Pacientes em cuidados domiciliares: os desafios da capacitação dos cuidadores familiares
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A Atenção Domiciliar (AD) em saúde vem assumindo uma função de destaque diante do envelhecimento populacional. Nesta modalidade, os cuidados geralmente são fornecidos por familiares que muitas vezes não possuem nenhuma capacitação formal. Por isso, a preocupação com os desafios enfrentados pelos cuidadores é fundamental para que a assistência domiciliar a saúde possa ser adequada e atinja o seu propósito. Teve-se como objetivo deste estudo compreender as principais dificuldades relatadas pelos cuidadores familiares dos pacientes em acompanhamento em um serviço de AD. A pesquisa de natureza exploratória e descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa foi realizada com 04 cuidadores familiares em acompanhamento pelo Programa Melhor em Casa no município de Santos/SP. Os dados foram produzidos por meio de um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturado contendo questões relevantes sobre capacitação e realização dos cuidados. Após transcritas e analisadas, as entrevistas foram classificadas por núcleos temáticos. A repetição e o agrupamento dos dados geraram os seguintes temas para análise: A falta de conhecimento; medo, incerteza e a sobrecarga; e a necessidade de capacitação adequada. As falas revelaram algumas das dificuldades encontradas pelos cuidadores que em muitas situações não acreditaram estar preparados para desempenhar tais atividades relacionadas ao cuidado. Além disso, foi um consenso entre os participantes da pesquisa a necessidade da construção de programas de capacitação para os cuidadores domiciliares. A capacitação insuficiente e a falta de conhecimento específico podem interferir na qualidade de vida do paciente e causar consequências a saúde cuidador. Uma proposta para minimizar os impactos seria a implementação de um programa de capacitação com encontros periódicos com os profissionais de saúde. Esses encontros poderiam proporcionar esclarecimento de dúvidas quanto ao manejo e o cuidado com o paciente.
Home Health Care has assumed a prominent role in the face of population aging. In this subject, care is usually provided by family members who often lack formal training. Therefore, the concern with the challenges faced by the caregivers is an important issue so that the home health care can be adequate performed and reach its purpose. The objective of this study was to understand the main difficulties reported by the family caregivers of the patients being followed up at an Home Health Care service. The exploratory and descriptive research with a qualitative approach was carried out with 04 family caregivers followed by the Melhor em Casa Program in the city of Santos / SP. The data were produced through a semi-structured interview script containing relevant questions about training and care with the patient. After transcribed and analyzed, the interviews were classified by thematic topics. The repetition and grouping of the data generated the following themes for analysis: Lack of knowledge; fear, uncertainty and overload; and the need for adequate training. The speeches revealed some of the difficulties encountered by caregivers who in many situations did not believe they were prepared to perform such care-related activities. In addition, it was agreed among the participants of the research the need to build training programs for home caregivers. Insufficient training and lack of specific knowledge can interfere with the quality of life of the patient and cause consequences to the caregiver's health. One proposal to minimize the impacts would be the implementation of a training program with periodic meetings with health professionals. These meetings could provide clarification of doubts regarding patient management and care.
Home Health Care has assumed a prominent role in the face of population aging. In this subject, care is usually provided by family members who often lack formal training. Therefore, the concern with the challenges faced by the caregivers is an important issue so that the home health care can be adequate performed and reach its purpose. The objective of this study was to understand the main difficulties reported by the family caregivers of the patients being followed up at an Home Health Care service. The exploratory and descriptive research with a qualitative approach was carried out with 04 family caregivers followed by the Melhor em Casa Program in the city of Santos / SP. The data were produced through a semi-structured interview script containing relevant questions about training and care with the patient. After transcribed and analyzed, the interviews were classified by thematic topics. The repetition and grouping of the data generated the following themes for analysis: Lack of knowledge; fear, uncertainty and overload; and the need for adequate training. The speeches revealed some of the difficulties encountered by caregivers who in many situations did not believe they were prepared to perform such care-related activities. In addition, it was agreed among the participants of the research the need to build training programs for home caregivers. Insufficient training and lack of specific knowledge can interfere with the quality of life of the patient and cause consequences to the caregiver's health. One proposal to minimize the impacts would be the implementation of a training program with periodic meetings with health professionals. These meetings could provide clarification of doubts regarding patient management and care.
LEITE, Ciro Caires. Pacientes em cuidados domiciliares: os desafios da capacitação dos cuidadores familiares. 2018. 93 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino em Ciências da Saúde) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Santos, 2018.