Adesão ao tratamento para tuberculose: uma etnografia no Instituto Clemente Ferreira - São Paulo/SP
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Esta dissertação visa compreender a adesão ao tratamento da tuberculose sob o ponto de vista dos pacientes e profissionais de saúde por meio de uma aproximação etnográfica em um ambulatório de atenção terciária à pessoas com tuberculose da cidade de São Paulo/SP, o Instituto Clemente Ferreira. A pesquisa de campo desenvolveu-se de junho a dezembro de 2014 e foram utilizadas as técnicas da observação participante e entrevistas. O material empírico foi interpretado pela perspectiva das ciências socias aplicadas à saúde. Os resultados deste trabalho nos possibilitou compreender um pouco da concepção de doença que os pacientes possuem, qual o impacto que a tuberculose causa no cotidiano deles, como lidam com a necessidade de realizar um tratamento, quais elementos incentivam ou impedem a adesão ao tratamento e ainda como os profissionais de saúde dessa instituição prestam assistência a esses pacientes e suas atitudes e percepções sobre aqueles pacientes que descontinuam o tratamento. Destaca-se que o processo de adesão não diz respeito apenas a ingestão diária de medicação, mas, sobretudo, ao contexto socio-cultural onde o tratamento acontece e a postura de profissionais de saúde que desconsideram a complexidade desse fenômeno e assim rotulam e marginalizam aqueles pacientes que descontinuam o tratamento.
This research aims to understand adherence to tuberculosis treatment from the point of view of patients and healthcare professionals through an ethnographic approach in an outpatient tertiary care to people with tuberculosis in the city of São Paulo / SP, the Clemente Ferreira Institute. The field research was developed from June to December 2014 and were used to the techniques of participant observation and interviews. The empirical material was interpreted by the prospect of socias and human sciences applied to health. These results enabled us to understand some of the disease concept that patients have , what impact tuberculosis cause in their daily life, they deal with the need for a treatment , which elements encourage or impede adherence to treatment as well as health professionals that institution providing care to these patients and their attitudes and perceptions about those patients who discontinue treatment. It is noteworthy that the accession process is not just about the daily intake of medication, but above all, the socio-cultural context where treatment takes place and the posture of health professionals who disregard the complexity of this phenomenon and so label and marginalize those Patients who discontinue treatment.
This research aims to understand adherence to tuberculosis treatment from the point of view of patients and healthcare professionals through an ethnographic approach in an outpatient tertiary care to people with tuberculosis in the city of São Paulo / SP, the Clemente Ferreira Institute. The field research was developed from June to December 2014 and were used to the techniques of participant observation and interviews. The empirical material was interpreted by the prospect of socias and human sciences applied to health. These results enabled us to understand some of the disease concept that patients have , what impact tuberculosis cause in their daily life, they deal with the need for a treatment , which elements encourage or impede adherence to treatment as well as health professionals that institution providing care to these patients and their attitudes and perceptions about those patients who discontinue treatment. It is noteworthy that the accession process is not just about the daily intake of medication, but above all, the socio-cultural context where treatment takes place and the posture of health professionals who disregard the complexity of this phenomenon and so label and marginalize those Patients who discontinue treatment.
POSSES, Isabela Pellacani Pereira das. Adesão ao tratamento para tuberculose: uma etnografia no Instituto Clemente Ferreira - São Paulo/SP. 2015. 132 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Saúde coletiva) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, 2015.