Avaliação eletrofisiológica do processamento auditivo central em mulheres no climatério
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Introdução: O climatério é considerado uma síndrome com sintomas variáveis e que afeta o organismo como um todo. Nesse período ocorre a menopausa, interrupção permanente da menstruação, reconhecida após 12 meses consecutivos de amenorréia. O climatério, pode então ser entendido como o período que precede o término da vida reprodutiva da mulher, marcado por alterações somáticas e psíquicas, e estende-se até a senilidade. Uma das alterações observadas é a queda na produção de estrogênio, que além de ser o principal hormônio reprodutor feminino, também possui ação em outros sistemas, dentre eles o nervoso. Devido ao papel do estrogênio no sistema auditivo, as mulheres no período do climatério podem sofrer distúrbios no processamento auditivo devido à diminuição da produção do hormônio, já que este tem profunda relação com o processamento de informações verbais. Com isso, a terapia hormonal, além de diminuir os sintomas da menopausa, pode ainda beneficiar as mulheres quanto aos efeitos no processamento auditivo. Para comprovar os efeitos auditivos pré e pós terapia hormonal, é necessário a avaliação do processamento auditivo central, bem como dos potenciais evocados auditivos. Objetivo: Caracterizar os potenciais evocados auditivos de curta e de longa latência em mulheres no climatério com e sem terapia hormonal. Método: A amostra foi constituída por 12 mulheres com idades entre 45 e 58 anos sem queixa auditiva. Os grupos de estudo (com terapia hormonal) e controle (sem terapia hormonal) foram compostos por seis mulheres cada. A avaliação eletrofisiológica foi constituída pela pesquisa do Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefálico (PEATE) e do Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Longa Latência (PEALL). Além disso, foi aplicado um questionário informal sobre fadiga. Resultados: Observou-se diferenças estatisticamente significantes para as latências absolutas das ondas III e V do potencial evocado auditivo de tronco encefálico na orelha direita e da onda I na orelha esquerda com latências menores para o grupo com terapia hormonal. Conclusão: Mulheres no climatério que fazem uso de terapia hormonal apresentam menores latências no potencial evocado auditivo de tronco encefálico do que mulheres sem terapia hormonal. Os dois grupos de mulheres não diferem quanto ao potencial evocado auditivo de longa latência e quanto à avaliação informal da fadiga.
Introduction: The climacteric is considered a syndrome with variables that affects the organism as a whole. During this period, menopause occurs, a permanent interruption of menstruation, recognized after 12 consecutive months of amenorrhea. The climacteric, then, can be understood as the period that precedes the end of the woman's reproductive life, marked by somatic and psychical changes, and extends to senility. One of the observed changes is a drop in the production of estrogen, which in addition to being the main female reproductive hormone, also acts on other systems, including the nervous system. Considering the role of estrogen in the auditory system, women in the climacteric period, may suffer from central auditory processing disorders due to decreased hormone production, since it is related to the processing of verbal information. Thus, hormonal therapy, in addition to decreasing the symptoms of menopause, can also benefit women in terms of its effects on auditory processing. To verify the auditory effects before and after hormonal therapy, it is necessary to evaluate the central auditory processing, as well as the auditory evoked potentials. Objective: To characterize short and long latency auditory evoked potentials in climacteric women with and without hormone therapy. Method: The study consisted of 12 women aged between 45 and 58 years without hearing complaints. The study group (with hormone therapy) and the control group (without hormone therapy) were composed of six women each. The electrophysiological evaluation was found by researching the Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential and the Long Latency Auditory Evoked Potential. In addition, an informal questionnaire on fatigue was formulated. Results: Statistically significant differences were observed for the absolute latencies of waves III and V of the brainstem auditory evoked potential in the right ear and of wave I in the left ear, with lower latencies for the group with hormonal therapy. Conclusion: Climacteric women who use hormone therapy have lower latencies in the brainstem auditory evoked potential than women without hormone therapy. The two groups of women do not differ regarding long latency auditory evoked potentials and informal assessment of fatigue.
Introduction: The climacteric is considered a syndrome with variables that affects the organism as a whole. During this period, menopause occurs, a permanent interruption of menstruation, recognized after 12 consecutive months of amenorrhea. The climacteric, then, can be understood as the period that precedes the end of the woman's reproductive life, marked by somatic and psychical changes, and extends to senility. One of the observed changes is a drop in the production of estrogen, which in addition to being the main female reproductive hormone, also acts on other systems, including the nervous system. Considering the role of estrogen in the auditory system, women in the climacteric period, may suffer from central auditory processing disorders due to decreased hormone production, since it is related to the processing of verbal information. Thus, hormonal therapy, in addition to decreasing the symptoms of menopause, can also benefit women in terms of its effects on auditory processing. To verify the auditory effects before and after hormonal therapy, it is necessary to evaluate the central auditory processing, as well as the auditory evoked potentials. Objective: To characterize short and long latency auditory evoked potentials in climacteric women with and without hormone therapy. Method: The study consisted of 12 women aged between 45 and 58 years without hearing complaints. The study group (with hormone therapy) and the control group (without hormone therapy) were composed of six women each. The electrophysiological evaluation was found by researching the Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential and the Long Latency Auditory Evoked Potential. In addition, an informal questionnaire on fatigue was formulated. Results: Statistically significant differences were observed for the absolute latencies of waves III and V of the brainstem auditory evoked potential in the right ear and of wave I in the left ear, with lower latencies for the group with hormonal therapy. Conclusion: Climacteric women who use hormone therapy have lower latencies in the brainstem auditory evoked potential than women without hormone therapy. The two groups of women do not differ regarding long latency auditory evoked potentials and informal assessment of fatigue.
OLIVEIRA, T. Avaliação eletrofisiológica do processamento auditivo central em mulheres no climatério. São Paulo, 2021. 69 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Fonoaudiologia) – Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2021.