Produção de metanol como combustível alternativo a partir da hidrogenação do CO2 - uma revisão
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O dióxido de carbono (CO2) é o principal gás de efeito estufa (GEE), sendo responsável por problemas ambientais como, por exemplo, o aquecimento global. Na busca intensiva de encontrar maneiras de remover esse GEE do ar, cientistas e estudiosos buscaram formas de utilizar essa fonte de carbono como matéria prima de produtos de valor agregado. Com isso, a hidrogenação do CO2 é vista como uma ótima opção, para retirar o CO2 da atmosfera e utilizá-lo para produzir produtos químicos, como: dimetil éter, ácido carboxílico, hidrocarbonetos, metanol, entre outros. O metanol, também conhecido como álcool metílico, está entre as principais matérias primas da indústria química, sendo base para produção de biodiesel, de ácido acético, do dimetil éter, entre outros produtos economicamente importantes. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo, estudar e compreender os diferentes mecanismos propostos para a reação de hidrogenação do CO2 na produção do CH3OH, além de analisar e comparar os possíveis catalisadores para esse processo, investigando as estratégias catalíticas adotadas para aumentar a conversão do CO2 e a seletividade para o metanol. A partir da base de dados e palavras-chaves específicas neste trabalho, foram encontrados 414 artigos científicos e, a partir do filtro estabelecido na metodologia, 123 artigos foram direcionados a teoria, sendo 112 sobre a hidrogenação do CO2 e 11 referente a outros assuntos. Dos trabalhos sobre a hidrogenação de CO2, 14 artigos foram utilizados e 98 não tiveram utilidade para este trabalho. Além disso, dos 414 artigos, os 291 restantes eram referentes ao desempenho catalítico, onde 15 trabalhos foram utilizados nas comparações dos catalisadores e 276 não foram úteis, somando um total de 40 artigos utilizados. Por fim, por meio deste estudo concluiu-se que, para a reação de hidrogenação de CO2 para síntese do metanol, o catalisador de Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 é o mais apropriado, apresentando uma boa conversão de CO2, além de uma eficiente seletividade e rendimento do metanol. O catalisador selecionado é conhecido por ser o comercialmente mais utilizado, fazendo jus aos resultados apresentados.
The carbon dioxide (CO2) is the main greenhouse gas (GHG), being responsible for environmental problems such as global warming. In the intensive search to find ways to remove this GHG from the air, scientists and scholars looked for ways to use this carbon source as a raw material for value-added products. Therefore, the hydrogenation of CO2 is seen as a great option to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and use it to produce chemical products, such as: dimethyl ether, carboxylic acid, hydrocarbons, methanol, among others. Methanol, also known as methyl alcohol, is among the main primary materials in the chemical industry, being the basis to produce biodiesel, acetic acid, dimethyl ether, among other economically important products. The present work aims to study and understand the different mechanisms proposed for the occurrence of CO2 hydrogenation in the production of CH3OH, in addition to analyzing and comparing the possible approaches for this process, investigating the catalytic strategies used to increase the conversion of CO2 and selectivity for methanol. From the database and specific keywords of this work, 414 scientific articles were found and, based on the filter provided in the methodology, 123 articles were directed to theory, 112 of which were about the hydrogenation of CO2 and 11 referring to other subjects. Of the works on CO2 hydrogenation, 14 articles were used and 98 were of no use for this work. Furthermore, of the 414 articles, the remaining 291 were related to catalytic performance, where 15 studies were used in comparisons of practical events and 276 were not useful, totaling 40 articles used. Finally, through this study it was concluded that, for the occurrence of CO2 hydrogenation for methanol synthesis, the result of Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 is the most yielding, presenting a good conversion of CO2, in addition to efficient selectivity and methanol yield. The selected search is known to be the most commercially used, making only the results presented.
The carbon dioxide (CO2) is the main greenhouse gas (GHG), being responsible for environmental problems such as global warming. In the intensive search to find ways to remove this GHG from the air, scientists and scholars looked for ways to use this carbon source as a raw material for value-added products. Therefore, the hydrogenation of CO2 is seen as a great option to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and use it to produce chemical products, such as: dimethyl ether, carboxylic acid, hydrocarbons, methanol, among others. Methanol, also known as methyl alcohol, is among the main primary materials in the chemical industry, being the basis to produce biodiesel, acetic acid, dimethyl ether, among other economically important products. The present work aims to study and understand the different mechanisms proposed for the occurrence of CO2 hydrogenation in the production of CH3OH, in addition to analyzing and comparing the possible approaches for this process, investigating the catalytic strategies used to increase the conversion of CO2 and selectivity for methanol. From the database and specific keywords of this work, 414 scientific articles were found and, based on the filter provided in the methodology, 123 articles were directed to theory, 112 of which were about the hydrogenation of CO2 and 11 referring to other subjects. Of the works on CO2 hydrogenation, 14 articles were used and 98 were of no use for this work. Furthermore, of the 414 articles, the remaining 291 were related to catalytic performance, where 15 studies were used in comparisons of practical events and 276 were not useful, totaling 40 articles used. Finally, through this study it was concluded that, for the occurrence of CO2 hydrogenation for methanol synthesis, the result of Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 is the most yielding, presenting a good conversion of CO2, in addition to efficient selectivity and methanol yield. The selected search is known to be the most commercially used, making only the results presented.