Serviço Social e Conservadorismo: gênese, rupturas e retrocessos
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Esta pesquisa, assentada no campo dos fundamentos do Serviço Social, objetivou aproximar-se do conservadorismo e sua relação com a profissão, desde a emergência do Serviço Social até as disputas profissionais de diferentes projetos. Para isto, utilizamos a pesquisa bibliográfica, nos aproximando de referenciais teóricos para estudo do objeto e a pesquisa netnográfica para analisar as páginas da rede social Facebook: Serviço Social Conservador, Serviço Social Libertário e Sociedade Brasileira de Serviço Social Clínico. Buscamos compreender acerca do pensamento conservador clássico e suas atualizações a partir do neoconservadorismo, suas expressões na sociabilidade burguesa e determinantes na formação social brasileira. Em seguida, enfatizamos sobre o Serviço Social e suas marcas históricas assentadas no conservadorismo, a exemplo dos códigos de ética profissionais de 1947 a 1993, bem como os caminhos traçados pela profissão no sentido de ruptura com o conservadorismo. A reflexão acerca do Movimento de Reconceituação e de renovação do Serviço Social brasileiro nos possibilitou compreender as vertentes profissionais que compuseram dialeticamente este processo, até a construção de um Projeto Ético Político (PEP) que propõe a ruptura com o conservadorismo, com o Serviço Social tradicional e alinhado à classe trabalhadora. Em seguida, através da netnografia analisamos as três páginas no facebook e suas publicações de 2018 a 2022 - considerando a força das disputas eleitorais neste período - e pudemos concluir que as correntes que se colocam contrárias ao PEP reforçam o que era reivindicado pela perspectiva modernizadora e da reatualização do conservadorismo, ganhando força a depender da correlação de forças entre o capital e o trabalho e das disputas societárias, aliando-se à perpetuação da ordem do capital e das opressões impostas por esta sociabilidade. Em suma, refletimos que as disputas que se colocam no campo dos projetos profissionais não são inéditas ao Serviço Social, mas uma reatualização do que observamos ao longo da história da profissão, em que dialeticamente reatualizam-se as perspectivas conservadoras ao mesmo tempo em que a ruptura com o conservadorismo também se atualiza.
This research, based on the foundations of Social Work, aimed to get closer to conservatism and its impact on the profession, from the emergence of Social Work to professional disputes over different projects. For this, we used bibliographical research, approaching theoretical references to study the object and netnographic research to analyze the pages of the social network Facebook: Conservative Social Work, Libertarian Social Work and Brazilian Society of Clinical Social Work. We seek to understand classical conservative thought and its updates from neoconservatism, its expressions in bourgeois sociability and determinants in Brazilian social formation. Next, we emphasize Social Work and its historical marks based on conservatism, such as the professional codes of ethics from 1947 to 1993, as well as the paths taken by the profession towards breaking with conservatism. The reflection on the Reconceptualization Movement and renewal of Brazilian Social Work enabled us to understand the professional aspects that dialectically composed this process, until the construction of a Political Ethical Project (PEP) that proposes a break with conservatism, with traditional Social Work and aligned with the working class. Then, through netnography, we analyzed the three Facebook pages and their publications from 2018 to 2022 - considering the strength of electoral disputes in this period - and we were able to conclude that the currents that oppose the PEP reinforce what was claimed by the modernizing and of the re-updating of conservatism, gaining strength depending on the correlation of forces between capital and work and societal disputes, allied to the perpetuation of the order of capital and the oppressions imposed by this sociability. In short, we reflect that the disputes that arise in the field of professional projects are not unprecedented in Social Work, but a re-updating of what we have observed throughout the history of the profession, in which conservative perspectives are dialectically re-updated at the same time that the rupture with conservatism is also updated.
This research, based on the foundations of Social Work, aimed to get closer to conservatism and its impact on the profession, from the emergence of Social Work to professional disputes over different projects. For this, we used bibliographical research, approaching theoretical references to study the object and netnographic research to analyze the pages of the social network Facebook: Conservative Social Work, Libertarian Social Work and Brazilian Society of Clinical Social Work. We seek to understand classical conservative thought and its updates from neoconservatism, its expressions in bourgeois sociability and determinants in Brazilian social formation. Next, we emphasize Social Work and its historical marks based on conservatism, such as the professional codes of ethics from 1947 to 1993, as well as the paths taken by the profession towards breaking with conservatism. The reflection on the Reconceptualization Movement and renewal of Brazilian Social Work enabled us to understand the professional aspects that dialectically composed this process, until the construction of a Political Ethical Project (PEP) that proposes a break with conservatism, with traditional Social Work and aligned with the working class. Then, through netnography, we analyzed the three Facebook pages and their publications from 2018 to 2022 - considering the strength of electoral disputes in this period - and we were able to conclude that the currents that oppose the PEP reinforce what was claimed by the modernizing and of the re-updating of conservatism, gaining strength depending on the correlation of forces between capital and work and societal disputes, allied to the perpetuation of the order of capital and the oppressions imposed by this sociability. In short, we reflect that the disputes that arise in the field of professional projects are not unprecedented in Social Work, but a re-updating of what we have observed throughout the history of the profession, in which conservative perspectives are dialectically re-updated at the same time that the rupture with conservatism is also updated.
ATAÍDES, Andreza Caroline de. Serviço Social e Conservadorismo: gênese, rupturas e retrocessos. 2024. 149 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Serviço Social e Políticas Sociais) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Santos, 2024.