Métodos e tipos de precipitação aplicados para purificação de biomoléculas
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Com o aumento da demanda por insumos cada vez mais puros e processos industriais mais efetivos, o processo de precipitação para purificação de biomoléculas tem sido gradativamente estudado desde o século XIX. Com o passar dos anos, métodos tradicionais de separação como a cromatografia líquida têm se mostrado improdutivas quando analisamos o tempo e o custo de análise, abrindo espaço para a pesquisa e desenvolvimento de novas técnicas. Pretendeu-se, nesse trabalho de revisão bibliográfica, elencar os aspectos teóricos fundamentais envolvidos nos processos de precipitação para purificação de biomoléculas, apresentando os diferentes tipos de agentes precipitantes como solventes orgânicos (Etanol e Acetona), polímeros (com ênfase no polietilenoglicol – PEG), sais (convencionais e voláteis) e por afinidade. A forma de operação do processo (em batelada ou contínuo), as principais vantagens e desvantagens, as aplicações e os mecanismos de ação foram estudados. A metodologia prática foi traçada tendo como base dois estudos de caso sobre a precipitação contínua de anticorpos com e sem polietilenoglicol, utilizando cloreto de zinco (ZnCl2).
With the increase in demand for increasingly pure inputs and more effective industrial processes, the precipitation process for the purification of biomolecules has been gradually studied since the 19th century. Over the years, traditional separation methods such as liquid chromatography have proved to be unproductive when analyzing the time and cost of analysis, opening space for research and development of new techniques. The aim of this bibliographic review work is to list the fundamental theoretical aspects involved in the precipitation processes for the purification of biomolecules, presenting the different types of precipitating agents such as organic solvents (Ethanol and Acetone), polymers (with emphasis on polyethylene glycol - PEG), salts (conventional and volatile) and by affinity. The way of operating the process (batch or continuous), the main advantages and disadvantages, applications and mechanisms of action were studied. The practical methodology was designed based on two case studies on the continuous precipitation of antibodies with and without polyethylene glycol, using zinc chloride (ZnCl2).
With the increase in demand for increasingly pure inputs and more effective industrial processes, the precipitation process for the purification of biomolecules has been gradually studied since the 19th century. Over the years, traditional separation methods such as liquid chromatography have proved to be unproductive when analyzing the time and cost of analysis, opening space for research and development of new techniques. The aim of this bibliographic review work is to list the fundamental theoretical aspects involved in the precipitation processes for the purification of biomolecules, presenting the different types of precipitating agents such as organic solvents (Ethanol and Acetone), polymers (with emphasis on polyethylene glycol - PEG), salts (conventional and volatile) and by affinity. The way of operating the process (batch or continuous), the main advantages and disadvantages, applications and mechanisms of action were studied. The practical methodology was designed based on two case studies on the continuous precipitation of antibodies with and without polyethylene glycol, using zinc chloride (ZnCl2).