Riscos ocupacionais no cenário do trabalho em enfermagem: proposta de prevenção pela convergência da pesquisa e prática educativa
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Desenvolver atividades de enfermagem, em especial no ambiente hospitalar, representa exposição a riscos ocupacionais intrínsecos ao processo de trabalho. Sempre que há presença de risco faz-se necessária a adoção de medidas de proteção individuais ou coletivas. Isso implica em programar mudanças no ambiente de trabalho e, quando estas, tecnicamente, são inviáveis, torna-se obrigatório o uso de Equipamentos de Proteção Individual e coletivos, como meio de controle do risco no local de trabalho. Nesse contexto, os trabalhadores, potencialmente expostos, necessitam ter ciência da presença dos fatores de risco em seu ambiente laboral, possuir instrumentalização e ter atitude pró-ativa acerca dos mesmos, na perspectiva de evitar agravos para sua saúde. Os objetivos foram: descrever a percepção da equipe de enfermagem acerca do risco ocupacional no contexto de trabalho de enfermagem; discutir a percepção dos profissionais de enfermagem acerca das medidas de promoção da saúde frente aos riscos ocupacionais; aplicar ações educativas com vistas à redução de riscos à saúde dos profissionais de enfermagem; e discutir as intervenções de ações educativas acerca dos riscos ocupacionais na prática profissional da equipe de enfermagem. Para o enfoque metodológico, optou-se pela abordagem qualitativa, utilizando o delineamento da Pesquisa Convergente Assistencial (PCA). O cenário da pesquisa foi a unidade de urgência e emergência de um hospital de porte IV, de um município da região noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os instrumentos para a coleta das informações foram: observação participante, entrevista individual e oficinas de práticas educativas. Participaram do estudo 24 trabalhadores da equipe de enfermagem que atuavam na unidade. A análise dos depoimentos resultou em três categorias de análise: Desvelando situações de riscos no contexto de trabalho da enfermagem; Saberes e práticas do trabalhador de enfermagem frente aos riscos ocupacionais e medidas de promoção e proteção à saúde: grupo de educação em saúde compartilhando saberes e propondo intervenções; Trabalhadores de enfermagem e os riscos ocupacionais: intervenções a partir de oficinas educativas. Os resultados evidenciaram que os trabalhadores conheciam os riscos inerentes ao processo de trabalho da enfermagem, bem como a necessidade do uso de dispositivos de segurança. Contudo, isso não garante o comportamento seguro frente aos riscos, pois a adesão ao uso dos dispositivos de segurança está fortemente relacionada à percepção que os profissionais têm acerca dos riscos do seu trabalho. Analisar a exposição da equipe de enfermagem em relação aos riscos ambientais em seu ambiente de trabalho faz-se importante para articular ações de promoção, proteção, bem como educativas com vistas ao cuidado do trabalhador. Na reflexão conjunta a partir das oficinas, foi possível que os sujeitos elencassem possibilidades de mudanças, para qualificar aspectos referentes à segurança do trabalhador de enfermagem, o que contribui para o desenvolvimento de uma cultura prevencionista. É importante e necessário que ações educativas permanentes envolvam a equipe de enfermagem, sejam implementadas, pois a inclusão dos atores sociais no processo reflexivo possibilita sua sensibilização e instrumentalização e o aprendizado de forma coletiva.
To develop nursing activities, especially in the hospital environment, represents exposition to occupational risks intrinsic to wok process. Every time risk is present, it is necessary to adopt individual or group protection measures. This implicates on programming changes in the work environment and, when these, are technically unviable, the use of Individual and group Protection Equipment becomes obligatory as a way of control the risk in the work place. In this context, workers, potentially exposed, need to be aware of the presence of risk factors in their work place, have instrumentalization and being proactive about this, on the perspective to prevent health injuries. The aims were: to describe the perception of the nursing staff about occupational risk in the context of nursing; to discuss the perception of nursing professionals about the health promotion measures for occupational risks; to apply educational actions in order to reduce risks to the health of nursing professionals; and to discuss interventions of educational actions about professional practice of the nursing staff. For the methodological approach, we chose qualitative approach, using the design of Convergent Care Research (CCR). Research scenery was an Emergency Room of a level IV hospital in a city at the northeast of Rio Grande do Sul. The instruments used for data collection were: participant observation, individual interview and educational practices workshops. 24 workers from the nursing staff that acted on that unit participated in the study. Deposition analysis resulted in three analysis categories: Unveiling situations of risks in the work context of nursing; Knowledge and practices from the nursing worker about occupational risks and health promotion measures: health education group sharing knowledge and proposing interventions; Nursing workers and occupational risks: interventions based on educational workshops. Results showed that workers knew the risks inherent to the nursing work process, as well as the need of using safety tools. However, this does not ensure safe behavior about risks because the adherence to safety tools is strongly related to the perception that nursing professionals have around their work risks. To analyze the exposition of the nursing staff in relation to their environmental risks is important to articulate promotion and protection actions, as well as educational actions in order to care for the worker. On the conjunct reflection from the workshops, the subjects could list change possibilities, to qualify aspects referred to the safety of the nursing worker, what contributes for the development of a preventive culture. It is important and necessary that permanent educational actions that involve the nursing staff are implemented because the inclusion of social subjects in reflective process enables their awareness and instrumentalization and the learning as a group.
To develop nursing activities, especially in the hospital environment, represents exposition to occupational risks intrinsic to wok process. Every time risk is present, it is necessary to adopt individual or group protection measures. This implicates on programming changes in the work environment and, when these, are technically unviable, the use of Individual and group Protection Equipment becomes obligatory as a way of control the risk in the work place. In this context, workers, potentially exposed, need to be aware of the presence of risk factors in their work place, have instrumentalization and being proactive about this, on the perspective to prevent health injuries. The aims were: to describe the perception of the nursing staff about occupational risk in the context of nursing; to discuss the perception of nursing professionals about the health promotion measures for occupational risks; to apply educational actions in order to reduce risks to the health of nursing professionals; and to discuss interventions of educational actions about professional practice of the nursing staff. For the methodological approach, we chose qualitative approach, using the design of Convergent Care Research (CCR). Research scenery was an Emergency Room of a level IV hospital in a city at the northeast of Rio Grande do Sul. The instruments used for data collection were: participant observation, individual interview and educational practices workshops. 24 workers from the nursing staff that acted on that unit participated in the study. Deposition analysis resulted in three analysis categories: Unveiling situations of risks in the work context of nursing; Knowledge and practices from the nursing worker about occupational risks and health promotion measures: health education group sharing knowledge and proposing interventions; Nursing workers and occupational risks: interventions based on educational workshops. Results showed that workers knew the risks inherent to the nursing work process, as well as the need of using safety tools. However, this does not ensure safe behavior about risks because the adherence to safety tools is strongly related to the perception that nursing professionals have around their work risks. To analyze the exposition of the nursing staff in relation to their environmental risks is important to articulate promotion and protection actions, as well as educational actions in order to care for the worker. On the conjunct reflection from the workshops, the subjects could list change possibilities, to qualify aspects referred to the safety of the nursing worker, what contributes for the development of a preventive culture. It is important and necessary that permanent educational actions that involve the nursing staff are implemented because the inclusion of social subjects in reflective process enables their awareness and instrumentalization and the learning as a group.
LORO, Marli Maria. Riscos ocupacionais no cenário do trabalho em enfermagem: proposta de prevenção pela convergência da pesquisa e prática educativa. 2014. 176 f. Tese (Doutorado) - Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2014.