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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Adaptação cultural, validade e confiabilidade do Inventário de Habilidades de Vida Independente – versão do paciente (ILSS-BR/P) com portadores de esquizofrenia(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2011-04-27) Martini, Larissa Campagna [UNIFESP]; Mari, Jair de Jesus [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Background: There is a strong association between good psychosocial functioning and the ability to carry out everyday tasks in patients with schizophrenia. Valid Instruments become increasingly necessary to evaluate the performance of these patients on independent living activities. Objective: The aim of this study was to adapt and assess the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the Independent Living Skills Survey (ILSS-BR/P) with schizophrenic patients. Method: The study was conducted with three different samples drawn from community mental health services in the city of Sao Paulo. Results: Fifty patients were enrolled in interrater study, with 64.4% agreement between the responses and a range of 0.80-0.99 of the Intraclass Correlation (ICC). Forty-six patients participated in the test-retest, ICC ranged from 0.84-0.94, with 44.3% agreement. There was a good internal consistency. One hundred and sixty patients participated in the validation. In the discriminant validity, female patients presented a higher performance in overall score and five subscales compared with men. The concurrent validity confirmed the specificity of the dimensions of scale, comparing the ILSS with the PANSS, Calgary, CGI, GAF, WHOQOL and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem. Discussion: ILSS-BR/P is a valid and reliable research instrument to assess social functioning of this sample.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Análise comparativa entre as escalas funcionais do membro superior WMFT e ARAT utilizadas na avaliação da terapia por contensão induzida em pacientes com AVC isquêmico(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2008-07-30) Assis, Rodrigo Deamo [UNIFESP]; Massaro, Ayrton Roberto [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The Constraint-induced Movement therapy (CIMT) is an intervention which main goal is the recuperation of affected upper extremity in hemiparetic patients with acquired encephalic lesion. Its protocol consists by an intensive treatment of two consecutive weeks with six hours of exercises and the wear of arm sling in non affected upper arm during 90% of daily activities. The motor improvement of CIMT is validity by the functional evaluation scales of upper extremity (FESUE) Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT) and Action Research Arm Test (ARAT). Objective: Realize a comparative analysis between both scales. Methodology: The FESUE had been applied during four different times in 17 patients with diagnosis of ischemic stroke, who made individually the CIMT during two weeks and six hours of exercises and after made a comparative analysis between the FESUE by time for application, time for preparation of the table, reproducibility and factorial analysis. Results: Decreased in score of FESUE WMFT and increased in score of FESUE ARAT after CIMT, no significant variation in the score between before and after CIMT of the FESUE, decreased in time to preparation the table and application of FESUE in both scales and the factorial analysis showed two and three qualitative components in FESUE ARAT and WMFT, respectively. Conclusions: Both FESUE can measure the therapeutics gains of CIMT, with high reproducibility, but the time for application and preparation of the table are minor in FESUE ARAT and only the FESUE WMFT shows the qualitative component “laterality”.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosAnálise crítica da equação de referência de distância percorrida no teste da caminhada de seis minutos em pacientes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2000) Mayer, Anamaria Fleig [UNIFESP]; Jardim, José Roberto de Brito [UNIFESP]Introdução: O teste da caminhada de seis minutos e uma avaliacao simples e amplamente utilizada da performance fisica de pacientes com DPOC. Existem valores de referencia para individuos normais, baseados em sexo, idade, peso e altura, que, no entanto, nao foram testados para serem utilizados como referencia de distancia caminhada para pacientes com DPOC. Objetivos: Analisar se a equacao proposta por Enright & Sherrill 5 para individuos normais e capaz de fornecer valores de referencia de normalidade para distancia percorrida em teste da caminhada de seis minutos com acompanhamento, para pacientes portadores de doenca pulmonar obstrutiva cronica (DPOC); testar um conjunto de variaveis, em modelo de regressao multipla, para determinar o desempenho no teste da caminhada de seis minutos. Casuistica e Metodos: Foram estudados 59 pacientes adultos portadores de DPOC, pre-reabilitacao pulmonar, sendo 54 do sexo masculino, com media de idade de 66,2 n 8,7 anos. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a avaliacao antropometrica, espirometria, gasometria arterial, medida das pressoes respiratorias maximas e dois testes da caminhada de seis minutos com acompanhamento. Utilizamos a analise de regressao linear univariada e multivariada para correlacionar a distancia percorrida no teste da caminhada com o conjunto de variaveis independentes selecionadas das avaliacoes. Resultados: Os pacientes apresentavam obstrucao moderada (VEF, 47,9 16,5 por cento), eram eutroficos (IMC 24,3 + 4,6), normoxicos e normocapnicos. A distancia do segundo teste da caminhada foi estatisticamente maior que a do primeiro teste (452,4 + 120,0 e 482,8 + 120,5, respectivamente; p=O,O3). A subdivisao da amostra em nao grave (VEF,>40 por cento) e grave (VEF,<40 por cento) mostrou que a distancia do segundo teste so foi maior no grupo grave (431,4 + 138,4 e 483,8 + 92,5, respectivamente; p=O,Ol). Nao houve diferenca estatisticamente significante entre a distancia estimada pela equacao de individuos normais e a distancia percorrida no teste da caminhada para o grupo total de 59 pacientes com DPOC. Para a amostra de pacientes nao graves, a distancia estimada foi menor que a distancia percorrida (475,1 + 55,0 e 501,2 + 88,6, respectivamente; p=O,O4), enquanto no grupo grave ela foi maior (539,8 n 73,2 e 497,4 + 77,5, respectivamente; p=O,O2). Para os pacientes nao graves, o modelo de regressao linear multipla selecionou as variaveis CVF, PEmax e SpO2 de repouso, que explicaram 52,5 por ...(au)
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação do questionário de Boston aplicado no pós-operatório tardio da síndrome do tunel do carpo operados pela técnica de retinaculótomo de paine por via palmar(Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia, 2006-01-01) Meirelles, Lia Miyamoto; Santos, João Baptista Gomes dos [UNIFESP]; Santos, Luciana Leonel Dos [UNIFESP]; Branco, Marco Aurelio [UNIFESP]; Faloppa, Flávio [UNIFESP]; Leite, Vilnei Mattioli [UNIFESP]; Fernandes, Carlos Henrique [UNIFESP]; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Between the years of 1995 and 1998, 112 surgeries were performed for treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) using the technique of palmar incision employing the Paine retinaculum. With the objective of analyzing results in the long-term, the patients were called for review. Forty four patients returned. From these, three patients were excluded due to associated diseases, thus resulting in a total of 53 hands assessed. Here we present the results of the subjective evaluation achieved by applying a self-assessment test called Boston questionnaire. This questionnaire consists of questions evaluating symptoms severity and functional status at the moment of its application. By applying this questionnaire, we found a score of 1.41 ± 0.57 for symptoms severity and of 1.59 ± 0.93 for functional status. As this questionnaire was not applied at the pre-operative period for those patients assessed, its scores were thus compared to those found in pertinent literature. The achieved results show that post-operative scores are similar to those described in literature, even when reported in different postoperative follow-up times, thereby concluding that when symptoms are improved, the Boston questionnaire is sensitive to that clinical change.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Características da marcha e mobilidade funcional de indivíduos com Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne em diferentes mutações gênicas(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2021-09-10) Miguel, Cleide Daiana Silva [UNIFESP]; Sá, Cristina dos Santos Cardoso de [UNIFESP];; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)A Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne (DMD) é uma doença grave degenerativa recessiva ligada ao cromossomo X caracterizada por fraqueza muscular progressiva com início na primeira infância resultando em declínio progressivo e irreversível de habilidades funcionais. O gene da DMD é considerado o mais longo nos seres humanos, com 79 éxons, e devido ao seu comprimento é altamente suscetível a mutações que resultam na ausência de distrofina. O estudo de estratégias motoras, marcha e mobilidade funcional complementam a avaliação desses indivíduos e permite interpretações ainda não descritas previamente, considerando aspectos genéticos e a evolução da doença. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi caracterizar a marcha e a mobilidade funcional de indivíduos com DMD nas deleções, duplicações e mutações de ponto no gene da distrofina. Foi realizado um estudo observacional de caráter longitudinal, com 40 meninos entre 5 e 17 anos no Setor de Investigação de Doenças Neuromusculares da UNIFESP. Os indivíduos foram avaliados individualmente em três momentos distintos no período de um ano (avaliação inicial, 6 e 12 meses) com as seguintes escalas/testes: Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM), Escala Vignos, Timed Up & Go (TUG), Caminhada de 10 metros (TC 10m) e Escala de avaliação funcional (FES-DMD-D4). Os resultados demonstram diferença entre a avaliação inicial e final no TC 10m e no número de passos, diferente da FES- DMD que mostrou piora progressiva ao longo de 12 meses. O grupo duplicação apresentou tempos de execução no TUG test e TC 10 m mantidos entre avaliação inicial e seis meses e o grupo mutação as alterações ocorrem de maneira gradativa no mesmo período. O estudo concluiu que os perfis de progressão de cada alteração gênica são distintos e também apresentam características de progressão diferentes conforme a localização dos éxons, o que possibilita avaliar estratégias intervenção específica para cada indivíduo com DMD.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosConsumo máximo de oxigênio na avaliação da disfunção aeróbica de pacientes com pneumoconiose: nova proposta de classificação da perda funcional(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 1995) Neder, José Alberto [UNIFESP]; Nery, Luiz Eduardo [UNIFESP]
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Habilidades motoras relacionadas à aquisição da escrita manual em estudantes na fase pós-caligráfica(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-02-24) Marques, Valéria de Cássia [UNIFESP]; Avila, Clara Regina Brandão de [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objective: The present study evaluated the quality of manual writing in motor aspects and speed and readability performance in children and adolescents, in the post calligraphic phase, with and without complaints of handwriting development. Its objective was to investigate the motor skills pattern of the Manual writing in adolescents, post-calligraphic phase, with and without writing complaints and to verify if there are significant differences in writing performance between the groups. Methods: For this, the design was prospective, transversal and quantitative, initially in a convenience sample of 23 children and adolescents aged 12 years to 16 years and 11 months, whose average age was 12 years and 11 months, regularly enrolled in public and private schools, of the regular education network, with and without complaints of learning and writing development. Results: Statistical significance was obtained for the greater writing speed in the group of children without complaints, and the identification of the presence of writing instrument (pencil or pen) in both the sample with and without written complaints considered inferior to the execution of this function. Being the highest percentage of pretensions considered inferior, found in the group with complaints. Conclusion: The variables that proved to have a more agile motor profile in the writing of schoolchildren without complaint in the learning and development of manual writing were identified. There is similarity in performance in the way the letters are traced, in the form of apprehending the pencil and in the posture of upper limb and body, which need to be discussed and traced.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Scleroderma Health Assessment Questionnaire to Brazilian Portuguese(Associação Paulista de Medicina - APM, 2014-04-28) Orlandi, Aline Cristina [UNIFESP]; Cardoso, Fernanda Pontes [UNIFESP]; Santos, Lucas Macedo [UNIFESP]; Cruz, Vaneska da Graça [UNIFESP]; Jones, Anamaria [UNIFESP]; Kyser, Cristiane [UNIFESP]; Natour, Jamil [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Systemic sclerosis is an autoimmune disease characterized by abnormalities of vascularization that may cause fibrosis of the skin and other organs and lead to dysfunction. It is therefore essential to have tools capable of evaluating function in individuals with this condition. The aim of this study was to translate the Scleroderma Health Assessment Questionnaire (SHAQ) into Portuguese, adapt it to Brazilian culture and test its validity and reliability. DESIGN AND SETTING: The validation of SHAQ followed internationally accepted methodology, and was performed in university outpatient clinics. METHODS: SHAQ was translated into Portuguese and back-translated. In the cultural adaptation phase, it was applied to 20 outpatients. Items not understood by 20% of the patients were modified and applied to another 20 outpatients. Twenty patients were interviewed on two different occasions to determine the validity and reliability of the questionnaire: two interviewers on the first occasion and one interviewer 14 days later. To determine the external validity, comparisons were made with Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ), Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) and short form-36 (SF-36). RESULTS: In the interobserver evaluation, Pearson's correlation coefficient and the intraclass correlation coefficient were both 0.967. In the intraobserver evaluation, Pearson's correlation coefficient was 0.735 and the intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.687. Regarding external validity, SHAQ scores were statistically correlated with all measurements, except the general health domain of SF-36 and the work-related score (Q2) of DASH. CONCLUSION: The Brazilian version of SHAQ proved to be valid and reliable for assessing function in patients with diffuse systemic sclerosis.