Vidas Gamificadas: um jogo no contemporâneo
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A questão da gamificação tem ganhado presença, seja nas abordagens de aplicativos, seja em modos de produzir indo até os menores gestos. Nessa perspectiva, este escrito tenta pensar com estes processos utilizando-se de narrativas, de episódios de uma noite qualquer, numa festa qualquer que de todo modo importa para problematizações. As narrativas estão entremeadas a questionamentos vitais, que exploram elementos para pensar o game e o jogo, diferenciação que não é meramente linguageira e desinteressada. No contemporâneo, seus cruzamentos, atravessamentos e tensionamentos se fazem presentes nos corpos, nas políticas, nas vidas, tudo isso está em jogo. Na análise comparecem as sociedades do controle, certos aliciamentos neoliberais do game, e uma vitalidade do jogo presente na vida, o agon e outras forças que podem permitir escapes. Há uma crítica acerca das bets e cassinos online, uma problemática que importa pensar para além da proibição, medicalização e psicologização, questão que passa por máquinas sem Deus e o Homem, que fazem desejar, modulando narrativas de si com excitações e cansaço, movimentações da vida média. Por fim, tudo isso coexiste com a corrupção da própria noção de futuro, e se houver saídas, alguns lances interessam para desajeitar processos, colocar areia nas máquinas bem azeitadas, e uma aposta na espessura do presente: malandragem, certa opacidade e ginga, com inutensílios, com a seriedade da criança com seus brinquedos, agonisticamente pelo meio do game.
The Gamification topic is being increasingly present, be it in apps approaches, in their productive ways, or even the smaller gestures. In this perspective, this article tries to ideate with those processes utilizing some narratives, episodes from an uninteresting night, or any given party, that anyway matters for the problematizations. The narratives are streaky with vital questions that explore some elements to think around the game and the play, a difference that’s not merely language based and not uninteresting. In the contemporary its differences, crossings and tensionings are present in bodies, in politics, in lives, everything’s on the game's stakes. In the analysis, there are the control societies, some neoliberal poaching from the game, and the game vitality present in life, the agon, and other strengths that could allow some escapes. There’s a critique around the bets and online casinos, a problem that's more than just discussing its prohibition, medicalization, psycholization, a question that goes through godless machines and men, that makes one wish, modeling self narratives with excitement and tiredness, average life movements. Finally, all of this coexists with the corruption of future notion itself, and, if there is any way out , some moves matter to disrupt processes, to put sand in the well oiled machines, and to bet in present's thickness: trickery, opacity and swing, with inutensils, with the seriousness of a kid playing with toys, agonistically trough game.
The Gamification topic is being increasingly present, be it in apps approaches, in their productive ways, or even the smaller gestures. In this perspective, this article tries to ideate with those processes utilizing some narratives, episodes from an uninteresting night, or any given party, that anyway matters for the problematizations. The narratives are streaky with vital questions that explore some elements to think around the game and the play, a difference that’s not merely language based and not uninteresting. In the contemporary its differences, crossings and tensionings are present in bodies, in politics, in lives, everything’s on the game's stakes. In the analysis, there are the control societies, some neoliberal poaching from the game, and the game vitality present in life, the agon, and other strengths that could allow some escapes. There’s a critique around the bets and online casinos, a problem that's more than just discussing its prohibition, medicalization, psycholization, a question that goes through godless machines and men, that makes one wish, modeling self narratives with excitement and tiredness, average life movements. Finally, all of this coexists with the corruption of future notion itself, and, if there is any way out , some moves matter to disrupt processes, to put sand in the well oiled machines, and to bet in present's thickness: trickery, opacity and swing, with inutensils, with the seriousness of a kid playing with toys, agonistically trough game.
ROSSI, Pedro Henrique. Vidas Gamificadas: um jogo no contemporâneo. 2024. 23 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Psicologia) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Santos, 2024.