Práticas educativas na pandemia da COVID-19: sentidos e significados do trabalho remoto para professores universitários
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A pandemia do Covid 19 alterou as relações humanas no mundo inteiro, além de ocasionar sérios impactos na educação brasileira. As práticas educativas foram alteradas de forma sistêmica em todo o território nacional, desde a educação básica até o ensino superior com desdobramentos que impactaram as interações entre discentes e docentes durante o percurso do ensino remoto. Nessa perspectiva, essa pesquisa teve como objetivo compreender os sentidos e significados do trabalho remoto na percepção de professores universitários, com relação às experiências de ensino/aprendizagem em ambiente virtual vividas no período pandêmico Para alcançar nosso objetivo, utilizamos metodologia de caráter qualitativo exploratório a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas com professores(as) universitários da área de humanidades de uma Universidade pública de São Paulo. A análise de dados foi conduzida a partir da abordagem histórico-cultural de Vigotski. Os achados da pesquisa nos dão pistas para o debate sobre processos de ensino e aprendizagem que respeitem os limites humanos no que tange a qualidade de vida dos professores e alunos, sobretudo na compreensão desses processos organizados a partir do respeito às necessidades de interação social, e as formas de estar e construir conhecimentos na presença do outro.
The Covid 19 pandemic has altered human relations around the world, in addition to causing serious impacts on Brazilian education. Educational practices were changed in a systemic way throughout the national territory, from basic education to higher education with developments that impacted interactions between students and teachers during the remote teaching journey. From this perspective, this research aimed to understand the perception of university professors regarding teaching/learning experiences in a virtual environment. To achieve our objective, we used an exploratory qualitative methodology based on semi-structured interviews with university professors in the humanities area at a public University in São Paulo. Data analysis was conducted based on Vygotsky's historical-cultural approach. The research findings give us clues for the debate on teaching and learning processes that respect human limits in terms of the quality of life of teachers and students, especially in the understanding of these processes organized based on respect for the needs of social interaction, and the ways of being and building knowledge in the presence of others.
The Covid 19 pandemic has altered human relations around the world, in addition to causing serious impacts on Brazilian education. Educational practices were changed in a systemic way throughout the national territory, from basic education to higher education with developments that impacted interactions between students and teachers during the remote teaching journey. From this perspective, this research aimed to understand the perception of university professors regarding teaching/learning experiences in a virtual environment. To achieve our objective, we used an exploratory qualitative methodology based on semi-structured interviews with university professors in the humanities area at a public University in São Paulo. Data analysis was conducted based on Vygotsky's historical-cultural approach. The research findings give us clues for the debate on teaching and learning processes that respect human limits in terms of the quality of life of teachers and students, especially in the understanding of these processes organized based on respect for the needs of social interaction, and the ways of being and building knowledge in the presence of others.