Estratégia de formação continuada para acessar domínios de conhecimento pedagógico no pck dos professores sobre modelos atômicos
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A escola é um espaço formativo de professores, considerando que a própria atuação docente estrutura conhecimentos que favorecem o processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Tais conhecimentos são estruturados e desenvolvidos a partir da reflexão do professor durante sua prática, por meio da verificação de ações que foram exitosas ou não. Com o intuito de potencializar e favorecer a formação continuada de professores no ambiente escolar, esta pesquisa foi estruturada em uma intervenção com o objetivo de sistematizar os domínios de conhecimento pedagógico a partir da reflexão estimulada no PCK de professores de química. A intervenção baseou-se no conteúdo de modelos atômicos e contou com a participação de dois professores de Química que lecionam para o ensino médio em uma escola de ensino público contemplada pelo programa de ensino integral, na região norte do município de São Paulo. A coleta de dados iniciou com a entrevista semiestruturada para identificar a formação inicial dos professores participantes, na sequência a entrega do plano de aula e a gravação de uma aula sobre modelos atômicos de cada professor. Após assistirem suas próprias aulas com o intuito de iniciar a reflexão estimulada, os professores preencheram os instrumentos CoRe e Ciclo reflexivo de Smyth para concluírem o processo reflexivo. Na sequência os professores elaboraram um novo plano de aula sobre o tema modelos atômicos. Finalizou-se a coleta de dados com a entrevista aberta para verificar suas autopercepções dos professores após o processo de reflexão estimulada. Para a análise dos dados dos planos de aula foi realizada a intercorrelação dos itens presentes. De forma geral, os demais dados foram sistematicamente organizados individualmente para cada professor por meio da categorização dos dados. A sistematização dos domínios de conhecimento no PCK de cada um deles foi identificada pelos planos de aula que apresentaram antes e após a intervenção e pelos instrumentos CoRe e Ciclo reflexivo de Smyth. Após o processo reflexivo, foi observado que o professor A implementou a história da ciência em sua aula e o professor B estruturou sua aula com o foco no protagonismo juvenil dos estudantes. Levando em consideração a autopercepção dos professores no término da intervenção, verificou-se que o professor A apontou a importância da reflexão na prática pedagógica e o professor B expôs a relevância do planejamento de sua atuação docente na rotina escolar, possibilitando o uso deste conjunto de instrumentos para a formação de professores e colaborando no fomento de estratégias formativas para coordenadores pedagógicos.
The school is a training space for teachers, considering that the teaching activity itself structures knowledge that favors the teaching and learning process. Such knowledge is structured and developed from the teacher's reflection during his practice, through the verification of actions that were successful or not. With the aim of enhancing and favoring the continuing education of teachers in the school environment, this research was structured in an intervention with the objective of systematizing the domains of pedagogical knowledge from the reflection stimulated in the PCK of chemistry teachers. The intervention was based on the content of atomic models and had the participation of two chemistry teachers who teach high school in a public school covered by the comprehensive education program, in the northern region of the city of São Paulo. Data collection began with a semi-structured interview to identify the initial training of the participating teachers, followed by the delivery of the lesson plan and the recording of a class on atomic models for each teacher. After attending their own classes in order to initiate the stimulated reflection, the teachers completed the instruments CoRe and Smyth's Reflective Cycle to complete the reflective process. Next, the teachers developed a new lesson plan on the subject of atomic models. Data collection ended with an open interview to verify the teachers' self-perceptions after the process of stimulated reflection. For the analysis of data from the lesson plans, the intercorrelation of the items present was performed. In general, the other data were systematically organized individually for each teacher through data categorization. The systematization of the knowledge domains in the PCK of each teacher was identified by the lesson plans they presented before and after the intervention and by the instruments CoRe and Smyth's Reflective Cycle. After the reflective process, it was observed that teacher A implemented the history of science in his class and teacher B structured his class with a focus on the youth protagonism of students. Taking into account the teachers' self-perception at the end of the intervention, it was found that teacher A pointed out the importance of reflection in pedagogical practice and teacher B exposed the relevance of planning their teaching activities in the school routine, enabling the use of this set of instruments for teacher training and collaborating in the promotion of training strategies for pedagogical coordinators.
The school is a training space for teachers, considering that the teaching activity itself structures knowledge that favors the teaching and learning process. Such knowledge is structured and developed from the teacher's reflection during his practice, through the verification of actions that were successful or not. With the aim of enhancing and favoring the continuing education of teachers in the school environment, this research was structured in an intervention with the objective of systematizing the domains of pedagogical knowledge from the reflection stimulated in the PCK of chemistry teachers. The intervention was based on the content of atomic models and had the participation of two chemistry teachers who teach high school in a public school covered by the comprehensive education program, in the northern region of the city of São Paulo. Data collection began with a semi-structured interview to identify the initial training of the participating teachers, followed by the delivery of the lesson plan and the recording of a class on atomic models for each teacher. After attending their own classes in order to initiate the stimulated reflection, the teachers completed the instruments CoRe and Smyth's Reflective Cycle to complete the reflective process. Next, the teachers developed a new lesson plan on the subject of atomic models. Data collection ended with an open interview to verify the teachers' self-perceptions after the process of stimulated reflection. For the analysis of data from the lesson plans, the intercorrelation of the items present was performed. In general, the other data were systematically organized individually for each teacher through data categorization. The systematization of the knowledge domains in the PCK of each teacher was identified by the lesson plans they presented before and after the intervention and by the instruments CoRe and Smyth's Reflective Cycle. After the reflective process, it was observed that teacher A implemented the history of science in his class and teacher B structured his class with a focus on the youth protagonism of students. Taking into account the teachers' self-perception at the end of the intervention, it was found that teacher A pointed out the importance of reflection in pedagogical practice and teacher B exposed the relevance of planning their teaching activities in the school routine, enabling the use of this set of instruments for teacher training and collaborating in the promotion of training strategies for pedagogical coordinators.