Caracterização das habilidades auditivas e análise de esforço auditivo em dubladores
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Introdução: O processo de dublagem acontece dentro de um estúdio em que o dublador substitui, por meio do sincronismo labial, a fala original pela fala no idioma alvo. Os dubladores fazem esse processo enquanto escutam o som original e o retorno da própria voz, usando habilidades do processamento auditivo central como a atenção seletiva, além de ficarem expostos a grandes períodos de tempo dublando e escutando o áudio do produto audiovisual. Desse modo, justifica-se a avaliação do processamento auditivo central e do esforço auditivo nos profissionais da dublagem. Objetivo: Caracterizar as habilidades do processamento auditivo central e analisar o esforço auditivo em dubladores. Método: Participaram da pesquisa indivíduos de 22 a 59 anos, tanto do sexo masculino e feminino, destros, com limiares auditivos dentro dos padrões de normalidade e curvas timpanométricas tipo A, com no mínimo cinco anos de experiência como dubladores comparados a um grupo de indivíduos adultos de 18 a 27 anos de ambos os sexos masculino e feminino, com limiares auditivos dentro dos padrões de normalidade e curvas timpanométricas tipo A, sem queixas em relação à audição e à linguagem. Os dubladores foram submetidos a dois questionários: Escala de Funcionamento Auditivo e Escala de Esforço Auditivo e a avaliação comportamental do processamento auditivo central por meio dos testes: Limiar Diferencial de Mascaramento, Teste de Dissílabos Alternados, Teste Dicótico Consoante Vogal em Etapa de Atenção Livre, Teste de Padrão de Duração. Resultados: A análise descritiva dos resultados revelou que os indivíduos do grupo de dubladores obtiveram os seguintes escores médios em cada teste: Escala de Esforço Auditivo: 84,89; Escala de Funcionamento Auditivo: 42,89 pontos; Limiar Diferencial de Mascaramento: 9,33 dB; Teste de Dissílabos Alternados: OD: 96,39%, OE: 95,56% acertos; Teste de Padrão de Duração: 95,54% acertos; Teste Dicótico Consoante Vogal em Etapa de Atenção Livre: OD: 41,66 acertos, OE: 28,23% acertos e 28,70% erros. Enquanto que no grupo controle foram encontrados: Escala de Funcionamento Auditivo: 50,86 pontos; Limiar Diferencial de Mascaramento: 7,33 dB; Teste de Dissílabos Alternados: OD: 94,83%, OE: 87,33% acertos; Teste de Padrão de Duração: 93,4% acertos e Teste Dicótico Consoante Vogal em Etapa de Atenção Livre: OD: 46,64%, OE: 29,70% acertos, 23,59% erros. O grupo de dubladores apresentou resultados superiores no Limiar Diferencial de Mascaramento e Teste de Padrão de Duração, além de resultados iguais no Teste Dicótico Consoante Vogal em Etapa de Atenção Livre. Conclusão: Os dubladores apresentaram transtorno do processamento auditivo central envolvendo as habilidades auditivas de figura fundo e interação binaural mas não apresentam alterações quanto à ordenação temporal complexa. O grupo estudado de dubladores não manifestaram esforço auditivo e apresentaram um pior desempenho no questionário de auto-avaliação sobre comportamento auditivo.
Introduction: The dubbing process happens inside a studio where the actor’s voice replaces, through lip synchronism, the original speech by speech in the target language. Voice actors do this process while listening to the original sound and the feedback of their own voice, using central hearing, processing skills such as selective attention, in addition to being exposed to long periods dubbing and listening to the audio of the audiovisual product. So, the assessment of central auditory processing and hearing effort in dubbing professionals is justified. Objective: To characterize central auditory processing skills and analyze hearing effort in voice actors. Method: Individuals aged 22 to 59 years, both male and female, right-handed, with hearing thresholds within normal limits and type A tympanometric curves, with at least five years of experience as voice actors, compared to a group of adult individuals aged 18 to 27 years, male and female, with hearing thresholds within normal limits and type A tympanometric curves, without complaints regarding hearing and language. The voice actors were submitted to two questionnaires: Scale of Hearing Behaviors and Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing Scale and the behavioral assessment of the central hearing processing through the tests: Masking Level Difference, Staggered Spondaic Word Test, Consonant-Vowel Dichotic Test and Duration Pat- Tern Test. Results: The descriptive analysis of the results revealed that the individuals in the dubbed group had the following mean scores in each test: Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing Scale: 84.89; Scale of Hearing Behaviors: 42.89 points; Masking Level Difference: 9.33 dB; Staggered Spondaic Word Test: RE: 96.39%, LE: 95.56% correct answers; Duration Pat- Tern Test: 95.54% correct; Consonant-Vowel Dichotic Test in Free Attention Stage: RE: 41.66 correct answers, LE: 28.23% correct answers and 28.70% errors. While in the control group, the following were found: Scale of Hearing Behaviors: 50.86 points; Masking Level Difference: 7.33 dB; Staggered Spondaic Word Test: OD: 94.83%, OE: 87.33% correct answers; Duration Pat- Tern Test: 93.4% correct answers and Consonant-Vowel Dichotic Test in Free Attention Stage: RE: 46.64%, LE: 29.70% correct answers, 23.59% errors. The voice actors presented superior results in the Masking Level Difference and Duration Pat- Tern Tests, in addition to equal results in Consonant-Vowel Dichotic Test in Free Recall Condition. Conclusion: Voice actors presented central auditory processing disorder involving the hearing abilities of background figure and binaural interaction, but they didn't present alterations regarding the complex temporal ordering. The studied group of voice actors didn't manifest listening effort and presented a worse performance in the self-assessment questionnaire about hearing behavior.
Introduction: The dubbing process happens inside a studio where the actor’s voice replaces, through lip synchronism, the original speech by speech in the target language. Voice actors do this process while listening to the original sound and the feedback of their own voice, using central hearing, processing skills such as selective attention, in addition to being exposed to long periods dubbing and listening to the audio of the audiovisual product. So, the assessment of central auditory processing and hearing effort in dubbing professionals is justified. Objective: To characterize central auditory processing skills and analyze hearing effort in voice actors. Method: Individuals aged 22 to 59 years, both male and female, right-handed, with hearing thresholds within normal limits and type A tympanometric curves, with at least five years of experience as voice actors, compared to a group of adult individuals aged 18 to 27 years, male and female, with hearing thresholds within normal limits and type A tympanometric curves, without complaints regarding hearing and language. The voice actors were submitted to two questionnaires: Scale of Hearing Behaviors and Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing Scale and the behavioral assessment of the central hearing processing through the tests: Masking Level Difference, Staggered Spondaic Word Test, Consonant-Vowel Dichotic Test and Duration Pat- Tern Test. Results: The descriptive analysis of the results revealed that the individuals in the dubbed group had the following mean scores in each test: Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing Scale: 84.89; Scale of Hearing Behaviors: 42.89 points; Masking Level Difference: 9.33 dB; Staggered Spondaic Word Test: RE: 96.39%, LE: 95.56% correct answers; Duration Pat- Tern Test: 95.54% correct; Consonant-Vowel Dichotic Test in Free Attention Stage: RE: 41.66 correct answers, LE: 28.23% correct answers and 28.70% errors. While in the control group, the following were found: Scale of Hearing Behaviors: 50.86 points; Masking Level Difference: 7.33 dB; Staggered Spondaic Word Test: OD: 94.83%, OE: 87.33% correct answers; Duration Pat- Tern Test: 93.4% correct answers and Consonant-Vowel Dichotic Test in Free Attention Stage: RE: 46.64%, LE: 29.70% correct answers, 23.59% errors. The voice actors presented superior results in the Masking Level Difference and Duration Pat- Tern Tests, in addition to equal results in Consonant-Vowel Dichotic Test in Free Recall Condition. Conclusion: Voice actors presented central auditory processing disorder involving the hearing abilities of background figure and binaural interaction, but they didn't present alterations regarding the complex temporal ordering. The studied group of voice actors didn't manifest listening effort and presented a worse performance in the self-assessment questionnaire about hearing behavior.
GOMES, Marília Alves. Caracterização das habilidades auditivas e esforço auditivo em dubladores. 2021. 73 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Fonoaudiologia) - Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM), Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, 2021.