Os órfãos na cidade de São Paulo: direitos em disputa (1731-1830)
Dissertação de mestrado
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O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir a orfandade na cidade de São Paulo à luz da atuação dos herdeiros e tutores nas disputas movidas no Juízo dos Órfãos da cidade de São Paulo. Para tal, estipulamos como recorte temporal os anos de 1731 a 1830. O marco inicial associa-se à instituição do Juízo dos Órfãos no Brasil, e segue até a alteração do perfil do juizado com a sua incorporação à Provedoria dos Defuntos e Ausentes. Nesse sentido, propõe-se mapear o perfil dos órfãos e famílias atendidos a partir dos autos produzidos pelo juizado, bem como identificar conflitos existentes durante as partilhas das heranças. Procuramos discutir, da mesma forma, quais seriam os direitos dos órfãos e as quantias requeridas no processo de inventariação, contribuindo para o debate acerca dos aspectos referentes à família e infância na sociedade paulista entre os séculos XVIII e XIX.
The aim of this dissertation is to discuss orphanhood in the city of São Paulo in the light of the role of the heirs and guardians in the disputes brought in the São Paulo city’s Juízo dos Órfãos. To this end, we stipulated the years 1731 to 1830. The initial milestone is associated with the institution of the Orphans' Court in Brazil, and continues until the alteration of the profile of the court with the incorporation of the Provedoria dos Defuntos e Ausentes. In this sense, it is proposed to map from the records produced by the court the profile of the orphans served, as well as to identify existing conflicts during the sharing of inheritances. We will try to discuss, in the same way, what would be the rights of orphans and the amounts required in the inventory process, contributing to the debate about aspects related to family and childhood in São Paulo society between the 18th and 19th centuries.
The aim of this dissertation is to discuss orphanhood in the city of São Paulo in the light of the role of the heirs and guardians in the disputes brought in the São Paulo city’s Juízo dos Órfãos. To this end, we stipulated the years 1731 to 1830. The initial milestone is associated with the institution of the Orphans' Court in Brazil, and continues until the alteration of the profile of the court with the incorporation of the Provedoria dos Defuntos e Ausentes. In this sense, it is proposed to map from the records produced by the court the profile of the orphans served, as well as to identify existing conflicts during the sharing of inheritances. We will try to discuss, in the same way, what would be the rights of orphans and the amounts required in the inventory process, contributing to the debate about aspects related to family and childhood in São Paulo society between the 18th and 19th centuries.