Modelo de compressão contínua na cultura de fibroblastos derivados do ligamento periodontal humano
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Introdução: Modelos de estudos in vitro são considerados como padrão
ouro para análises de atividades celulares que visam mimetizações da
dinâmica das células in vivo, inclusive quando as amostras celulares são submetidas à compressão estática. Células quando cultivadas sob um
substrato representam a estrutura natural e função dos tecidos in vivo no
que diz respeito à fisiologia, forma da célula e seu ambiente. Objetivo:
Avaliar a viabilidade e morte celular no modelo de compressão contínua na
cultura de fibroblastos humanos derivados do ligamento periodontal.
Métodos: Foram selecionados 10 pacientes, submetidos à extrações dos 4
terceiros molares inclusos por indicação ortodôntica. A amostra consistiu
de 4 mm2 de tecido periodontal do terço médio das raízes. A mesma foi
cultivada até a 6ª passagem e depois as células foram divididas em dois
grupos: Grupo Controle (GC), com cultivo em monocamada e substrato
sem aplicação de força durante 6h e Grupo Experimental (GE3 e GE4),
com cultivo em monocamada e substrato com aplicação de carga de 3 e 4
g/cm2 durante 6h. Resultados: Tanto o GC quanto o GE3 e GE4,
monocamada e substrato, não apresentaram diferença estatística nos valores
de viabilidade celular e apoptose. Com o aumento da carga o GE4 indicou
maior necrose em relação ao GC e o GE3. Conclusão: Não houve
diferença na utilização de substrato de colágeno na cultura de fibroblastos
periodontais em nenhum dos parâmetros avaliados, mas houve maior
necrose com o aumento da carga na avaliação intragrupos. Descritores: Ligamento periodontal, Sobrevivência celular, Apoptose, Técnicas de cultura de células.
Introduction: In vitro studies of models are considered as gold standard for cell analysis activities aimed mimetics of the dynamics of cells in vivo, even when the cell samples are subjected to static compression. Cells when grown in a substrate represent the natural structure and function of tissues in vivo with respect to physiology, cell shape and its environment. Objective: To evaluate the viability and cell death in the pressure model continues the culture of fibroblasts derived from human periodontal ligament. Methods: We selected 10 patients who underwent extractions of 4 the 3rd molars included for orthodontic indication. The sample consisted of 4 mm2 of periodontal tissue of the middle third of the roots. The same was grown to the 6th passage, then the cells were divided into two groups: the Control Group (CG) with culture monolayer and the substrate without application of force for 6h and Experimental Group (EG3, EG4) with growing monolayer and substrate 3 of load application and 4 g/cm2 for 6 hours. Results: Both the CG when the EG3 and EG4, monolayer and substrate showed no statistical difference in cell viability and apoptosis values. With increasing load the EG4 indicated greater necrosis than the CG and EG3. Conclusion: There was no difference in the use of collagen substrate in the culture of periodontal fibroblasts in all evaluated parameters, but there was a higher necrosis with increasing load on the intra-group evaluation.
Introduction: In vitro studies of models are considered as gold standard for cell analysis activities aimed mimetics of the dynamics of cells in vivo, even when the cell samples are subjected to static compression. Cells when grown in a substrate represent the natural structure and function of tissues in vivo with respect to physiology, cell shape and its environment. Objective: To evaluate the viability and cell death in the pressure model continues the culture of fibroblasts derived from human periodontal ligament. Methods: We selected 10 patients who underwent extractions of 4 the 3rd molars included for orthodontic indication. The sample consisted of 4 mm2 of periodontal tissue of the middle third of the roots. The same was grown to the 6th passage, then the cells were divided into two groups: the Control Group (CG) with culture monolayer and the substrate without application of force for 6h and Experimental Group (EG3, EG4) with growing monolayer and substrate 3 of load application and 4 g/cm2 for 6 hours. Results: Both the CG when the EG3 and EG4, monolayer and substrate showed no statistical difference in cell viability and apoptosis values. With increasing load the EG4 indicated greater necrosis than the CG and EG3. Conclusion: There was no difference in the use of collagen substrate in the culture of periodontal fibroblasts in all evaluated parameters, but there was a higher necrosis with increasing load on the intra-group evaluation.
MATTAR, Marco Antonio. Modelo de compressão contínua na cultura de fibroblastos derivados do ligamento periodontal humano. 2015. 124 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2015.