Busca por informações em saúde dirigidas à UNIFESP por meio do serviço “fale conosco”: um estudo exploratório
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A cada dia, a Internet vem se reafirmando como um meio tecnológico de informação tanto social quanto educacional. Nessa esteira, a Universidade Federal de São Paulo oferece um canal de comunicação denominado “Fale Conosco”, pelo qual o usuário pode solicitar informações, inclusive quanto a saúde. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa consiste em identificar e caracterizar as solicitações dos usuários do “Fale Conosco” saúde, do Portal da Unifesp, no intuito de aperfeiçoar esse canal de comunicação. Para tanto, foram analisados portais das universidades federais brasileiras, no que se refere a oferta de cursos e/ou atendimento na área da saúde, disponibilidade de dados sobre saúde e serviços do tipo “Fale Conosco”, a fim de levantar a existência de ferramenta semelhante para obtenção de informações sobre saúde. Todas as universidades oferecem um portal, 50 oferecem atendimento na área da saúde, e somente a Unifesp oferece um canal para solicitações de informações. Da mesma forma, foram submetidos a análise documental 684 e-mails enviados à seção “Dúvidas de Saúde/Tratamento Específico” e “Procura por Profissionais da Unifesp”, do “Fale Conosco”, entre 1º. de fevereiro de 2013 e 31 de janeiro de 2014, dos quais verificou-se que 60% apresentaram conteúdos incompatíveis com a solicitação enviada. Assim, após a leitura, foram selecionadas 384 mensagens relativas ao assunto “Dúvidas de Saúde/Tratamento Específico”. A maior parte dos usuários (83%) que procuram a área da saúde pelo “Fale Conosco” da Unifesp está em busca de tratamento de saúde. Esse fato, ao mesmo tempo em que evidencia a confiança que o público tem na instituição, também ressalta o desconhecimento quanto ao fluxo de atendimento disponibilizado pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Para que isso não ocorra, é necessário organizar essa informação no portal de modo mais claro e acessível. Quanto às dúvidas sobre saúde, observa-se o predomínio de questões sobre as especialidades Ginecologia e Oftalmologia; e, com menor expressão, as áreas de Neurologia, Cirurgia Plástica e Psiquiatria. Este estudo possibilitou mapear áreas em que há necessidade de disponibilizar informações de modo mais abrangente e efetivo. Além disso, gerou um relatório técnico, a ser encaminhado à Comissão do Portal da Unifesp, para subsidiar o processo de reformulação do portal da universidade, que está em andamento.
Every day the Internet is confirmed as a technological means of social and educational information. In this sense, the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp) offers a communication channel called “Contact Us,” through which the user can request information, including health-related information. The objective of this research is to identify and characterize users’ requests in the “Contact Us” health section, at Unifesp’s Portal, with the intention of perfecting this communication channel. Therefore, federal higher education institutions’ (IFES) portals were analyzed, to investigate the existence of similar tools for health information. All of the IFES offer a portal, and while 50 of them offer medical assistance, only Unifesp offers a channel for health queries. While 684 emails sent to the “health queries/specific treatments” and “search for Unifesp professionals” sections of the “Contact Us” were submitted to document analysis between February 1, 2013 and January 31, 2014, it was found that 60% were incompatible with the sections they were forwarded to. Thus, after careful selection, 384 messages were found to pertain to the section “health queries/specific treatments.” Most users (83%), who seek the “Contact Us” health section at Unifesp’s portal are in need of health care. This fact, while highlighting the confidence the public has in the institution, also demonstrates their lack of knowledge about the intense work flow in Brazil’s public health care system (SUS). To circumvent this, it is necessary to organize the information in the portal in a clear and accessible way. Most health related questions are in the specialties of Gynecology and Ophthalmology; and, to a lesser extent, the areas of Neurology, Plastic Surgery and Psychiatry. This study provided for the mapping of areas in which there is a need to make information available in a broader and more effective manner. In addition, the study generated a technical report that will go to Unifesp’s Portal Committee to assist in the task of revising the university’s portal, a process that is now going on.
Every day the Internet is confirmed as a technological means of social and educational information. In this sense, the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp) offers a communication channel called “Contact Us,” through which the user can request information, including health-related information. The objective of this research is to identify and characterize users’ requests in the “Contact Us” health section, at Unifesp’s Portal, with the intention of perfecting this communication channel. Therefore, federal higher education institutions’ (IFES) portals were analyzed, to investigate the existence of similar tools for health information. All of the IFES offer a portal, and while 50 of them offer medical assistance, only Unifesp offers a channel for health queries. While 684 emails sent to the “health queries/specific treatments” and “search for Unifesp professionals” sections of the “Contact Us” were submitted to document analysis between February 1, 2013 and January 31, 2014, it was found that 60% were incompatible with the sections they were forwarded to. Thus, after careful selection, 384 messages were found to pertain to the section “health queries/specific treatments.” Most users (83%), who seek the “Contact Us” health section at Unifesp’s portal are in need of health care. This fact, while highlighting the confidence the public has in the institution, also demonstrates their lack of knowledge about the intense work flow in Brazil’s public health care system (SUS). To circumvent this, it is necessary to organize the information in the portal in a clear and accessible way. Most health related questions are in the specialties of Gynecology and Ophthalmology; and, to a lesser extent, the areas of Neurology, Plastic Surgery and Psychiatry. This study provided for the mapping of areas in which there is a need to make information available in a broader and more effective manner. In addition, the study generated a technical report that will go to Unifesp’s Portal Committee to assist in the task of revising the university’s portal, a process that is now going on.
SOTERO, Rosa Malena Bergamo. Busca por informações em saúde dirigidas à UNIFESP por meio do serviço “fale conosco”: um estudo exploratório. 2015. 97 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Ensino em Ciências da Saúde) – Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, 2015.