Nanoemulsões aplicadas à cosmetologia: Revisão sobre produção, eficácia e segurança
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É notório que a nanotecnologia é uma área promissora para a ciência, uma vez que possui grande potencial de melhora em questões práticas e eficazes. Contudo, apesar de já ser aplicada em produtos comerciais, ainda existem diversos estudos para se certificar das vantagens e desvantagens que produtos contendo algum tipo de nanoformulação promovem, tendo em mente a preocupação da utilização de produtos de pequena escala em contato direto com o organismo humano, seja pela pele ou cabelo. Com isso, para o presente trabalho foi proposta a realização de uma revisão bibliográfica a respeito da formulação de nanoemulsões para uso em cosméticos, focando em alguns processos de produção (de alto e baixo consumo de energia), além de priorizar pesquisas e estudos que abordem a questão da segurança e eficácia da utilização desses produtos. As nanoemulsões são formulações bastante estudadas e utilizadas em produtos cosméticos, alimentícios e farmacêuticos, principalmente por serem sistemas cineticamente estáveis, sendo de grande potencial para pequena e grande escala.
Analisados os métodos de produção, notou-se uma preferência dos autores por processos de emulsificação por inversão de fases (baixo consumo de energia) e ultrasonicação (alto consumo energético). As razões para a preferência indicam as boas características físicas obtidas nas nanoemulsões produzidas por esses métodos, além da simplicidade quando comparado aos demais métodos de emulsificação. Quanto aos aspectos relacionados à eficácia e segurança, observouse
pontos positivos na grande maioria dos artigos analisados, resultando em recomendação, por parte dos autores, na viabilidade da utilização das nanoemulsões, embasados por testes in vitro, através de
análises conhecidas e comprovadas na ciência, e in vivo, como testes de irritação em grupos de voluntários, sendo que sua utilização se mostrou possível para diversas verticais, como proteção solar, hidratação, perfumes, dentre outros. Sustentado pela presença no mercado e pelos resultados positivos visualizados nas pesquisas estudadas, nota-se um futuro promissor para a indústria de cosméticos com produtos à base de nanoemulsões.
It’s clear that nanotechnology is a promising area of science, considering the notorious potential to improve practical and effective points. However, although this technology already be used in commercial products, there are still studies to certify the advantages and disadvantages related to the use of products containing some type of nanoformulation, especially because of the precaution using small products in direct contact with humans, either through the skin or hair. Therewith, for the present work it was proposed to do a bibliographic review related to formulation of nanoemulsions for use in cosmetics, with focus on production methods (high and low energy comsunption), besides the priorization of researchs and studies that approach the safety and effectiveness utilization of this products. The nanoemulsion formulations are widely studied and used in cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food products, especially for being kinematically stable system, with a large potential in big and small scale. Analyzed the production methods, it was noticed a preference, by authors, for phase inversion (slow consumption of energy) and ultrasonication (high consumption of energy) methods. The reasons for the preference reflect the good physical characteristics obtained in the production of nanoemulsions by these methods, besides the simplicity comparing with other methods of emulsification. Considering the safety and effectiveness aspects, it was visualized positive and negative points in all analyzed articles, always resulting in recommendations, by authors, in the possible utilization of the nanoemulsions, grounded by in vitro tests, through known, proven analyzes in science, and in vivo tests, like irritation in a group of volunteers, being applicable in many different areas, as solar protection, hydration, perfumes, among others. Sustained by market presence and the positive results visualized in different research, it was noticed a promising future for cosmetic industry with products based on nanoemulsions.
It’s clear that nanotechnology is a promising area of science, considering the notorious potential to improve practical and effective points. However, although this technology already be used in commercial products, there are still studies to certify the advantages and disadvantages related to the use of products containing some type of nanoformulation, especially because of the precaution using small products in direct contact with humans, either through the skin or hair. Therewith, for the present work it was proposed to do a bibliographic review related to formulation of nanoemulsions for use in cosmetics, with focus on production methods (high and low energy comsunption), besides the priorization of researchs and studies that approach the safety and effectiveness utilization of this products. The nanoemulsion formulations are widely studied and used in cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food products, especially for being kinematically stable system, with a large potential in big and small scale. Analyzed the production methods, it was noticed a preference, by authors, for phase inversion (slow consumption of energy) and ultrasonication (high consumption of energy) methods. The reasons for the preference reflect the good physical characteristics obtained in the production of nanoemulsions by these methods, besides the simplicity comparing with other methods of emulsification. Considering the safety and effectiveness aspects, it was visualized positive and negative points in all analyzed articles, always resulting in recommendations, by authors, in the possible utilization of the nanoemulsions, grounded by in vitro tests, through known, proven analyzes in science, and in vivo tests, like irritation in a group of volunteers, being applicable in many different areas, as solar protection, hydration, perfumes, among others. Sustained by market presence and the positive results visualized in different research, it was noticed a promising future for cosmetic industry with products based on nanoemulsions.