, the last were collected at the Information System on public budgets in education-SIOPE and at the Secretaria da Fazenda do Estado de São Paulo. The theoretical framework for analysis was based on studies developed by Robert Castel, in particular those dealing with the concept of precarious work, which provided critical understanding of the contradictions presented by reality. Finally, changes were identified in the design of the Brazilian State, imposed by contemporary capitalism, through a management logic, and far from the precepts of social cohesion, resulting in insecurity of public sector, the so called standard of full employment. Within the State of São Paulo, specifically with regard to the staffing policy for hiring teachers, it was found the establishment of forms of precarious employment in REE-SP, reduction of expenses in education and the maintenance of an excessive number of temporary teachers, so that a racionalized management of payroll is impacting less on the State spending, to the detriment of the rights concerning work and security protection.
Santos, João Batista Silva Dos
Professores temporários da rede estadual de São Paulo: análise da
política de pessoal da perspectiva orçamentária - Guarulhos,
133 f.
Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de
São Paulo, Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, 2016.
Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Maria Angélica Pedra Minhoto
Temporary teachers of the state of São Paulo: analysis of
personnel policy of budgetary perspective.