Efeito do exercício aeróbico na fase de recuperação da lesão renal aguda induzida por gentamicina em ratos
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Introdução: A gentamicina (G) é um antibiótico muito utilizado para tratar infecções causadas por bactérias Gram-negativas, porém seu efeito colateral principal é a necrose tubular aguda e geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS). A atividade física regular é uma forma não farmacológica para prevenir muitas doenças, como a hipertensão e/ou diabetes. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do exercício aeróbico na fase de recuperação da lesão renal aguda (LRA) induzida pela G em ratos. Métodos: Ratos Wistar machos com 12 semanas de idade foram distribuídos em 4 grupos (n = 6): A10+R30 e G10+R30 receberam água (veículo) ou G (100 mg/kg/dia, ip), respectivamente, durante 10 dias e ambos os grupos permaneceram 30 dias em repouso; A10+EX30 e G10+EX30 receberam água ou G, respectivamente, durante 10 dias e ambos treinaram por 30 dias. O treinamento físico foi realizado em esteira, a 16m/min, 60 min/dia, 5 dias/semana durante 4 semanas. Os ratos foram colocados em gaiolas metabólicas para avaliação individual dos dados metabólicos (diurese, ingestão alimentar e hídrica e massa corporal), análise da função renal (creatinina, ureia, proteinúria), óxido nítrico (NO) e TBARS, em 2 períodos: depois de 10 dias com água ou G e após 30 dias de repouso ou exercício. Os rins foram coletados para dosagem de NO, TBARS, superóxido dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutationa total (GSH) e análise histológica. Resultados: No 10º dia de G, a função renal estava prejudicada, mas foi restaurada após 30 dias de descanso ou exercício sem diferença estatística entre esses grupos. Nos grupos G10+EX30 vs. G10+R30, a síntese de NO estava aumentada no plasma e urina e reduzida no tecido renal; os níveis de TBARS estavam reduzidos no plasma, urina e tecido renal, enquanto que os antioxidantes CAT e GSH estavam aumentados (p<0,05); entre esses dois grupos não houve diferença estatística na análise histológica. Conclusão: O exercício aeróbico restaurou o NO, reduziu as ROS e aumentou a defesa antioxidante, sem prejudicar a recuperação da LRA induzida por G nos animais, sugerindo que o treinamento poderia ser utilizado como uma ferramenta coadjuvante, benéfica no tratamento da nefrotoxicidade, protegendo o rim frente a novas lesões.
Introduction: The gentamicin (G) is an antibiotic used to treat infections caused by Gram negative bacteria, however its main side effect is the acute tubular necrosis and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation. Regular physical activity is an alternative tool to prevent many diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of aerobic exercises on the recovery phase of G induced acute kidney injury (AKI) in rats. Methods: Male Wistar rats, 12 weeks of age, were allocated into 4 groups (n=6); W10+R30 and G10+R30 received distilled water (vehicle) or G (100mg/kg/day i.p.), respectively, for 10 days and remained 30 days at rest; W10+EX30 and G10+EX30 received water or G, respectively, during 10 days and trained for 30 days. Physical training was performed on a treadmill, at 16m/min, 60min/day, 5days/week/4weeks. The rats were placed in metabolic cages to collect blood and 24hr urine for creatinine, urea, proteinuria, nitric oxide (NO) and TBARS in 2 periods: after 10 days of water or G and after 30 days of rest or exercise. The kidneys were collected for NO, TBARS, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione total (GSH) and histological analysis. Results: At 10th day of G, the animals demonstrated renal dysfunction, which was restored after 30 days of rest or exercise, with no difference between the groups G10+R30 and G10+EX30. NO synthesis was significantly increased in the plasma and urine and decreased in the kidney in G10+EX30 vs. G10+R30. TBARS levels were significantly decreased in plasma, urine and kidney and the antioxidants CAT and GSH were significantly increased in G10+EX30 vs. G10+R30. Histological analysis showed a focal loss of brush border and fibrosis, accompanied by lymphocytic infiltrate, involving atrophic tubules in G10+R30 and G10+EX30, with no significant difference between these groups. Conclusion: the aerobic exercise restored NO, reduced the ROS and increased the antioxidant defense, with no change on the recovery phase of G induced AKI in animals, suggesting that training could be utilized as an adjuvant tool, beneficial in the treatment of nephrotoxicity, protecting the kidneys against new insults.
Introduction: The gentamicin (G) is an antibiotic used to treat infections caused by Gram negative bacteria, however its main side effect is the acute tubular necrosis and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation. Regular physical activity is an alternative tool to prevent many diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of aerobic exercises on the recovery phase of G induced acute kidney injury (AKI) in rats. Methods: Male Wistar rats, 12 weeks of age, were allocated into 4 groups (n=6); W10+R30 and G10+R30 received distilled water (vehicle) or G (100mg/kg/day i.p.), respectively, for 10 days and remained 30 days at rest; W10+EX30 and G10+EX30 received water or G, respectively, during 10 days and trained for 30 days. Physical training was performed on a treadmill, at 16m/min, 60min/day, 5days/week/4weeks. The rats were placed in metabolic cages to collect blood and 24hr urine for creatinine, urea, proteinuria, nitric oxide (NO) and TBARS in 2 periods: after 10 days of water or G and after 30 days of rest or exercise. The kidneys were collected for NO, TBARS, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione total (GSH) and histological analysis. Results: At 10th day of G, the animals demonstrated renal dysfunction, which was restored after 30 days of rest or exercise, with no difference between the groups G10+R30 and G10+EX30. NO synthesis was significantly increased in the plasma and urine and decreased in the kidney in G10+EX30 vs. G10+R30. TBARS levels were significantly decreased in plasma, urine and kidney and the antioxidants CAT and GSH were significantly increased in G10+EX30 vs. G10+R30. Histological analysis showed a focal loss of brush border and fibrosis, accompanied by lymphocytic infiltrate, involving atrophic tubules in G10+R30 and G10+EX30, with no significant difference between these groups. Conclusion: the aerobic exercise restored NO, reduced the ROS and increased the antioxidant defense, with no change on the recovery phase of G induced AKI in animals, suggesting that training could be utilized as an adjuvant tool, beneficial in the treatment of nephrotoxicity, protecting the kidneys against new insults.
OLIVEIRA, Clemerson dos Santos. Efeito do exercício aeróbico na fase de recuperação da lesão renal aguda induzida por gentamicina em ratos. 2015. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, 2015.