O papel dos testes eletrofisiológicos no diagnóstico da sinaptopatia coclear
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Objetivo: Avaliar a presença da sinaptopatia coclear em indivíduos normouvintes por meio da aplicação de questionários e a realização de testes eletrofisiológicos auditivos de curta latência, como o Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefálico (PEATE) e o Frequency Following Response (FFR). Métodos: Estudo transversal e exploratório com 23 voluntários, de ambos os sexos, entre 18 e 45 anos. Os critérios de inclusão foram: exames de audiometria tonal, imitanciometria e emissões otoacústicas transientes dentro dos padrões da normalidade e assinatura prévia de termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido. Excluiu-se: história patológica pregressa de atraso de linguagem e/ou aprendizagem, doença otológica e/ou neurológica. Após aplicação do questionário, a depender de suas respostas, os participantes foram divididos em dois grupos: Exposição e Sintomas. As medidas de desfecho, amplitude da onda I do PEATE, latências e amplitudes dos 3 primeiros ciclos FFR, foram comparadas em função da presença ou não dos desfechos Exposição e Sintomas. Resultados: Houve correlação estatisticamente significativa entre a presença do desfecho Sintomas e o aumento das latências FFR I (p=0.022) e FFR II da orelha direita (p=0.027), FFR III da orelha esquerda (p=0.033), e a redução da amplitude FFR II da orelha direita (p=0.012). Conclusão: Indivíduos normouvintes com manifestações auditivas, como zumbido e alterações de percepção auditiva no ruído, apresentam alterações nos parâmetros do FFR, sendo esses achados possíveis indicadores da presença da sinaptopatia coclear.
Objective: To asses, in normal hearing individuals, through the application of questionnaires and short-latency auditory electrophysiological tests, including Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) and Frequency Following Response (FFR), the presence of cochlear synaptopathy. Methods: Cross-sectional and exploratory study with 23 volunteers, of both sexes, between 18 and 45 years old. The inclusion criteria were: pure tone audiometry, acoustic immittance testing and transient otoacoustic emissions within the normal range and prior signature of a free and informed consent term. Excluded: previous pathological history of language and/or learning delay, otological and/or neurological disease. After answering a questionnaire, the participants were divided into two groups, depending on their answers: Exposure and Symptoms. Outcome measures, as ABR wave I amplitude, latencies and amplitudes of the first 3 FFR cycles, were compared depending on the presence or not of the outcomes Exposure and Symptoms. Results: There was a statistically significant correlation between Symptoms outcome and increasing in right ear´s FFR I (p=0,022), FFR II (p=0,027) and left ear´s FFR III (p=0,033) latencies, and reduction in right ear´s FFR II amplitude (p=0,012). Conclusion: Normal hearing individuals with auditory manifestations, such as tinnitus and poorer speech-in-noise perception, present alterations in FFR parameters, therefore these findings could be possible indicators of cochlear synaptopathy.
Objective: To asses, in normal hearing individuals, through the application of questionnaires and short-latency auditory electrophysiological tests, including Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) and Frequency Following Response (FFR), the presence of cochlear synaptopathy. Methods: Cross-sectional and exploratory study with 23 volunteers, of both sexes, between 18 and 45 years old. The inclusion criteria were: pure tone audiometry, acoustic immittance testing and transient otoacoustic emissions within the normal range and prior signature of a free and informed consent term. Excluded: previous pathological history of language and/or learning delay, otological and/or neurological disease. After answering a questionnaire, the participants were divided into two groups, depending on their answers: Exposure and Symptoms. Outcome measures, as ABR wave I amplitude, latencies and amplitudes of the first 3 FFR cycles, were compared depending on the presence or not of the outcomes Exposure and Symptoms. Results: There was a statistically significant correlation between Symptoms outcome and increasing in right ear´s FFR I (p=0,022), FFR II (p=0,027) and left ear´s FFR III (p=0,033) latencies, and reduction in right ear´s FFR II amplitude (p=0,012). Conclusion: Normal hearing individuals with auditory manifestations, such as tinnitus and poorer speech-in-noise perception, present alterations in FFR parameters, therefore these findings could be possible indicators of cochlear synaptopathy.