Avaliação da aprendizagem nas escolas e suas possíveis relações com a prova São Paulo: histórico e problematizações
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A Rede Municipal de Ensino de São Paulo (RME-SP) dispõe de diferentes instrumentos avaliativos externos que têm como propósitos acompanhar o processo de aprendizagem dos estudantes e fornecer subsídios para as ações pedagógicas nas unidades escolares. As avaliações externas na RME-SP são também utilizadas para definir as políticas públicas, em diversos aspectos, tais como os processos formativos e o planejamento de recursos para os estudantes. Nesses termos, considerando que a avaliação é parte integrante da Proposta Curricular da RME-SP, sabemos que ela pode fornecer subsídios para o professor delinear sua trajetória de trabalho, por meio do planejamento e replanejamento contínuo das propostas pedagógicas, a partir dos objetivos curriculares desejados, considerando a integralidade dos estudantes e seus percursos de aprendizagem. Uma das dimensões fundamentais nessa análise é compreender as representações e as apropriações, construídas nas unidades educacionais, sobre as informações advindas de avaliações externas, com ênfase na Prova São Paulo e como se relacionam com o processo formativo e ações pedagógicas realizados pelas escolas. Na dissertação, são abordados aspectos históricos da avaliação da aprendizagem e as concepções de avaliações externas no Brasil, com o intuito de compreender como essas avaliações foram se constituindo e como influenciaram a construção das avaliações externas na Rede Municipal de São Paulo, especificamente na Prova São Paulo. Para complementar nossa investigação, foi realizada uma análise documental da concepção de avaliação educacional desde 1990 para compreender a constituição dos processos avaliativos que, atualmente (2024), são constituintes da rede por diferentes gestões e a construção de avaliação presente nas Escolas Municipais de São Paulo. Para tanto, compreender essa constituição da concepção avaliativa na RME-SP é necessário investigar junto a equipes gestoras e professores da rede para entender quais são as contribuições da avaliação externa para os processos de ensino e aprendizagem. Para isso, foi realizada a pesquisa qualitativa em duas unidades escolares de territórios diferentes, considerando a documentação pedagógica da unidade escolar e entrevistas com professores e gestores. Dessa forma, o intuito da pesquisa foi compreender como as unidades educacionais utilizam os dados avaliativos fornecidos pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação e se essa análise dos dados contribui para as ações pedagógicas realizadas nas escolas.
The São Paulo Municipal Education Network (RME-SP) has different external evaluation instruments that aim to monitor the students' learning process and provide support for pedagogical actions in school units. External evaluations at RME-SP are also used to define public policies, in various aspects, such as training processes and resource planning for students. In these terms, considering that evaluation is an integral part of the RME-SP Curricular Proposal, we know that it can provide support for teachers to outline their work trajectory, through continuous planning and replanning of pedagogical proposals, based on the desired curricular objectives, considering the completeness of students and their learning paths. One of the fundamental dimensions in this analysis is to understand the representations and appropriations, built in educational units, on the information coming from external assessments, with emphasis on the São Paulo Test and how they relate to the training process and pedagogical actions carried out by schools. In the research, historical aspects of learning assessment and the conceptions of external assessments in Brazil are addressed, with the aim of understanding how these assessments were constituted and how they influenced the construction of external assessments in the Municipality of São Paulo, specifically in “Prova São Paulo”. To complement this analysis, a documentary analysis of the conception of educational evaluation since 1990 was carried out to understand the constitution of the evaluation processes that nowadays (2024) are part of the network by different managements, to understand the construction of evaluation present in the Municipal Schools of São Paulo. To this end, understanding this constitution of the evaluation concept in RME-SP, it is necessary to investigate with management teams and teachers in the network to understand what the contributions of external evaluations are to the teaching and learning processes. Thus, qualitative research was carried out in two school units in different territories, considering the pedagogical documentation of the school unit and interviews with teachers and managers. Therefore, the aim of this research was to understand how educational units use the evaluation data provided by the Municipal Department of Education and whether this data analysis contributes to the pedagogical actions carried out in schools.
The São Paulo Municipal Education Network (RME-SP) has different external evaluation instruments that aim to monitor the students' learning process and provide support for pedagogical actions in school units. External evaluations at RME-SP are also used to define public policies, in various aspects, such as training processes and resource planning for students. In these terms, considering that evaluation is an integral part of the RME-SP Curricular Proposal, we know that it can provide support for teachers to outline their work trajectory, through continuous planning and replanning of pedagogical proposals, based on the desired curricular objectives, considering the completeness of students and their learning paths. One of the fundamental dimensions in this analysis is to understand the representations and appropriations, built in educational units, on the information coming from external assessments, with emphasis on the São Paulo Test and how they relate to the training process and pedagogical actions carried out by schools. In the research, historical aspects of learning assessment and the conceptions of external assessments in Brazil are addressed, with the aim of understanding how these assessments were constituted and how they influenced the construction of external assessments in the Municipality of São Paulo, specifically in “Prova São Paulo”. To complement this analysis, a documentary analysis of the conception of educational evaluation since 1990 was carried out to understand the constitution of the evaluation processes that nowadays (2024) are part of the network by different managements, to understand the construction of evaluation present in the Municipal Schools of São Paulo. To this end, understanding this constitution of the evaluation concept in RME-SP, it is necessary to investigate with management teams and teachers in the network to understand what the contributions of external evaluations are to the teaching and learning processes. Thus, qualitative research was carried out in two school units in different territories, considering the pedagogical documentation of the school unit and interviews with teachers and managers. Therefore, the aim of this research was to understand how educational units use the evaluation data provided by the Municipal Department of Education and whether this data analysis contributes to the pedagogical actions carried out in schools.
MACHADO, Bruna Acioli Silva. Avaliação da aprendizagem nas escolas e suas possíveis relações com a Prova São Paulo: histórico e problematizações. 2024. 145 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática) - Instituto de Ciências Ambientais, Químicas e Farmacêutica, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Diadema, 2024.