Gerenciamento de projetos de pesquisa financiados com recursos públicos: concepções docentes
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Este projeto teve como objetivo investigar as concepções dos docentes pesquisadores relacionadas ao gerenciamento de projetos de pesquisa financiados com recursos públicos. Especificamente procurou conhecer as reações e expectativas dos mesmos frente à aprovação do projeto, as principais práticas de gerenciamento, as dificuldades para gerenciar e as sugestões para a melhoria deste processo. A metodologia foi desenvolvida por meio de um estudo qualitativo, exploratório, descritivo - analítico do tipo corte transversal. As informações obtidas por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas foram gravadas e transcritas. Os sujeitos, pertencentes ao Campus São Paulo da Universidade Federal de São Paulo, foram intencionalmente selecionados e sorteados entre docentes pesquisadores cadastrados como coordenadores de projetos e subprojetos financiados pela FINEP no período de 2005 a 2015. Foram entrevistados 10 pesquisadores sendo utilizado, para o fechamento da amostra, o critério de saturação. As informações coletadas foram analisadas através da técnica de análise de conteúdo. A aprovação de um projeto de pesquisa provoca uma sensação de valorização, de prazer e de bem-estar, ainda que traga consigo uma série de preocupações para os pesquisadores, com ênfase à burocracia sendo considerado um ponto crucial para a liberação de recursos. Os pesquisadores entendem que este processo demanda planejamento, organização e acompanhamento e necessita de pessoal de apoio, com preparo em relação às normas e legislação. Referem que aprenderam o gerenciamento na prática, sem treinamento específico e que uma grande dificuldade é o atraso na liberação dos recursos que prejudica o andamento da pesquisa. Sugerem a implementação ou melhoria de estrutura administrativa de apoio ao gerenciamento na Universidade, a contratação de apoio técnico, a definição prévia do local de instalação dos equipamentos comprados, a criação de um banco de fornecedores para acesso rápido e agilidade nas pesquisas e a criação de mecanismos para maior reconhecimento do trabalho do pesquisador. Considerando que a coleta de dados deste estudo foi realizada anteriormente à publicação da Lei 13.243/2016, acreditamos que alguns aspectos que inquietam muito os pesquisadores desta instituição poderão ser minimizados em futuro próximo. Entendemos que, com os resultados desta pesquisa e com a viabilização das novas recomendações da Lei do Marco legal da Ciência, mudanças possam ser implementadas, contribuindo para a criação de novas práticas dentro da instituição e, consequentemente, para o aprimoramento dos processos de gerenciamento dos projetos de pesquisa.
This project aims to investigate the views of the researcher professors related to project management research financed with public funds. Specifically sought to know their reactions and expectations against the approval of the project, the key management practices, the difficulties to manage and the suggestions for improving this process. The methodology was developed, through a qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and analytical cutting type cross study. The information obtained through semi - structured i nterviews were recorded and transcribed. The subjects belonging to the Campus São Paulo of the Federal University of São Paulo, were selected intentionally and raffled among registered researcher professors as coordinators of projects and sub - projects financed by FINEP from 2005 to 2015. We interviewed 10 researchers using the saturation criterion. The data was analyzed through content analysis technique. The approval of a research project results in a sense of appreciation, pleasure and well - being, even though carrying a number of concerns for the researchers, with emphasis on bureaucracy considered to be a crucial point for the resource releases. The researchers believe that this process demands planning, organization and accompaniment and it requires sta ff support with preparation to the standard rules and legislation. They report that they learned management in practice without specific training and a major difficulty is the delay in the fund liberation, which affects the research progress. They suggest new or improved administrative structure of support to management at the University, the hiring of technical support, the previous definition of the purchased equipment installation site, the creation of a supplier database for quick access, agility in research and the creation of mechanisms for greater recognition of the researcher's work. Considering that this study’s data collect was conducted prior to the publication of the Law 13,243 / 2016, we believe that some aspects worrying the very researchers of this institution may be minimized in the near future. We believe that with the results of this research and the feasibility of new recommendations of the Legal Science Framework Law, changes can be implemented, contributing to the creation of new practices within the institution and, consequently, for the improvement of processes management of research projects.
This project aims to investigate the views of the researcher professors related to project management research financed with public funds. Specifically sought to know their reactions and expectations against the approval of the project, the key management practices, the difficulties to manage and the suggestions for improving this process. The methodology was developed, through a qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and analytical cutting type cross study. The information obtained through semi - structured i nterviews were recorded and transcribed. The subjects belonging to the Campus São Paulo of the Federal University of São Paulo, were selected intentionally and raffled among registered researcher professors as coordinators of projects and sub - projects financed by FINEP from 2005 to 2015. We interviewed 10 researchers using the saturation criterion. The data was analyzed through content analysis technique. The approval of a research project results in a sense of appreciation, pleasure and well - being, even though carrying a number of concerns for the researchers, with emphasis on bureaucracy considered to be a crucial point for the resource releases. The researchers believe that this process demands planning, organization and accompaniment and it requires sta ff support with preparation to the standard rules and legislation. They report that they learned management in practice without specific training and a major difficulty is the delay in the fund liberation, which affects the research progress. They suggest new or improved administrative structure of support to management at the University, the hiring of technical support, the previous definition of the purchased equipment installation site, the creation of a supplier database for quick access, agility in research and the creation of mechanisms for greater recognition of the researcher's work. Considering that this study’s data collect was conducted prior to the publication of the Law 13,243 / 2016, we believe that some aspects worrying the very researchers of this institution may be minimized in the near future. We believe that with the results of this research and the feasibility of new recommendations of the Legal Science Framework Law, changes can be implemented, contributing to the creation of new practices within the institution and, consequently, for the improvement of processes management of research projects.
MACHADO, Marcia Maria Macedo. Gerenciamento de projetos de pesquisa financiados com recursos públicos: concepções docentes. 2016. 114 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Ensino em Ciências da Saúde) – Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2016.