Nas bordas da eficácia: A intensificação do trabalho docente em tempos de pandemia
Dissertação de mestrado
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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar, com base em um estudo de natureza qualitativa,
em que medida o trabalho docente se intensificou ou não em tempos de pandemia. De modo
mais abrangente, nos dedicamos a conhecer quais foram as experiências dos docentes no ensino
remoto emergencial durante a pandemia. A categoria docente já passava por mudanças
significativas em seu trabalho, no entanto, com o advento da pandemia, algumas
particularidades relacionadas a intensificação do trabalho e do uso intensificado das tecnologias
da informação e da comunicação parecem ter sido acionadas. Desse modo, a fim de nos
aprofundar acerca da dimensão da intensificação do trabalho docente na Universidade Federal
de São Paulo, dedicamo-nos a conhecer o trabalho docente nesse período, tendo como
orientação o seguinte problema de pesquisa: “Com base no processo laboral apoiado no ensino
remoto emergencial, em que medida o trabalho docente se intensificou?” A fim de responder
essa questão, realizamos um estudo empírico sobre a intensificação do trabalho de docentes
inseridos e inseridas na Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), campus Baixada
Santista. A análise de dados desta dissertação se deu com base em dez entrevistas
semiestruturadas, realizadas de forma remota, com professores e professoras da Unifesp, acerca
da intensificação do trabalho, do ensino remoto emergencial e das tecnologias da informação e
da comunicação que medeiam o trabalho docente.
This dissertation aimed at analyzing, based on a qualitative study, to what extent the teaching work intensified or not in times of pandemic. In a more comprehensive way, we dedicated ourselves to finding out what were the teachers' experiences in emergency remote teaching during the pandemic. The teaching category was already going through significant changes in their work, however, with the advent of the pandemic some particularities related to work intensification and the intensified use of information and communication technologies seem to have been triggered. In this way, in order to deepen our knowledge about the dimension of the intensification of the teaching work in a public university, we dedicated ourselves to get to know the teaching work in this period with the following research problem in mind: "Based on the labor process supported by emergency remote teaching, to what extent can we say that the teaching work has intensified? In order to answer this question we conducted a theoretical study and an empirical study on the intensification of the work of teachers inserted and inserted in the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) Baixada Santista campus. The data analysis of this dissertation was based on ten semi-structured interviews conducted remotely with male and female professors at Unifesp about some topics such as work intensification, emergency remote teaching and information and communication technologies.
This dissertation aimed at analyzing, based on a qualitative study, to what extent the teaching work intensified or not in times of pandemic. In a more comprehensive way, we dedicated ourselves to finding out what were the teachers' experiences in emergency remote teaching during the pandemic. The teaching category was already going through significant changes in their work, however, with the advent of the pandemic some particularities related to work intensification and the intensified use of information and communication technologies seem to have been triggered. In this way, in order to deepen our knowledge about the dimension of the intensification of the teaching work in a public university, we dedicated ourselves to get to know the teaching work in this period with the following research problem in mind: "Based on the labor process supported by emergency remote teaching, to what extent can we say that the teaching work has intensified? In order to answer this question we conducted a theoretical study and an empirical study on the intensification of the work of teachers inserted and inserted in the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) Baixada Santista campus. The data analysis of this dissertation was based on ten semi-structured interviews conducted remotely with male and female professors at Unifesp about some topics such as work intensification, emergency remote teaching and information and communication technologies.
EMILIANO, Laiany Lara. Nas bordas da eficácia: A intensificação do trabalho docente em tempos de pandemia. 2022. 140 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Serviço Social e Políticas Sociais) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2022.