Panorama do erro médico no Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo.
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Introdução: A possibilidade de ocorrer um erro médico é uma sombra que acompanha o profissional médico ao longo da carreira. A profissão de Médico é das mais exigentes, e quem a escolhe demonstra um perfil de generosidade, pois doa sua vida em busca de melhorar a do próximo. Contudo, nem sempre esse objetivo é alcançado. E vimos nos últimos anos um aumento das demandas judiciais questionando a atuação do médico, e exigindo reparação por danos causados aos pacientes. Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar as decisões proferidas pelo Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo acerca do erro médico, levantando dados sobre essas decisões, e, assim, fazer ponderações sobre os resultados obtidos. Método: Realizamos uma pesquisa retrospectiva nos arquivos do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo onde foram analisadas as decisões emanadas neste Tribunal onde o assunto principal foi o erro médico. Foram analisados parâmetros sobre partes que compunham o processo, avaliamos o tipo de demanda e pedido e o resultado final na decisão emanada pelo Tribunal. Resultados: Foram analisadas de janeiro a junho de 2023, 735 decisões proferidas pelo tribunal, mas apenas 681 foram analisadas em inteiro teor por se tratar do assunto a que se destinou este trabalho. As demandas excluídas tenham temas diversos ao erro médico, como exemplo erro em odontologia e veterinária. Das decisões analisadas encontramos que 368 (54%) foram julgadas improcedentes, 245(36%) procedentes e 68 (12%) ainda não julgadas. Em relação a faixa de indenização a maioria estava na faixa entre R$ 100.000,00 a R$499.999,00. Quanto ao perfil do autor a grande maioria foi do sexo feminino 43%, 21% masculino, 36% outros (herdeiros, genitores, representantes legais). Quanto ao perfil do réu, encontramos o hospital em 77% das ações (isolado ou em conjunto com outro réu) e 38% o médico (também isolado ou em conjunto). Conclusão: Há um grande número de demandas que versam sobre o erro médico no Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo sendo que decisões improcedentes prevaleceram neste período estudado.
Introduction: The possibility of a medical error occurring is a shadow that accompanies medical professionals throughout their career. The medical profession is one of the most demanding, and those who choose it demonstrate a profile of generosity, as they donate their lives in an attempt to improve that of others. However, this objective is not always achieved. And in recent years we have seen an increase in legal demands questioning the doctor's actions and demanding compensation for damages caused to patients. Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze the decisions handed down by the Court of Justice of São Paulo about medical error, collecting data on these decisions, and thus making considerations about the results obtained. Method: We conducted a retrospective search in the archives of the Court of Justice of São Paulo where the decisions issued in this court where the main subject was medical error were analyzed. Parameters were analyzed on the parties that made up the process, we evaluated the type of demand and request and the final result in the decision issued by the court. Results: From January to June 2023, 735 decisions issued by the court were analyzed, but only 681 were analyzed in full because it is the subject to which this work was intended. The excluded claims have themes other than medical error, such as errors in dentistry and veterinary. Of the decisions analyzed, we found that 368 (54%) were dismissed, 245 (36%) were well founded and 68 (12%) had not yet been judged. Regarding the indemnity range, most were in the range between R$ 100,000.00 and R$ 499,999.00. Regarding the profile of the author, the vast majority were female (43%), 21% male, and 36% others (heirs, parents, legal representatives). As for the profile of the defendant, we find the hospital in 77% of the lawsuits (alone or jointly with another defendant) and 38% the doctor (also alone or jointly). Conclusion: There are a large number of lawsuits that deal with medical error in the Court of Justice of São Paulo, and unfounded decisions prevailed in this period studied.
Introduction: The possibility of a medical error occurring is a shadow that accompanies medical professionals throughout their career. The medical profession is one of the most demanding, and those who choose it demonstrate a profile of generosity, as they donate their lives in an attempt to improve that of others. However, this objective is not always achieved. And in recent years we have seen an increase in legal demands questioning the doctor's actions and demanding compensation for damages caused to patients. Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze the decisions handed down by the Court of Justice of São Paulo about medical error, collecting data on these decisions, and thus making considerations about the results obtained. Method: We conducted a retrospective search in the archives of the Court of Justice of São Paulo where the decisions issued in this court where the main subject was medical error were analyzed. Parameters were analyzed on the parties that made up the process, we evaluated the type of demand and request and the final result in the decision issued by the court. Results: From January to June 2023, 735 decisions issued by the court were analyzed, but only 681 were analyzed in full because it is the subject to which this work was intended. The excluded claims have themes other than medical error, such as errors in dentistry and veterinary. Of the decisions analyzed, we found that 368 (54%) were dismissed, 245 (36%) were well founded and 68 (12%) had not yet been judged. Regarding the indemnity range, most were in the range between R$ 100,000.00 and R$ 499,999.00. Regarding the profile of the author, the vast majority were female (43%), 21% male, and 36% others (heirs, parents, legal representatives). As for the profile of the defendant, we find the hospital in 77% of the lawsuits (alone or jointly with another defendant) and 38% the doctor (also alone or jointly). Conclusion: There are a large number of lawsuits that deal with medical error in the Court of Justice of São Paulo, and unfounded decisions prevailed in this period studied.
SROUGÉ, Fabio Mesquita Pereira. Panorama do erro médico no Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo. 2024. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência Cirúrgica Interdisciplinar) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp), São Paulo, 2024.