Estudo dos efeitos de Dicer sobre a função mitocondrial, o metabolismo e o envelhecimento em nematoides C. elegans
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Introdução e objetivos: O envelhecimento é uma das mais significativas tendências do século XXI e tem preocupado governos do mundo todo por sua implicação em inúmeros setores da sociedade. Entender como o tempo de vida é controlado é necessário para que estratégias sejam propostas com a finalidade de , garantir um envelhecimento saudável para a população. Sabe-se que o envelhecimento é uma sucessão de eventos biológicos que, como tantos outros, está sob controle biológico. Dentre outros, grupos de genes que controlam vias nutricionais e metabólicas mostram-se cada vez mais importantes no contexto do envelhecimento. Com o intuito de melhor entender o sistema descrito acima, procuramos respostas no estudo de um dos grandes efetores do controle da expressão gênica, os miRNAs e de Dicer, enzima chave no processamento dos mesmo, com o fim de avaliar qual o papel desta via para a regulação do metabolismo e do envelhecimento. Métodos: Foram-avaliados o tempo de vida, o declínio da função muscular associado à idade, a resistência ao estresse oxidativo e térmico, o tempo de desenvolvimento, a taxa de bombeamento da faringe, a espressão global de miRNAs, a fertilidade, a respiração basal, o conteúdo lipídico, a quantificação de ATP e a quantidade de mitocôndrias em vermes mutantes ou selvagem tratados com estressores ou fármacos que promovem a saúde dos vermes. Resultados: Nossos dados sugerem que o silenciamento de Dicer, enzima chave é extremante deletério em nematoides C. elegans levando à diminuição do tempo de vida de vermes selvagens e retardando seu desenvolvimento. Adicionalmente, esta intervenção promove diminuição da respiração, causa estresse oxidativo e inibe os efeitos benéficos de mutações ou intervenções que dependem da função mitocondrial para estender o tempo de vida. Além disso, o enoxacino, um fármaco que ativa o processamento de miRNAs age de maneira contrária, melhorando a saúde dos vermes de maneira dependente do miRNA mir-34.
Introduction and objectives: Aging is one of the most significant trends of the 21st century and has concerned governmental agencies around the world. It's necessary to understand how lifespan is controlled to promote strategies ensuring healthy aging. It is well known that aging is a succession of biological events that, Iike many others, are under biological control. Among others, groups of genes that control nutritional and metabolic pathways are very important in the context of aging. In order to improve the understanding of the system described above, we found answers in the study of one of the most important controllers of gene expression, miRNAs and Dicer. Methods: We measured lifespan, age-related decline in muscle function, oxidative and heatstress resistence, developmental time, pharyngeal pumping rate, globalmiRNA expression, fertility, respiration, lipid content, ATP quantification and the amount of mitochondria in mutants or wilt-type worms treated with s.tressors or drugs that promote the life extension and health in worms. Results: Our data suggest that Dicer silencing, a key enzyme in the miRNAs processing and other srnall RNAs, is deleterious in C. elegans, leading to decreased lifespan of wildtype worms and slowing their development. In addition, this intervention promotes the reduction of respiration, causes oxidative stress and inhibits the beneficial effects of mutations .-o"r interventions that depend on mitochondrial function to extend the lifespan. On the other hand, enoxacin, a drug that activates the miRNAs processing, improves worms' health in a mir-34-dependent manner.
Introduction and objectives: Aging is one of the most significant trends of the 21st century and has concerned governmental agencies around the world. It's necessary to understand how lifespan is controlled to promote strategies ensuring healthy aging. It is well known that aging is a succession of biological events that, Iike many others, are under biological control. Among others, groups of genes that control nutritional and metabolic pathways are very important in the context of aging. In order to improve the understanding of the system described above, we found answers in the study of one of the most important controllers of gene expression, miRNAs and Dicer. Methods: We measured lifespan, age-related decline in muscle function, oxidative and heatstress resistence, developmental time, pharyngeal pumping rate, globalmiRNA expression, fertility, respiration, lipid content, ATP quantification and the amount of mitochondria in mutants or wilt-type worms treated with s.tressors or drugs that promote the life extension and health in worms. Results: Our data suggest that Dicer silencing, a key enzyme in the miRNAs processing and other srnall RNAs, is deleterious in C. elegans, leading to decreased lifespan of wildtype worms and slowing their development. In addition, this intervention promotes the reduction of respiration, causes oxidative stress and inhibits the beneficial effects of mutations .-o"r interventions that depend on mitochondrial function to extend the lifespan. On the other hand, enoxacin, a drug that activates the miRNAs processing, improves worms' health in a mir-34-dependent manner.