Professor (a) Orientador (a) de Informática Educativa - POIE: memórias e saberes construídos no processo de formação de do (a)POIE na Secretaria municipal de Educação de Santos
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A presente pesquisa situa-se no campo de estudo das linguagens e saberes em contextos
formativos, com acento na formação de professores e tecnologias digitais da informação e
comunicação (TDIC). Trata-se de uma pesquisa ancorada nos pressupostos de uma
pesquisa-formação e pautada na abordagem metodológica qualitativa de caráter descritivo,
relacionada ao Professor (a) Orientador (a) de Informática Educativa – POIE, às memórias e
os saberes construídos no processo de formação de do (a) POIE, em uma Secretaria Municipal
de Educação do Estado de São Paulo. O objetivo geral consiste em compreender como o
processo formativo do (a) POIE possibilita mudanças de práticas em sua atividade docente,
contribuindo para o seu percurso de autoformação, localizando-se como sujeito aprendente no
contexto de sua docência e de sua materialidade histórica, reverberando entre os pares e a
comunidade escolar. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa ampara-se no seguinte quadro teórico de
referência. Para as abordagens de uso educacional das TDIC, Lévy (1999), Pesce (2010;
2012; 2014; 2015; 2018), Moran (2012; 2013; 1995), Bonilla (2010) e Kenski (2003a;
2003b). No campo da formação de professores, profissionalização docente, Nóvoa
(1995;1999; 2004;) Tardif (2000; 2005) e Contreras (2002). Em contribuição ao campo da
experiência em seu sentido ontológico e os saberes-fazeres pedagógicos, Larrosa (2002),
Freire (1967;1997;2001;2013), para a tipologia da pesquisa-formação em sua dimensão
autopoiética, Josso (2004), Catani (2005) e Santos (2014). Como instrumentos de produção de
dados utilizou-se documentos oficiais atinentes ao exercício da função POIE na secretaria de
educação em tela, os projetos político pedagógicos das escolas nas quais a pesquisadora
desempenhou a função, bem como os registros pessoais na materialização de um memorial de
trajetória e formação do participante implicado na investigação.
The present research is situated in the field of study of public policies and teacher training and Digital Technologies of Information and Communication (DTIC). This is a research based on the assumptions of research-training and based on the qualitative methodological approach of a descriptive character, related to the Teacher (a) Advisor (a) of Educational Informatics - POIE, to the memories and knowledge built in the training process of the POIE, in a Municipal Department of Education of the State of São Paulo. The general objective is to understand how the training process of (a) POIE enables changes in practices in its teaching activity contributing to its path of self-education, locating itself as a learning subject in the context of its teaching and its historical materiality, reverberating among the peers and the school community. In this sense, the research is supported by the following theoretical framework of reference: for the educational use approaches of DTIC, Lévy (1999), Pesce (2010; 2012; 2014; 2015; 2018), Moran (2012; 2013; 1995), Bonilla (2010) and Kenski (2003a; 2003b). In the field of teacher training, teacher professionalization, Nóvoa (1995; 1999; 2004;) Tardif (2000; 2005) and Contreras (2002). In contribution to the field of experience in its ontological sense and the pedagogical know-how, Larrosa (2002), Freire (1967; 1997; 2001; 2013), for the typology of research-training in its autopoietic dimension, Josso (2004), Catani (2005) and Santos (2014). As instruments of data production, official documents related to the exercise of the POIE function in the education department were used, the political and pedagogical projects of the schools in which the researcher performed the function, as well as the personal records in the materialization of a memorial of trajectory. and training of the participant involved in the investigation.
The present research is situated in the field of study of public policies and teacher training and Digital Technologies of Information and Communication (DTIC). This is a research based on the assumptions of research-training and based on the qualitative methodological approach of a descriptive character, related to the Teacher (a) Advisor (a) of Educational Informatics - POIE, to the memories and knowledge built in the training process of the POIE, in a Municipal Department of Education of the State of São Paulo. The general objective is to understand how the training process of (a) POIE enables changes in practices in its teaching activity contributing to its path of self-education, locating itself as a learning subject in the context of its teaching and its historical materiality, reverberating among the peers and the school community. In this sense, the research is supported by the following theoretical framework of reference: for the educational use approaches of DTIC, Lévy (1999), Pesce (2010; 2012; 2014; 2015; 2018), Moran (2012; 2013; 1995), Bonilla (2010) and Kenski (2003a; 2003b). In the field of teacher training, teacher professionalization, Nóvoa (1995; 1999; 2004;) Tardif (2000; 2005) and Contreras (2002). In contribution to the field of experience in its ontological sense and the pedagogical know-how, Larrosa (2002), Freire (1967; 1997; 2001; 2013), for the typology of research-training in its autopoietic dimension, Josso (2004), Catani (2005) and Santos (2014). As instruments of data production, official documents related to the exercise of the POIE function in the education department were used, the political and pedagogical projects of the schools in which the researcher performed the function, as well as the personal records in the materialization of a memorial of trajectory. and training of the participant involved in the investigation.