Desvantagem vocal e qualidade de vida em voz em pacientes com comprometimento pulmonar por Covid-19
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OBJETIVO: Identificar a desvantagem vocal e a qualidade de vida em voz em pacientes que tiveram comprometimento pulmonar por COVID-19, comparar parâmetros pulmonares entre pacientes que tiveram comprometimento pulmonar por COVID-19 e indivíduos do grupo controle, e também correlacionar os parâmetros pulmonares com os questionários de autoavaliação (IDV-10 e QVV). MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 35 pacientes que tiveram comprometimento pulmonar por COVID-19 e comparados com 35 indivíduos que não foram acometidos por COVID-19. Foram aplicados dois questionários de autoavaliação (índice de desvantagem vocal e o protocolo de qualidade de vida em voz); mensurados o tempo máximo de fonação, a pressão expiratória forçada (PEF) e a pressão inspiratória forçada (PIF) e realizada a videolaringoscopia. RESULTADOS: Houve uma diferença estatisticamente significativa nos scores dos questionários de autoavaliação da voz (IDV-10 e QVV), na pressão expiratória (PEF) e na pressão inspiratória forçada (PIF), entre os pacientes que tiveram comprometimento pulmonar por COVID-19 e os indivíduos do grupo controle. Foi também observado uma correlação entre a PEF/PIF e os scores dos questionários de autoavaliação da voz. CONCLUSÃO: O comprometimento pulmonar por COVID-19 causou um aumento da desvantagem vocal e uma piora na qualidade de vida em voz nos pacientes, além de reduzir a pressão expiratória e inspiratória forçada, quando comparados aos indivíduos do grupo controle.
OBJECTIVE: To identify voice handicap and voice quality of life in patients who had pulmonary impairment due to COVID-19, to compare pulmonary parameters between patients who had pulmonary impairment due to COVID-19 and individuals in the control group, and also to correlate pulmonary parameters with self-assessment questionnaires (IDV-10 and QVV). METHODS: We selected 35 patients who had pulmonary involvement by COVID-19 and compared with 35 individuals who were not affected by COVID-19. Two self-assessment questionnaires were applied (vocal handicap index and voice quality of life protocol); Maximum phonation time, forced expiratory pressure (PEF) and forced inspiratory pressure (PIF) were measured and videolaryngoscopy was performed. RESULTS: There was a statistically significant difference in the scores of the voice self-assessment questionnaires (IDV-10 and QVV), in the expiratory pressure (PEF) and in the forced inspiratory pressure (PIF), between patients who had pulmonary impairment due to COVID-19 and the individuals in the control group. A correlation was also observed between the PEF/PIF and the scores of the voice self-assessment questionnaires. CONCLUSION: Pulmonary impairment by COVID-19 caused an increase in voice handicap and a worsening of voice quality of life in patients, in addition to reducing forced expiratory and inspiratory pressure, when compared to individuals in the control group.
OBJECTIVE: To identify voice handicap and voice quality of life in patients who had pulmonary impairment due to COVID-19, to compare pulmonary parameters between patients who had pulmonary impairment due to COVID-19 and individuals in the control group, and also to correlate pulmonary parameters with self-assessment questionnaires (IDV-10 and QVV). METHODS: We selected 35 patients who had pulmonary involvement by COVID-19 and compared with 35 individuals who were not affected by COVID-19. Two self-assessment questionnaires were applied (vocal handicap index and voice quality of life protocol); Maximum phonation time, forced expiratory pressure (PEF) and forced inspiratory pressure (PIF) were measured and videolaryngoscopy was performed. RESULTS: There was a statistically significant difference in the scores of the voice self-assessment questionnaires (IDV-10 and QVV), in the expiratory pressure (PEF) and in the forced inspiratory pressure (PIF), between patients who had pulmonary impairment due to COVID-19 and the individuals in the control group. A correlation was also observed between the PEF/PIF and the scores of the voice self-assessment questionnaires. CONCLUSION: Pulmonary impairment by COVID-19 caused an increase in voice handicap and a worsening of voice quality of life in patients, in addition to reducing forced expiratory and inspiratory pressure, when compared to individuals in the control group.
BUENO, Lourival Mendes. Desvantagem vocal em pacientes com Covid-19. 2023. 37 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Otorrinolaringologia) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP). São Paulo, 2023.