Metodologia da pesquisa para enfermeiras: práticas educativas em hospital universitário

dc.contributor.advisorGutiérrez, Maria Gaby Rivero de [UNIFESP]
dc.contributor.authorDyniewicz, Ana Maria [UNIFESP]
dc.coverage.spatialSão Paulo
dc.description.abstractOs objetivos deste estudo foram fomentar e estimular a participacao de enfermeiras assistenciais, de um hospital universitario, em praticas educativas em Metodologia da Pesquisa, por meio de atividades individuais e, em grupo, para o desenvolvimento de competencias em investigacao cientifica. No referencial teorico-metodologico, descritivo e analitico, aparecem detalhadas a aprendizagem de principios por descoberta, descoberta orientada e tutoramento, segundo Gagne, Bruner, Ausubel e Suchman, incluindo estrategias do ensino humanista, segundo Rogers. Os resultados do processo de ensino e aprendizagem em Metodologia da Pesquisa totalizaram 28 producoes cientificas, concluidas e divulgadas pelas enfermeiras que participaram de cursos e orientacoes individuais. As producoes foram, em sua maioria, relatos de experiencia, pesquisas descritivas e exploratorias, nas linhas de pesquisa Processo de cuidar em Saúde e Enfermagem; Politicas e praticas de educacao e Enfermagem, Gerenciamento dos servicos de Saúde e de Enfermagem e Informacao/Comunicacao em Saúde e Enfermagem. As avaliacoes realizadas com as enfermeiras, ao longo das praticas e ao foral do processo, revelaram que houve aquisicao e aplicacao de conhecimentos de Metodologia da Pesquisa, entretanto foram sujeitas a fatores internos e externos, facilitando e dificultando o processo de ensino e aprendizagem em investigacao cientifica na instituicao. Para as analises, dessas avaliacoes, foram utilizados autores que subsidiaram todo o processo, outros da area de Enfermagem e alguns principios da Teoria da Complexidade de Morin. Dentre as principais dificuldades apontadas pelas enfermeiras estao aquelas relacionadas a falta de conhecimento do principio cientifico da pesquisa; as limitacoes nas condicoes administrativas e de trabalho em Enfermagem na instituicao,...(au)pt_BR
dc.description.abstract The aim of this study was to stimulate participation of professional nurses from a university hospital environment in the educational practices of Research Methodology, focusing individual and group activities in order to develop capabilities for scientific investigation. In terms of methodological-theorist descriptive and analytical referentials, the apprenticeship of principles through findings, tutorage and oriented findings were detailed according to Gagné, Bruner, Ausubel and Suchman, including strategies of humanism learning according to Rogers. Results of learning and teaching process from the research methodology includes 28 scientific productions concluded and published by the nurses who participated in courses and individual orientation. The vast majority of the papers were experience report, descriptive and exploratory researches on take-care procedures in Health and Nursing ; politics and practices of Education and Nursing; managing health, nursing and information/communication services in Health and Nursing. The nurses, evaluated during practices till the end of the process, revealed that the main principles and knowledge of Research Methodology were acquired and applied. However, they were subjected to internal and external factors which facilitate and also raise difficulties to scientific investigation for the teaching and learning process. Analysis of the evaluations required the help of authors assisting all steps of the process, some of them from the nursing area and also principles from the Morin Complexity Theory. The main difficulties reported by nurses were referred to lack of knowledge of scientific principle of the research; poor administrative and work conditions limitating structuring, development and publishing steps of the results. Among the facilitators, some distinctions: the nurses' pledge to face environmental adversities; level of importance given to the project in order to modify practice; the value of organizing and divulging practice's results obtaining professional recognition; the collaboration and aid of other nurses from the administrative department. This work showed the need of a flexible planning on educational activities through an administrative systemic point of view, recognizing and facing the existing limits. The research objects of the practical field were important for continuous follow up in terms of a significant apprenticeship, bringing near daily situations, developing educational practices according to reality and according to each individual nurse and the cognitive condition related to Research Methodology.en
dc.description.sourceBV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertações
dc.format.extent190 f.
dc.identifier.citationDYNIEWICZ, Ana Maria. Metodologia da pesquisa para enfermeiras: práticas educativas em hospital universitário. 2003. 190 f. Tese (Doutorado) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2003.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)
dc.subjectPesquisa em enfermagempt_BR
dc.titleMetodologia da pesquisa para enfermeiras: práticas educativas em hospital universitáriopt_BR
dc.title.alternativeMethodology for nurses: educatinal practices in a university hospitalen
unifesp.campusSão Paulo, Escola Paulista de Enfermagem (EPE)pt
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