Uso da glicina na prevenção das lesões da entercolite necrosante neonatal: estudo experimental em ratos
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Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da glicina no intestino e em órgãos à distância num modelo
experimental de enterocolite necrosante neonatal em ratos recém-nascidos.
Métodos: Foram utilizados ratos Wistar recém-nascidos distribuídos em três grupos:
G1: controle, G2: animais submetidos a hipóxia-reoxigenação (H-R), G3: animais
submetidos a hipóxia-reoxigenação após uma infusão intraperitoneal de glicina
5%.Segmentos intestinais foram preparados para análise histológica,
imunohistoquímica com caspase 3 clivada e lamina A clivada, como marcadores para
apoptose e dosagem tecidual de Malondialdeído (MDA). O fígado foi preparado para
avaliação imunohistoquímica e dosagem de malondialdeído tecidual, e os rins foram
preparados para avaliação imunohistoquímica.
Resultados: A dosagem de MDA tecidual mostrou que o grupo de animais submetido a
H-R apresentou valores maiores do que o grupo previamente submetido à injeção
intraperitoneal de glicina (p < 0,05). O índice apoptótico pela avaliação da caspase 3
clivada e lamina A clivada foi maior nos animais submetidos à H-R do que nos animais
que receberam previamente glicina em todos os órgãos examinados, porém nos rins a
avaliação pela lamina A clivada não foi significante, quando da avaliação estatística. A
análise histológica não mostrou diferença estatística entre o grupo H-R e o previamente
submetido à injeção de glicina.
Conclusões: A glicina foi capaz de reduzir os efeitos deletérios da hipóxiareoxigenação,
quando se considerou como critério de avaliação a dosagem de MDA e
os índices de apoptose celular e não influenciou, estatisticamente, as alterações
Objective: To evaluate the effect of glycine on the intestine and in distant organs, in an experimental model of neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis in rats. Methods: Newborn Wistar rats were utilized, distributed into three groups: G1: control, G2: animals subjected to hypoxia-reoxygenation (H-R), G3: animals subjected to hypoxia-reoxygenation after intraperitoneal infusion of 5% glycine. Intestinal segments were prepared for histological analysis, immunohistochemistry using cleaved caspase-3 and cleaved lamina-A as markers for apoptosis, and tissue assaying for malonaldehyde (MDA). The liver and kidneys were prepared for immunohistochemical evaluation and the liver alone for tissue MDA assaying. Results: Tissue MDA assaying showed that the animals subjected to H-R alone presented higher values than did those previously subjected to glycine infusion (p < 0.05). The apoptosis index from evaluation of cleaved caspase-3 and cleaved lamina-A was greater in the animals subjected to H-R alone than in those previously subjected to glycine infusion, in all the organs examined. However, in the kidneys the findings from cleaved lamina-A did not present any statistical difference. The histological analysis did not show any statistical difference between the group with H-R alone and the group previously subjected to glycine infusion. Conclusions: Glycine was capable of reducing the deleterious effects from hypoxiareoxygenation, when the MDA assay and cell apoptosis index were considered as the evaluation criteria.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of glycine on the intestine and in distant organs, in an experimental model of neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis in rats. Methods: Newborn Wistar rats were utilized, distributed into three groups: G1: control, G2: animals subjected to hypoxia-reoxygenation (H-R), G3: animals subjected to hypoxia-reoxygenation after intraperitoneal infusion of 5% glycine. Intestinal segments were prepared for histological analysis, immunohistochemistry using cleaved caspase-3 and cleaved lamina-A as markers for apoptosis, and tissue assaying for malonaldehyde (MDA). The liver and kidneys were prepared for immunohistochemical evaluation and the liver alone for tissue MDA assaying. Results: Tissue MDA assaying showed that the animals subjected to H-R alone presented higher values than did those previously subjected to glycine infusion (p < 0.05). The apoptosis index from evaluation of cleaved caspase-3 and cleaved lamina-A was greater in the animals subjected to H-R alone than in those previously subjected to glycine infusion, in all the organs examined. However, in the kidneys the findings from cleaved lamina-A did not present any statistical difference. The histological analysis did not show any statistical difference between the group with H-R alone and the group previously subjected to glycine infusion. Conclusions: Glycine was capable of reducing the deleterious effects from hypoxiareoxygenation, when the MDA assay and cell apoptosis index were considered as the evaluation criteria.
Meyer, Karine Furtado. Uso da glicina na prevenção das lesões da entercolite necrosante neonatal: estudo experimental em ratos. 2006. 82 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2006.