Fortalecimento de organizações sem fins lucrativos com identidade digital autossoberana
Dissertação de mestrado
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Esta dissertação propôs uma solução baseada em blockchain para fortalecer organizações sem fins lucrativos e sindicatos com identidades digitais seguras e verificáveis. A solução, chamada IDook, visou aumentar a transparência, mobilização e representatividade dessas instituições no contexto digital. O problema abordado foi a necessidade de maior confiabilidade nas interações digitais entre organizações do terceiro setor e seus membros, voluntários, doadores e parceiros. O objetivo foi desenvolver uma solução tecnológica que permitisse às organizações sem fins lucrativos e sindicatos criar e gerenciar identidades digitais descentralizadas baseadas em blockchain, fornecendo funcionalidades que agregassem valor aos seus stakeholders. A metodologia empregou a Pesquisa de Design Science, envolvendo etapas como uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre blockchain e identidade digital no contexto do terceiro setor, design, arquitetura e desenvolvimento do sistema. Além disso, incluiu a seleção e integração de ferramentas de blockchain, carteira digital, agente e aplicação web. Os resultados iniciais demonstraram a usabilidade e viabilidade comercial da solução, utilizando ferramentas como o canvas de modelo de negócios, modelagem de proposta de valor, criação de personas de usuário, mapeamento de empatia, modelagem de experiência do usuário, prototipagem de sistema, modelagem de banco de dados e programação de interface de aplicação. Na fase final, os resultados demonstraram a viabilidade técnica da solução blockchain, utilizando ferramentas de código aberto como a rede VON, ACA-Py e Traction. As demonstrações incluíram a emissão de credenciais em carteiras digitais, configuração de rede blockchain, criação de agentes Aries e emissão de certificados digitais verificáveis. Além disso, foram realizados testes de desempenho para avaliar a escalabilidade e eficiência da API do IDook sob diferentes condições de carga. Esses testes forneceram insights valiosos sobre o tempo de resposta, uso de CPU e consumo de memória, destacando áreas para melhorias futuras, como a necessidade de um manuseio mais eficiente da concorrência nas requisições de verificação de provas.
This dissertation proposed a blockchain-based solution to empower nonprofit organizations and labor unions with secure and verifiable digital identities. The solution, named IDook, aimed to improve the transparency, mobilization, and representativeness of these institutions in the digital realm. The problem addressed was the need for greater reliability in digital interactions between third-sector organizations and their members, volunteers, donors, and partners. The objective was to develop a technological solution that allowed nonprofit organizations and unions to create and manage decentralized digital identities based on blockchain, providing functionalities that added value to their stakeholders. The methodology used Design Science Research, which involved stages such as a systematic review of the literature on blockchain and digital identity in the context of the third sector, architecture, component design, and system development. In addition, it included the selection and integration of blockchain, digital wallet, agent, and web application tools. The initial results demonstrated the solution's usability and commercial viability, using tools like the business model canvas, value proposition modeling, user persona creation, empathy mapping, user experience modeling, system prototyping, database modeling, and application interface programming. In the final phase, the results demonstrated the technical feasibility of the blockchain solution using open-source tools such as the VON network, ACA-Py, and Traction. Demonstrations included credential issuance in digital wallets, blockchain network configuration, Aries agent creation, and verifiable digital certificate issuance. In addition, performance tests were performed to evaluate the scalability and efficiency of the IDook API under different load conditions. These tests provided valuable insights into response time, CPU usage, and memory consumption, highlighting areas for future improvement, such as the need for more efficient concurrency handling in proof-verification requests.
This dissertation proposed a blockchain-based solution to empower nonprofit organizations and labor unions with secure and verifiable digital identities. The solution, named IDook, aimed to improve the transparency, mobilization, and representativeness of these institutions in the digital realm. The problem addressed was the need for greater reliability in digital interactions between third-sector organizations and their members, volunteers, donors, and partners. The objective was to develop a technological solution that allowed nonprofit organizations and unions to create and manage decentralized digital identities based on blockchain, providing functionalities that added value to their stakeholders. The methodology used Design Science Research, which involved stages such as a systematic review of the literature on blockchain and digital identity in the context of the third sector, architecture, component design, and system development. In addition, it included the selection and integration of blockchain, digital wallet, agent, and web application tools. The initial results demonstrated the solution's usability and commercial viability, using tools like the business model canvas, value proposition modeling, user persona creation, empathy mapping, user experience modeling, system prototyping, database modeling, and application interface programming. In the final phase, the results demonstrated the technical feasibility of the blockchain solution using open-source tools such as the VON network, ACA-Py, and Traction. Demonstrations included credential issuance in digital wallets, blockchain network configuration, Aries agent creation, and verifiable digital certificate issuance. In addition, performance tests were performed to evaluate the scalability and efficiency of the IDook API under different load conditions. These tests provided valuable insights into response time, CPU usage, and memory consumption, highlighting areas for future improvement, such as the need for more efficient concurrency handling in proof-verification requests.