Análise da satisfação do usuário em relação a cadeira de rodas e serviços relacionados da região Metropolitana da Baixada Santista
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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o grau de satisfação de pessoas com deficiência
sobre a cadeira de rodas e serviços relacionados. Trata-se de um estudo transversal,
comparativo e de abordagem quantitativa. Quarenta e três usuários de CR da Região
Metropolitana da Baixada Santista responderam a um questionário sociodemográfico
e a Avaliação de Satisfação com Tecnologia Assistiva do Usuário de Quebec (B-Quest).
Os usuários (n=43) apresentaram estar “mais ou menos satisfeitos’’ com os aspectos
da CR (3,41) e ‘’pouco satisfeitos’’ com os serviços (2,80). Foi observado maior
satisfação em relação às CR monobloco (3,69, p=0,015) e motorizada (3,93, p= 0,008)
em comparação a CR acima de 90Kg (2,66). Os usuários de CR apresentaram maior
satisfação em relação ao serviço privado (3,14, p = 0,012) em comparação ao serviço
público (2,28). Os três aspectos mais importantes declarados pelos usuários foram
''segurança '' (n= 25, 59,5%), ''conforto'' (n= 23, 54,8%) e ''durabilidade'' (n= 23, 54,8%).
Um dos maiores desafios da região é aumentar a conscientização de todas as partes
envolvidas sobre as 8 etapas recomendadas pela Organização Mundial da Saúde na
prestação de CR. Palavras chaves: cadeira de rodas; serviços de saúde; saúde pública;
tecnologia assistiva
The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of satisfaction of people with disabilities about wheelchair and related services. This is a cross-sectional, comparative study with a quantitative approach. Forty-three wheelchair users (WC) from the Metropolitan Region of Baixada Santista answered a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Quebec Assistive Technology User Satisfaction Assessment (B-Quest). The users (n=43) were "more or less satisfied" with the aspects of the wheelchair (3.41) and "not very satisfied" with the services (2.80). It was observed higher satisfaction in relation to the rigid frame wheelchairs (3.69, p=0.015) and powered wheelchairs (3.93, p= 0.008) in comparison to wheelchairs above 90Kg (2.66). The WC users showed higher satisfaction towards private service (3.14, p = 0.012) compared to public service (2.28). The three most important aspects stated by users were ''safety'' (n= 25, 59.5%), ''comfort'' (n= 23, 54.8%) and ''durability'' (n= 23, 54.8%). One of the biggest challenges in the region is to increase the awareness of all parties involved about the 8 steps recommended by the World Health Organization in the provision of CR. Key words: wheelchair; health services; public health; assistive technology
The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of satisfaction of people with disabilities about wheelchair and related services. This is a cross-sectional, comparative study with a quantitative approach. Forty-three wheelchair users (WC) from the Metropolitan Region of Baixada Santista answered a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Quebec Assistive Technology User Satisfaction Assessment (B-Quest). The users (n=43) were "more or less satisfied" with the aspects of the wheelchair (3.41) and "not very satisfied" with the services (2.80). It was observed higher satisfaction in relation to the rigid frame wheelchairs (3.69, p=0.015) and powered wheelchairs (3.93, p= 0.008) in comparison to wheelchairs above 90Kg (2.66). The WC users showed higher satisfaction towards private service (3.14, p = 0.012) compared to public service (2.28). The three most important aspects stated by users were ''safety'' (n= 25, 59.5%), ''comfort'' (n= 23, 54.8%) and ''durability'' (n= 23, 54.8%). One of the biggest challenges in the region is to increase the awareness of all parties involved about the 8 steps recommended by the World Health Organization in the provision of CR. Key words: wheelchair; health services; public health; assistive technology
CURI, Haidar Tafner. Análise da satisfação do usuário em relação a cadeira de rodas e serviços relacionados da região Metropolitana da Baixada Santista. 2021. 87 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Interdisciplinar em Ciências da Saúde) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2021.