Contribuições de um curso de formação continuada sobre vacinas para professores da educação básica visando o combate a fake news
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O tema vacinas costuma ser abordado superficialmente na educação básica. Nesse contexto, informações falsas (conhecidas como Fake News) podem persuadir estudantes a formarem opiniões incorretas sobre vacinação. O presente trabalho procurou desenvolver um curso, em formato EaD, para capacitar docentes a discutirem o papel da vacinação na qualidade de vida e como fake news podem ser prejudiciais à saúde. Foram convidados 5 docentes para participarem do curso como validadores dessa formação. Para desenvolver o curso foi utilizada a plataforma Moodle® a fim de garantir os melhores recursos tecnológicos necessários à formação. O curso é composto por três módulos, nos quais os docentes são convidados a refletirem sobre histórico das vacinas, calendário vacinal, impacto das fake news, como reconhecer fake news e formas de propor a discussão de vacinas em sala de aula. A pesquisa é caracterizada como qualitativa e para a coleta dos dados foram utilizados questionários, atividades utilizadas no curso e elaboração de plano de aula pelos professores cursistas. Com essa pesquisa foi possível verificar que após a realização do curso, os professores incluíram em seus planos de aula a discussão sobre fake news na abordagem de vacinas. Os docentes também afirmaram que o curso apresenta bons materiais e boa navegação. Em relação a esse trabalho, espera-se que esse curso possa ser ampliado para mais docentes participarem e que fomente discussões sobre fake news relacionadas à saúde em sala de aula.
The topic of vaccines is usually approached superficially in basic education. In this context, false information (known as Fake News) can persuade students to form incorrect opinions about vaccination. The present work sought to develop a course, in distance education format, to train teachers to discuss the role of vaccination in quality of life and how fake news can be harmful to health. Five professors were invited to participate in the course as validators of this training. The Moodle® platform was used to develop the course in order to guarantee the best technological resources necessary for the training. The course consists of three modules, in which teachers are invited to reflect on the history of vaccines, vaccination schedule, impact of fake news, how to recognize fake news and ways to propose the discussion of vaccines in the classroom. The research is characterized as qualitative and for data collection questionnaires, activities used in the course and the elaboration of a lesson plan by the course participants were used. With this research, it was possible to verify that after the completion of the course, the teachers included in their lesson plans the discussion about fake news in the approach to vaccines. The professors also stated that the course has good materials and good navigation. In relation to this work, it is expected that this course can be expanded so that more teachers can participate and that it encourages discussions about fake health-related news in the classroom.
The topic of vaccines is usually approached superficially in basic education. In this context, false information (known as Fake News) can persuade students to form incorrect opinions about vaccination. The present work sought to develop a course, in distance education format, to train teachers to discuss the role of vaccination in quality of life and how fake news can be harmful to health. Five professors were invited to participate in the course as validators of this training. The Moodle® platform was used to develop the course in order to guarantee the best technological resources necessary for the training. The course consists of three modules, in which teachers are invited to reflect on the history of vaccines, vaccination schedule, impact of fake news, how to recognize fake news and ways to propose the discussion of vaccines in the classroom. The research is characterized as qualitative and for data collection questionnaires, activities used in the course and the elaboration of a lesson plan by the course participants were used. With this research, it was possible to verify that after the completion of the course, the teachers included in their lesson plans the discussion about fake news in the approach to vaccines. The professors also stated that the course has good materials and good navigation. In relation to this work, it is expected that this course can be expanded so that more teachers can participate and that it encourages discussions about fake health-related news in the classroom.