A experiência da gravidez na juventude: Um caso da Areia Branca, região noroeste da cidade de Santos
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A gravidez na juventude pode ser considerada uma importante questão social e de saúde pública. Os altos índices de gravidez em jovens na cidade de Santos e também no Brasil surgiram como questão motivadora para este estudo. A gravidez pode trazer sérias consequências ao bebê e aos jovens que vivem em situação de vulnerabilidade, além de produzir impactos sociais importantes, como taxas mais altas de desemprego e de pobreza. Além disso, destaca-se o abandono escolar como séria consequência devido a dificuldade desses jovens conciliarem os estudos, trabalho e responsabilidades maternas. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivos compreender como a juventude vive a experiência da gravidez, identificar as expectativas e motivações dos jovens em relação à gravidez, acompanhar a visão do sujeito do início ao final da gestação e identificar a perspectiva dos jovens quanto ao apoio da família e de instituições de saúde, e os impactos desses apoios. A fim de superar o senso comum, que resume a gravidez à despreparo e algo indesejado, considera-se que essa é uma questão complexa. Entende-se que todos os indivíduos, inclusive os jovens, têm o direito ao bem-estar e ao pleno desenvolvimento de suas capacidades, e que é necessário estabelecer condições de vida adequadas para todos. O cenário de investigação foi o bairro da Areia Branca da zona noroeste de Santos, região de vulnerabilidade social. A metodologia do estudo é qualitativa e os dados foram produzidos por meio de narrativas de um jovem casal, através de Diários de Pesquisa e por fim, por meio de uma pesquisa bibliográfica - Revisão Integrativa. Os resultados demonstram que a gravidez na juventude tende a ser melhor equacionada, se tiver o acompanhamento da Atenção Básica de Saúde e o apoio de uma rede familiar. As consequências negativas associadas à gravidez nessa etapa da vida são muito mais relacionadas à vulnerabilidade social do que pelo fato da própria experiência da gestação na juventude. Cabe destacar a importância do papel do Estado no suporte e assistência necessária para que todos sujeitos tenham alcance a essas condições mínimas de saúde e qualidade de vida. É imprescindível o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias para a efetivação do direito à livre escolha, bem como políticas públicas e programas eficazes para a promoção da equidade de gênero e de saúde sexual e reprodutiva que atendam às necessidades dos jovens.
Youth pregnancy has been addressed as a social and public health issue. High youth pregnancy rates in Santos city and also Brazil comes up as a motivating matter for this study. The youth is a crucial development phase, and so is the gestation period. Pregnancy can bring serious consequences for the baby and the youth which already lives in a delicate situation, causing important social impacts besides it, such as higher unemployment and poverty rates, due to the economic impair caused by the low schooling level. In addition, studies dropout comes up as a important matter caused by the difficulty of the youth to conciliate studies and a job, other than domestic and parental responsibilities, which could harden school resumption. Research objectives were to comprehend how the youth lives the pregnancy experience, identify their expectations and motivations in relation to the pregnancy, follow their point of view from beginning to end and identify their perspective on to the received support from their family, and health institutions, and the impact of them. To surpass the common sense that resumes youth pregnancy as a lack of caution, misinformation and something unwanted, it is considered in here as a complex matter. It is understood that all individuals, including the young, must have the right to well-being and full development of their capacities, and that it is necessary to establish proper living condition for everyone. The investigation scenario was the Areia Branca, a neighborhood on the northwest of Santos, a region of social vulnerability. It is a qualitative research design, data were produced by means of a young couple narratives, through the escorting of the medical appointments and research diaries. Results show that youth pregnancy may not be a problem, if it has the proper health follow through and the family network support. Negative consequences associated with youth pregnancy tend to be much more a social vulnerability issue than by the fact that it is a pregnancy experienced while in the youth. It is worth to highlight the State role in the support and assistance needed in order for everyone to be able to reach those minimum conditions to achieve proper health and welfare. It is fundamental the development of new strategies and integrated actions (health, family, school, community) to the achievement of the right to choose whether to have or not children. As well as public politics and efficient programs to the equity promotion of gender and sexual health and reproductive that attend to the need of the actual public.
Youth pregnancy has been addressed as a social and public health issue. High youth pregnancy rates in Santos city and also Brazil comes up as a motivating matter for this study. The youth is a crucial development phase, and so is the gestation period. Pregnancy can bring serious consequences for the baby and the youth which already lives in a delicate situation, causing important social impacts besides it, such as higher unemployment and poverty rates, due to the economic impair caused by the low schooling level. In addition, studies dropout comes up as a important matter caused by the difficulty of the youth to conciliate studies and a job, other than domestic and parental responsibilities, which could harden school resumption. Research objectives were to comprehend how the youth lives the pregnancy experience, identify their expectations and motivations in relation to the pregnancy, follow their point of view from beginning to end and identify their perspective on to the received support from their family, and health institutions, and the impact of them. To surpass the common sense that resumes youth pregnancy as a lack of caution, misinformation and something unwanted, it is considered in here as a complex matter. It is understood that all individuals, including the young, must have the right to well-being and full development of their capacities, and that it is necessary to establish proper living condition for everyone. The investigation scenario was the Areia Branca, a neighborhood on the northwest of Santos, a region of social vulnerability. It is a qualitative research design, data were produced by means of a young couple narratives, through the escorting of the medical appointments and research diaries. Results show that youth pregnancy may not be a problem, if it has the proper health follow through and the family network support. Negative consequences associated with youth pregnancy tend to be much more a social vulnerability issue than by the fact that it is a pregnancy experienced while in the youth. It is worth to highlight the State role in the support and assistance needed in order for everyone to be able to reach those minimum conditions to achieve proper health and welfare. It is fundamental the development of new strategies and integrated actions (health, family, school, community) to the achievement of the right to choose whether to have or not children. As well as public politics and efficient programs to the equity promotion of gender and sexual health and reproductive that attend to the need of the actual public.
VIEIRA NETO, Flavio Batista. A experiência da gravidez na juventude: Um caso da Areia Branca, região noroeste da cidade de Santos. 2019. 79 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso de graduação (Psicologia) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade (ISS), Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2019.