Efeito da terapia interdisciplinar no consumo máximo de oxigênio em adultos obesos e sua relação com os parâmetros da síndrome metabólica
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A obesidade é uma doença multifatorial crônico-degenerativa que vem apresentando um
crescimento desordenado a níveis epidêmicos, tanto em países desenvolvidos quanto nos países em
desenvolvimento. Essa patologia vem acompanhada de comorbidades normalmente relacionadas
com a modificação de algumas funções metabólicas vitais do organismo. Esses distúrbios
metabólicos quando associados entre si desenvolvem a Síndrome Metabólica (SM), a qual é
caracterizada por uma constelação de fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de doenças
cardiovasculares. Estas doenças são fortemente relacionadas ao estilo de vida dos indivíduos
obesos, deste modo destacamos a terapia interdisciplinar como uma estratégia viável no intuito de
modificar o estilo de vida e melhorar o perfil patológico dos indivíduos obesos, muitas vezes
associado ao sedentarismo. Dentre as estratégias da terapia interdisciplinar insere-se a prática de
exercício físico e dentre os parâmetros alteráveis pelo treinamento está o VO2 máx., índice capaz de
mensurar a capacidade cardiorrespiratória do indivíduo, sendo um parâmetro preditivo de
comorbidades associadas. O presente estudo visou, portanto, avaliar os efeitos da terapia
interdisciplinar no VO2 máx. e nos parâmetros da Síndrome Metabólica em adultos obesos e
identificar a existência de relação entre eles. MÉTODOS: Trinta e um indivíduos de ambos os
gêneros, entre 30 e 50 anos e IMC entre 30 e 40 Kg/m², foram submetidos a 19 semanas de terapia
interdisciplinar, composta por intervenções semanais, de exercícios físicos (três vezes por semana),
nutrição (uma vez por semana) e psicologia (uma vez por semana). Para a verificação dos efeitos da
terapia os voluntários foram avaliados em dois momentos: imediatamente antes e após as 19
semanas de intervenção. As variáveis avaliadas foram: o VO2 máx.; os parâmetros plasmáticos da
SM (através de dosagens sanguíneas), parâmetros antropométricos e composição corporal.
RESULTADOS: Pós terapia interdisciplinar de curta duração os adultos obesos apresentaram
aumento do VO2 máx. tanto relativo ao peso corporal (+16,1%, p<0,001) quanto o VO2 máx.
absoluto (+11,3%, p<0,001). Com relação à SM apenas o perímetro abdominal apresentou redução
significativa (-6,2%, p<0,001), desta forma não ocorreu mudança na prevalência da SM pós terapia
interdisciplinar na população estudada. Houve ainda redução da massa corporal (-4,6%, p<0,001) e
melhora da composição corporal com aumento da porcentagem de massa livre de gordura (MLG)
(+1,4%, p<0,05). CONCLUSÃO: A Terapia Interdisciplinar de curto prazo foi eficiente para o
tratamento da obesidade, tendo em vista os parâmetros antropométricos e de composição corporal.
Apresentou ainda melhora significativa do VO2 máx., porém não obtivemos a mesma melhora nos
parâmetros da SM e na prevalência da mesma, o que pode evidenciar que não há relação entre essas
Obesity is a multifactorial chronic degenerative disease that is showing a disordered growth at epidemic levels, both in developed countries and in developing countries. This condition usually comes with comorbidities related to the modification of some vital metabolic functions of the body. These metabolic disturbanceswhen associated with each otherdeveloping the Metabolic Syndrome (MS), which is characterized by a constellation of risk factors for development of cardiovascular diseases. These diseases are strongly related to thelifestyle of obeses, thus highlight the interdisciplinary therapy as a viable strategy in order to modify the lifestyle and improve the pathological profile of obeses, often associated with physical inactivity. Among the strategies of interdisciplinary therapy is part of the practice of physical exercise and among the modifiable parameters for the training is VO2max., indexable to measure cardiorespiratory fitness, and a predictor of comorbidities. The present study therefore aimed to evaluate the effects of interdisciplinary therapy in VO2max.and metabolic syndrome parameters in obese adults and identify the existence ofrelationship between them. METHODS: Thirty-one individuals of both genders, between 30 and 50 years old and BMI between 30 and 40 kg / m², wereundergoa 19 weeksinterdisciplinary therapy with weekly interventions,ofphysical exercise (three times per week), nutrition (once a week) and psychology (once a week). To verifythe effects of the therapy volunteers were evaluated at two times: immediately before and after the 19 weeksof intervention. The variables evaluated were: VO2 max., plasma parameters ofMS (through blood dosage), anthropometric parameters and body composition. RESULTS: Post interdisciplinary therapy of short duration obese adults showed an increase in VO2max.both in relative to body weight (+16.1 %, p<0.001) and in absolute VO2max. (+11.3%, p<0.001). Aboutthe SM,only the abdominal circumference were significantly reduced (-6.2%, p<0.001), there was no change in the prevalence of MS after interdisciplinary therapy in this population. There was also reduction in body mass (-4.6 %, p<0.001) and improved body composition with increased percentage of fat-free mass (FFM) (+1.4%, p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Interdisciplinary short-term therapy was effective for treatment of obesity both inanthropometric and bodycomposition parameters. Also showedsignificant improvement in VO2max., But did not get the same improvement in the parameters of the SM and the prevalence of it, this may be evidence that no relationship between these variables
Obesity is a multifactorial chronic degenerative disease that is showing a disordered growth at epidemic levels, both in developed countries and in developing countries. This condition usually comes with comorbidities related to the modification of some vital metabolic functions of the body. These metabolic disturbanceswhen associated with each otherdeveloping the Metabolic Syndrome (MS), which is characterized by a constellation of risk factors for development of cardiovascular diseases. These diseases are strongly related to thelifestyle of obeses, thus highlight the interdisciplinary therapy as a viable strategy in order to modify the lifestyle and improve the pathological profile of obeses, often associated with physical inactivity. Among the strategies of interdisciplinary therapy is part of the practice of physical exercise and among the modifiable parameters for the training is VO2max., indexable to measure cardiorespiratory fitness, and a predictor of comorbidities. The present study therefore aimed to evaluate the effects of interdisciplinary therapy in VO2max.and metabolic syndrome parameters in obese adults and identify the existence ofrelationship between them. METHODS: Thirty-one individuals of both genders, between 30 and 50 years old and BMI between 30 and 40 kg / m², wereundergoa 19 weeksinterdisciplinary therapy with weekly interventions,ofphysical exercise (three times per week), nutrition (once a week) and psychology (once a week). To verifythe effects of the therapy volunteers were evaluated at two times: immediately before and after the 19 weeksof intervention. The variables evaluated were: VO2 max., plasma parameters ofMS (through blood dosage), anthropometric parameters and body composition. RESULTS: Post interdisciplinary therapy of short duration obese adults showed an increase in VO2max.both in relative to body weight (+16.1 %, p<0.001) and in absolute VO2max. (+11.3%, p<0.001). Aboutthe SM,only the abdominal circumference were significantly reduced (-6.2%, p<0.001), there was no change in the prevalence of MS after interdisciplinary therapy in this population. There was also reduction in body mass (-4.6 %, p<0.001) and improved body composition with increased percentage of fat-free mass (FFM) (+1.4%, p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Interdisciplinary short-term therapy was effective for treatment of obesity both inanthropometric and bodycomposition parameters. Also showedsignificant improvement in VO2max., But did not get the same improvement in the parameters of the SM and the prevalence of it, this may be evidence that no relationship between these variables
FIDALGO, João Pedro Novo. Efeito da terapia interdisciplinar no consumo máximo de oxigênio em adultos obesos e sua relação com os parâmetros da síndrome metabólica. 2013. 47 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso de graduação (Educação Física) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2013.