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- ItemSomente MetadadadosAvaliação do impacto de um curso de capacitação de profissionais da atenção primária na identificação e encaminhamento de crianças e adolescentes com transtorno do espectro autista - estudo piloto(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2014-08-29) Bordini, Daniela [UNIFESP]; Mari, Jair de Jesus Mari [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introdução: Os Transtornos do Espectro Autista (TEA) compreendem um grupo de indivíduos com alterações do neurodesenvolvimento definidas por anormalidades precoces, qualitativas, abrangentes e com diferentes graus de comprometimento em habilidades de interação social recíproca e habilidades na comunicação social, geralmente acompanhados por padrão de comportamento e interesses restritos. O diagnóstico e tratamento precoce são importantes para o melhor prognóstico destes pacientes. Objetivos: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o impacto de um curso de capacitação sobre Transtornos do Espectro Autista (TEA) para pediatras e outros profissionais da atenção primária na região norte da cidade de São Paulo no Brasil. Métodos: O curso foi realizado em cinco encontros semanais, 3 horas cada: 2 horas de palestras ministradas por especialistas em TEA, além de uma hora de discussão de casos e dúvidas. Os participantes, 22 profissionais de unidades básicas de saúde (UBS) da região norte da cidade de São Paulo, foram avaliados antes e após o treinamento através de um questionário estruturado com 13 questões sobre conhecimentos gerais sobre TEA. Além disso responderam questionário de avaliação geral do curso. Resultados: Em geral, houve uma melhora estatisticamente significativa em relação ao conhecimento desses profissionais após o treinamento, em comparação com o conhecimento prévio: média 6,73 x 8,18 (p < 0,01), melhora de 37%. Os resultados também mostraram uma mudança na prática clínica pois durante os 4 meses posteriores ao treinamento, os profissionais treinados encaminharam 6 vezes mais casos suspeitos de TEA para o Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Infanto-Juvenil (CAPSI) local em comparação aos 4 meses anteriores ao treinamento. Além disso, todos os casos suspeitos tinham sintomas clínicos compatíveis com TEA ou eram suficientemente complexos e exigiam uma avaliação especializada para o diagnóstico diferencial. Discussão e Conclusões: o modelo de capacitação proposto, apesar de apresentar limitações (amostra pequena, realizado em apenas uma região de São Paulo, avaliação com questionário próprio), mostrou-se factível, bem aceito e bem avaliado pelos participantes, além de mostrar-se capaz de melhorar o nível de conhecimento dos participantes, assim como sua prática clínica, sensibilizando-os para identificar casos suspeitos de TEA e encaminhá-los para atendimento especializado (CAPSI) para ser mais bem avaliado e tratado adequadamente.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosCompetências da enfermagem em terapia intensiva: construção e proposições para o desenvolvimento profissional(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2013-02-27) Viana, Renata Andrea Pietro Pereira [UNIFESP]; Carmagnani, Maria Isabel Sampaio Carmagnani [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Nowadays with globalization, the demand for healthcare providers with knowledge, versatility and capable of facing the reality of cost-effectiveness, should estimulate them to develop attitudes towards continuous education and they must learn how to learn. In this scenario, the intensive care unit (ICU) nurse has been involved in his daily practice with questions of teaching, research, service, management and policy issues that require ongoing construction of multiple skills. Objective: The aim of this study was to construct a profile of the skills and strategies needed to develop professional nursing care in the ICU, focused on the needs, labor relations, the experiences and demands of a labor market in continous transformation, imposed conditions on nurses in differents hospitals at the intensive care unit. Methods: A qualitative approach was made as a strategy of action research methodology, whose techniques for data collection were developed in two phases. During the first phase, it was done the data collection through one questionnaire answered by nurses who had attended scientific events promoted by the Brazilian Association of Intensive Care. Through this instrument, the researchers were able to know the ICU’s nurses opinion from different regions of the country, about the different skills needed to work in this area and how the development has occurred. In the second phase of this research, the questionnaire answered in the first phase guided the data collection. This phase has occurred by conducting five focal groups meetings, where twelve nurses from public and private hospitals of the city of São Paulo were invited to attend these meetings. This technique was adopted to identify the profile of skills and strategies for its development in the training of nurses. Results: In the exploratory phase 400 questionnaires were distributed but only 295 were validated. It was observed that nurses believe that they should have a dynamic profile, encompassing a constant scientific update. In accord to the abilities, technical knowledge, scientific and leadership were the most prominent. At this phase, it was identified and mapped ten competencies required for intensive care nurses, besides the creation of a plan for the development of individual nurses in the ICU. Conclusion: It was evident that there is a specific profile both in training and in personal aspects to work in intensive care, due the specific characteristics that involve the sector. It was also shown that the development of expertise by these workers occur in routine situations, from which they build skills, which is not the result of a cumulative and mechanical processes. For this, it is necessary to consider the entire context in which the professional is inserted, for instance his life and his work. With the data obtained, it is expected to formulate a training program for nurses in intensive care units, departing from the desired professional profile and planned to occur in a permanet way. Such program must value the search for integral care of critical patient and, considerate previous education of the professionals, stimulating participative, critical and reflexive acitivities.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Enfermeiro: o simbólico da imprescindibilidade da formação de ser educador na prática da gestão assistencial(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-06-30) Melaragno, Ana Lygia Pires [UNIFESP]; Tanaka, Luiza Hiromi [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This study was conducted with nine nurses who were undergraduates from a public university of São Paulo and worked in the same city in an institution specialized in pediatric oncology. The aim was to understand the meaning of being an educator and the relationship with the daily work and training through the perspective of these nurses. It is an exploratory study of qualitative approach, using Symbolic Interactionism as the theoretical and methodological framework. The data from the interviews were analyzed using the steps of Grounded Theory, which allowed the identification of the conceptual category "Nurse: the symbolic of the indispensability of training to be an educator in the practice of health care management?. Six selective categories have been identified: Forming a nurse educator; Being a nurse educator; Dedicating to be a nurse educator; Understanding educational activities; Identifying nursing, staff and institution models; Experiencing feelings of being a nurse educator. The development of being a nurse educator for the undergraduates during their education meant interacting with the users of basic care. On the subject of Collective Health Care, they apprehended the importance of the guidance that was given, which was essential to develop this practice in other stages. On the hospital care area, they realized that nurses needed to interact with the patients and their relatives, primarily with the pediatric population. The symbolic of being an educator was to exercise clinical reasoning, in which the full knowledge of the disease is indispensable. The training for the education of the nursing staff was perceived as a task of the internship in the Discipline of Nursing Administration, despite the importance verified on their performance. They value the educational institution and the rearguard of a university hospital regarded as a differentiator for their training. Being a nurse educator in the researched institution is a cause for satisfaction and the feeling of serving as a reference for the patient, their family and the staff. The educational activities developed by the undergraduates consisted of guidelines on nursing care, self-care, home care and interdisciplinary interaction. The study demonstrates that nurses need to develop educational skills since before graduation in order to feel more confident in operation, mainly in specialized institutions.