Construção e validação de um curso a distância: pilares da gestão do cuidado com os pés das pessoas com diabetes mellitus na atenção primária
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Estudo descritivo exploratório trata-se de uma pesquisa metodológica e de desenvolvimento com produção tecnológica, que objetivou a construção e validação de um curso na modalidade à distância, por meio do ambiente virtual de aprendizagem voltado para os pilares da gestão do cuidado com os pés das pessoas com diabetes mellitus na atenção primária. seguindo as recomendações baseadas nas diretrizes do consenso do pé diabético e no programa step by step, adotamos para sua produção o modelo addie - análise, design, desenvolvimento, implementação e avaliação, na linha do design intrucional (di). o curso foi submetido à validação quanto aos aspectos pedagógicos e técnicos, por 12 especialistas e foi adequado conforme sugestões. o curso tem o potencial de oferecer capacitação aos enfermeiros que atuam na atenção primária da rede pública de saúde, para que eles se conscientizem de que é possível e necessário realizarem as ações de prevenção e detecção precoce das complicações que surgem nos pés das pessoas com diabetes mellitus e assim possam atuar e assumir uma abordagem preventiva, evitando ulceração e amputações.
The distance education may be a viable and possible alternative to professional training in the acquisition of knowledge so they can act early and take their therapeutic and preventive measures in line with the care the feet of people with diabetes mellitus. This study aimed to construct and validate a course in distance mode through the virtual learning environment facing the Pillars of Care Management with the feet of people with Diabetes Mellitus in Primary Care. Descriptive exploratory study it is a methodological and development research with production technology Following recommendations based on the consensus guidelines of the diabetic foot and the Step by Step program. It was adopted the ADDIE model for its production - Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation, in the line of instructional design (ID). The course underwent validation about the pedagogical and technical aspects by 12 experts, and was adapted as recommended. The course has the potential to provide training to nurses working in primary care in public health system. With this training, the nurses are aware that it is possible and necessary to perform prevention and early detection actions of the complications that arise in the feet of people with Diabetes Mellitus in order to act and take a preventive stance avoiding ulcerations and amputations. Keywords:
The distance education may be a viable and possible alternative to professional training in the acquisition of knowledge so they can act early and take their therapeutic and preventive measures in line with the care the feet of people with diabetes mellitus. This study aimed to construct and validate a course in distance mode through the virtual learning environment facing the Pillars of Care Management with the feet of people with Diabetes Mellitus in Primary Care. Descriptive exploratory study it is a methodological and development research with production technology Following recommendations based on the consensus guidelines of the diabetic foot and the Step by Step program. It was adopted the ADDIE model for its production - Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation, in the line of instructional design (ID). The course underwent validation about the pedagogical and technical aspects by 12 experts, and was adapted as recommended. The course has the potential to provide training to nurses working in primary care in public health system. With this training, the nurses are aware that it is possible and necessary to perform prevention and early detection actions of the complications that arise in the feet of people with Diabetes Mellitus in order to act and take a preventive stance avoiding ulcerations and amputations. Keywords:
SANTIAGO, Maria Alice Moreira Torres. Construção e validação de um curso a distancia: pilares da gestão do cuidado com os pés das pessoas com diabetes mellitus na atenção primária. 2015. 222 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, 2015.