Associação da partição hepática à ligadura da veia porta em hepatectomia estagiada versus hepatectomia em dois tempos convencional para metástase hepática de neoplasia colorretal: a elaboração de um protocolo de revisão sistemática Cochrane
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Introdução: A ressecção das metástases hepáticas de neoplasia colorretal é um dos pilares do tratamento desta doença. Existem estratégias para induzir o futuro fígado remanescente durante o perioperatório para evitar insuficiência hepática no pós-operatório de hepatectomias maiores ou estendidas. Ainda não há consenso entre cirurgiões hepatobiliares sobre a melhor estratégia de induzir a hipertrofia do futuro fígado remanescente nestas situações. Objetivo: Criar um protocolo de revisão sistemática do tipo estudo de intervenção, comparando as técnicas de associação partição hepática à ligadura da veia porta em hepatectomia estagiada e a hepatectomia em dois tempos convencional em pacientes portadores de metástase hepática de neoplasia colorretal Métodos: Foi utilizada a metodologia Cochrane e com o uso do software Review Manager Web. Seguindo recomendações da Cochrane, foram definidos critérios de inclusão dos participantes, estratégias de busca na literatura, métodos de avaliação, coleta e síntese de dados dos estudos incluídos. Resultados: O produto dessa fase foi um protocolo de revisão sistemática sobre estudo de intervenção terapêutica, na fase de editoração do Grupo Hepatobiliar da Cochrane e em processo de publicação. Conclusões: Foi elaborado um projeto de pesquisa estruturado com os padrões metodológicos da Colaboração Cochrane, envolvendo apenas ensaios clínicos randomizados, revisado e aprovado por revisores e editores especializados da Cochrane.
Introduction: Surgical resection of colorectal liver metastases is the cornerstone of the treatment of this disease. There are strategies to induce the hypertrophy of the future liver remnant in the preoperative stage to avoid postoperative liver failure after major or extended liver resections. There is no consensus among hepatobiliary surgeons regarding which strategy to induce hypertrophy of the future liver remnant for this condition. Objective: To create a systematic review of interventions protocol comparting the techniques of Associating Liver Partition and Portal Vein Ligation for Staged Hepatectomy and conventional two-stage hepatectomy on patients with colorectal liver metastases. Methods: A Cochrane systematic review protocol was developed using the Review Manager Web software. Following Cochrane's recommendations, it was stated inclusion criteria for the systematic review, as well literature search methods, quality appraisal of the included studies, data collection and synthesis of included studies. Results: The product of this phase is systematic review protocol of intervention studies, in editorial phase by the Cochrane Hepato-Biliary Group and in process of being published. Conclusion: It was created a structured research project with Cochrane Collaboration’s rigorous methods involving only randomised clinical trials, reviewed, and approved by peer reviewers and Cochrane’s specialised editors.
Introduction: Surgical resection of colorectal liver metastases is the cornerstone of the treatment of this disease. There are strategies to induce the hypertrophy of the future liver remnant in the preoperative stage to avoid postoperative liver failure after major or extended liver resections. There is no consensus among hepatobiliary surgeons regarding which strategy to induce hypertrophy of the future liver remnant for this condition. Objective: To create a systematic review of interventions protocol comparting the techniques of Associating Liver Partition and Portal Vein Ligation for Staged Hepatectomy and conventional two-stage hepatectomy on patients with colorectal liver metastases. Methods: A Cochrane systematic review protocol was developed using the Review Manager Web software. Following Cochrane's recommendations, it was stated inclusion criteria for the systematic review, as well literature search methods, quality appraisal of the included studies, data collection and synthesis of included studies. Results: The product of this phase is systematic review protocol of intervention studies, in editorial phase by the Cochrane Hepato-Biliary Group and in process of being published. Conclusion: It was created a structured research project with Cochrane Collaboration’s rigorous methods involving only randomised clinical trials, reviewed, and approved by peer reviewers and Cochrane’s specialised editors.