Engenharia tecidual utilizando microalgas na produção de curativos cutâneos: uma revisão bibliográfica
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O processo de cicatrização de feridas consiste na regeneração do tecido do organismo vivo, sendo uma etapa importante para a recuperação de pacientes. Graças às complexas etapas necessárias para que ocorra a cicatrização, a reconstituição epitelial da região perdura por um longo período. A presença de agentes patológicos como bactérias podem prolongar ainda mais o processo de cicatrização ao contaminar a região provocando uma infecção. Estudos clínicos mostram que a oxigenação adequada da região ferida acelera o processo de cicatrização, pois o oxigênio além de beneficiar a formação das fibras de colágeno, elimina as bactérias presentes na região. Assim, a utilização de curativos convencionais que impedem o contato direto da região lesada com o oxigênio presente no ar representa um empecilho para a aceleração do processo de cura. Nos últimos anos tem sido crescente o estudo e pesquisa para o desenvolvimento de curativos avançados biocompatíveis, isto é, que possuem afinidade com o sistema biológico. Paralelamente, estudos têm demonstrado que as microalgas, micro-organismos que realizam fotossíntese oxigenada possuem bioativos potencialmente terapêuticos. Assim, para a engenharia tecidual, a combinação de curativos biocompatíveis com as propriedades únicas das microalgas mostra-se uma promissora área de pesquisa. Desta forma, o objetivo do presente trabalho é avaliar a literatura referente à engenharia tecidual utilizando microalgas na produção de curativos cutâneos nos últimos anos através de uma revisão crítica. Para tanto, uma pesquisa no banco de dados Scopus foi realizada, utilizando as palavras-chave: “microalgae” e “skin”. Como resultado, foi obtida uma ampla revisão bibliográfica do potencial biotecnológico das microalgas em curativos cutâneos, que poderá direcionar estudos científicos sobre este tema.
The wound healing process involves the regeneration of tissue in a living organism, which is an important step in patient recovery. Due to the complex stages necessary for healing to occur, the epithelial reconstitution of the region lasts for an extended period. The presence of pathological agents such as bacteria, can further prolong the healing process by contaminating the region and causing an infection. Clinical studies show that adequate oxygenation of the injured region accelerates the healing process, as oxygen not only benefits the formation of collagen fibers but also eliminates bacteria present in the region. Thus, the use of conventional dressings that prevent direct contact of the injured region with the oxygen present in the air, represents an obstacle to accelerating the healing process. In recent years, there has been increasing study and research into the development of advanced biocompatible dressings, that is, those that have affinity with the biological system. At the same time, studies have demonstrated that microalgae, microorganisms that perform oxygenic photosynthesis, possess potentially therapeutic bioactive compounds. Thus, for tissue engineering, the combination of biocompatible dressings with the unique properties of microalgae proves to be a promising area of research. Therefore, the objective of the present work is to evaluate the literature regarding tissue engineering using microalgae in the production of skin dressings in recent years through a critical review. For that, a search in the Scopus database was carried out, using the keywords: “microalgae” and “skin”. As a result, a broad bibliographical review of the biotechnological potential of microalgae in skin dressings was obtained, which could direct scientific studies on this topic.
The wound healing process involves the regeneration of tissue in a living organism, which is an important step in patient recovery. Due to the complex stages necessary for healing to occur, the epithelial reconstitution of the region lasts for an extended period. The presence of pathological agents such as bacteria, can further prolong the healing process by contaminating the region and causing an infection. Clinical studies show that adequate oxygenation of the injured region accelerates the healing process, as oxygen not only benefits the formation of collagen fibers but also eliminates bacteria present in the region. Thus, the use of conventional dressings that prevent direct contact of the injured region with the oxygen present in the air, represents an obstacle to accelerating the healing process. In recent years, there has been increasing study and research into the development of advanced biocompatible dressings, that is, those that have affinity with the biological system. At the same time, studies have demonstrated that microalgae, microorganisms that perform oxygenic photosynthesis, possess potentially therapeutic bioactive compounds. Thus, for tissue engineering, the combination of biocompatible dressings with the unique properties of microalgae proves to be a promising area of research. Therefore, the objective of the present work is to evaluate the literature regarding tissue engineering using microalgae in the production of skin dressings in recent years through a critical review. For that, a search in the Scopus database was carried out, using the keywords: “microalgae” and “skin”. As a result, a broad bibliographical review of the biotechnological potential of microalgae in skin dressings was obtained, which could direct scientific studies on this topic.