Nível de atividade física dos estudantes da Unifesp - Baixada Santista em isolamento social associado a aulas em atividades domiciliares emergenciais e sua repercussão na coluna vertebral
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Este estudo tem o objetivo de verificar as repercussões na coluna vertebral dos
alunos da Universidade Federal de São Paulo, relacionadas à inatividade física,
possivelmente advindas do isolamento social e o uso excessivo de dispositivos
eletrônicos devido às aulas remotas. Este estudo possui caráter transversal
analítico, realizado com estudantes da Universidade Federal de São Paulo que
estavam em isolamento social e estudando através de aulas remotas adotadas por
causa da pandemia de Covid-19. Foi solicitado ao voluntário que preenchesse um
formulário constituído de 26 perguntas sobre a prática de atividade física, aulas
remotas e uso de dispositivos eletrônicos, sono, estresse e sintomas como dor ou
desconforto na coluna vertebral. Constatou-se que houve alta prevalência de dor
lombar nos estudantes com exacerbação após o isolamento social, tendo como
principal fator permanecer na mesma posição por longos períodos utilizando
dispositivos eletrônicos para realizar atividades acadêmicas. O nível de atividade
física foi reduzido, porém os estudantes mantiveram-se ativos através de
plataformas online de exercícios, demonstrando a importância da tecnologia neste
This study aims to verify the repercussions such as pain and discomfort in the spine of students at the Federal University of São Paulo, related to physical inactivity, possibly resulting from social isolation and the excessive use of electronic devices due to remote classes due to the pandemic of covid-19. This study has an analytical cross-sectional character, carried out with students from the Federal University of São Paulo who were in social isolation and studying through remote classes. The volunteer was asked to fill out a form consisting of 26 questions about physical activity, remote classes and use of electronic devices, sleep, stress and repercussions on the spine. It was found that there was a prevalence of low back pain in students with exacerbation after social isolation, with the main factor remaining in the same position for long periods using electronic devices to perform academic activities. The level of physical activity was reduced, but students remained active through online exercise platforms, demonstrating the importance of technology in this context.
This study aims to verify the repercussions such as pain and discomfort in the spine of students at the Federal University of São Paulo, related to physical inactivity, possibly resulting from social isolation and the excessive use of electronic devices due to remote classes due to the pandemic of covid-19. This study has an analytical cross-sectional character, carried out with students from the Federal University of São Paulo who were in social isolation and studying through remote classes. The volunteer was asked to fill out a form consisting of 26 questions about physical activity, remote classes and use of electronic devices, sleep, stress and repercussions on the spine. It was found that there was a prevalence of low back pain in students with exacerbation after social isolation, with the main factor remaining in the same position for long periods using electronic devices to perform academic activities. The level of physical activity was reduced, but students remained active through online exercise platforms, demonstrating the importance of technology in this context.
AGUSTINHO, Júlia Oliveira. Nível de atividade física dos estudantes da Unifesp - Baixada Santista em isolamento social associado a aulas em atividades domiciliares emergenciais e sua repercussão na coluna vertebral. 2022. 45 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Fisioterapia) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2022.